Another Chance for the Luna Queen

My Prince 301

Ella POV

1426 BONUS,

I couldn't tell if Alexander was just humoring me or if he truly believed what I was saying, but he seemed so intently focused on my words-so genuinely curious- that I did my best to answer all his questions and hoped he wasn't just teasing


When I mentioned the blonde woman, he looked shocked. Sad. But I didn't want to dwell on that right now. I could ask him for more details later, after he'd had time to process everything.

He said he needed time to think about all of this, and that was completely fair. It was a lot to expect him to accept -that something like this was even possible.

"So, I really lost to David," Alexander said again, taking another drink of hits whiskey. "I'm disappointed in my alternate-universe self."

"I'm not sure about alternate universe," I said, "but you shouldn't be disappointed. Now we know that David had a whole team of powerful criminals behind him. If not for that, he wouldn't have won."

"It seems to me that he won because of you," Alexander said, smirking slightly. "The only difference in this timeline is that you saw through him and chose to help me instead. Look at how his whole world is falling apart because of that one simple change."

"I don't know if it's really that simple," I said softly, feeling my face heat slightly.

"You don't give yourself enough credit," Alexander said. "I know the campaign hasn't truly begun yet, but I'm confident that without your assistance, my path would be much more difficult."

"That's nice of you to say," I muttered.

"It's the truth," Alexander replied.

I swirled my drink and took a slow sip. I knew what he was saying was technically

true-the only reason this timeline hadn't played out exactly the same was

because of me. But it still felt arrogant to take so much credit.

Still, Alexander acknowledging how hard I had worked for this

That meant a lot.

"How much time, Alexander?" he asked suddenly.

"What?" I looked at him in confusion.

"How much time are you reliving? How far in the past did you travel?"

I wrinkled my brow, realizing I hadn't actually done the math up to this point.

"A couple of years," I said uncertainly. "Three or four, I believe."

"I see," Alexander murmured. "So that's why you seem so much more mature. So

different. The change seemed quite sudden to me."

I laughed. "It has been strange, pretending to still be that naive girl after

everything I had been through in the original timeline."

I can only imagine," Alexander said. "How did you manage to get a second chance?"

"What do you mean by that?"

Chapter Out

"Did you consult with a magician? A witch?" he asked. "Hey did your second chance begin?"

1 stared at him as an image flashed through my mind-Amanda's laughing face. The bitter taste of poison on my tongue. The pain in my chest as I collapsed to the ground, struggling for breath.

Tears sprang to my eyes immediately. I turned away, trying to hide them. A warm hand grasped mine.

"I'm sorry," Alexander said softly. "Have I said something wrong?"

"No," I managed to choke out. "It's just... an unpleasant memory." I swallowed hard. "I don't know why I was given a second chance. As I said before, I didn't ask for it. It just... happened after-


I was too choked by tears to continue for a moment. Alexander held my hand, his other rubbing soothing circles along my back as he waited for me to regain my composure

I remembered the way David had looked at me as he ordered my death-not just mine, but my entire family's. He had been so cold, so hateful. And in that moment, I had still loved him. I had even been willing to forgive him for getting Amanda pregnant.

I had been such a pathetic fool.

The thought of admitting all of this to Alexander was beyond embarrassing, but I had resolved to confess everything. I had to say it.

"My second chance began after David and Amanda murdered me," I said softly.

The moment the words left my mouth, my emotions steadied.

No one in the world had known what they had done to me. I had carried that weight, that anger, alone.

But now, at least one other person would know why I wanted to hurt David back. "Murdered you?" Alexander repeated, disbelief evident in his tone.

I nodded but couldn't bring myself to say the words again.

Suddenly, I was enveloped in Alexander's warm embrace, his strong arms holding me up at the moment I felt my weakest. I leaned heavily against him, grateful for the comfort he offered, grateful that he believed me.

I allowed myself to cry-to grieve the life that had been stolen from me and all the choices I had made that had led me to that fate.

Everything since my second chance began had been so rushed, so urgent. I hadn't had time to truly process what I had experienced. And I knew I still couldn't fully process it now.

But at least I had this moment.

"I can't imagine how hard it was for you to tell me all of this," Alexander said gently when I finally pulled away from his arms. I took another tissue to clean my face and averted my gaze, feeling incredibly embarrassed.

"I'm only glad you listened," I said.

"Of course," Alexander replied. "So much more makes sense now-the way David behaved, the way you acted when our agreement first began. You were so angry. I thought it was strange, but if they really did that to you..." "They did," I said earnestly. "David got Amanda pregnant and ordered me killed so he could make her queen and their child would be a legitimate heir. Then he left while Amanda poisoned me, mocking me as I died. They're dangerous, Alexander-more than you know. This isn't over yet. David being arrested is a blessing, but there's no


telling what Amanda is capable of."

"I agree," he said. "Our work isn't done yet. But I think we should get some rest.

So much has happened over the last few days, and there's a lot we need to process and come to terms with." He hesitated, his voice softer when he continued. “Not just regarding this. Since your wolf awoke know we both feel the change between us."

"The pull,” I murmured. "Yes, I feel it."

It would be pointless to deny it now that Alexander had admitted he felt it too. We were fated to be together, and yet... this was how we found each other..

It was sad in a way.

"It'll take some getting used to," he said. "The feelings are intense at times."

"It shouldn't change anything," I said seriously. "What we have to accomplish remains the same. We can't let emotions get in the way."

Alexander stared at me silently. There was a clouded look in his eyes, but he didn't say a word.

He picked up his glass of whiskey and swallowed it down, then stood and walked into the kitchen.

I worried that my words had offended him, but I meant them. Nothing else could get in the way of dealing with David and Amanda. There was too much at risk for me to get distracted now.

Recounting it all to Alexander only strengthened my resolve. My happiness didn't matter. All that mattered was that we stopped them for good.

Alexander Pay

"It shouldn't change anything."

I thought of Ella's words bitterly as I made my way down to the office. It wasn't

fair for me to feel bitter about this

Ella was right the fact that we felt the pull shouldn't change anything between us.

I had already come to terms with the fact that I cared about her.

I thought she cared for me too.

Maybe I had overestimated myself.

Of course, now that I knew the truth about her, it made sense. Ella was avenging

her own death-and the death of her father. She was angry, hurt, and determined.

Once again, I found myself admiring her.

If I were in her position, I doubted I could have been so calculated. My anger

would have gotten the better of me. I would have acted rashly, violently. But not


She formulated a plan and executed it flawlessly. Falling apart now, when we were so close, would be foolish. That didn't mean her words didn't sting.

Then there was the blonde woman she had mentioned. A scandal that ruined me. It could only be Sabrina. Supermodel good looks and the power to destroy my life-no other woman fit that description.

I thought I had learned my lesson from her, but it seemed I had repeated my mistakes with Ella. I let myself fall for her, and now I was caught between my heart and my logical mind.

I knew what I should do in response to all of this.

I should have Ella committed, rid myself of our false marriage in cruel. It was

essentially a get-out-of-jail-free card-if I was cold been.

that made me look pitiable rather than a way

enough to use it. And maybe, once, I would have

But now?

I wasn't.

Ella had changed me more than she could possibly know.

I only hoped it was for the better.

August was already waiting in my office when I arrived.

Today was the day we finally announced the plans for the solar farm. Ella's father

had been working hard, meeting with Derrick Lake and other officials in the areanoveldrama

to ensure that everyone was on board with the project.

It would generate a lot of money and good publicity at a time when many desperately needed it.

I couldn't afford to mess up the announcement just because my head was swimming with everything I had just learned. I had to hold myself together and put on a good front.

Having August working in the background would help. I knew I could trust him to handle things behind the scenes so that I could face the moment at hand.

Augar é sad the moment I walked in, its expression need with concern of course,

he could mad it is ny

"Everymning & fit? I said "I'm

* fine? I said, “I'm ready to head to the press conference, but I need you to take care of something for me in the ineantime,

"Of course. The concern in his face was quickly replaced be determination.

"I need you to be as discreet as possible," I said firmly. "No one can get wind of

this. Not a soul. Is that clear?" "Absolutely, sir," August said without hesitation.

"You know you can trust my discretion."

"I need you to look into Ella's background."

His eyes widened slightly. He hesitated for only a moment before asking, "Has something happened? Surely, the background check we did before your arrangement was confirmed would have revealed any "

"Medical history. School records. Everything," I interrupted. "I need to know if

there's even a hint of any issue in her past that could have been covered up. Something our initial research may have missed."

The emotions flickering across August's face were unmistakable. He was my advisor, my best friend-normally a master of maintaining a stoic front-but right

now, I saw it clearly.


And a hint of smugness.

He was dying to say, I told you so.

Today's Bonus Offer

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