Bound In Secrets : A Death Kings Novel

Unknown & Nate


I don't understand why I was sent on the bullshit assignment for Prez Viper. Why couldn't he just call his granddaughter to pick up her old man from the pen? I have nothing against Nate. I like the man. He is a good man who raised his daughter on his own. Couldn't have been easy being the treasure for his old man's MC and taking care of a little girl. Not that I understood it much.

I was eighteen when I joined the club and Nate's little girl was ten; I think? I've had to work my way up the rankings and now I'm the Sargent-At-Arms. I scoff at that thought. I'm more like a glorified executioner. Not that I'm complaining. I'm good at my job and enjoy the bloodshed. I'm off my rocker, but what can say? I was made this way. Being locked in a closet because you have the devil in you is bound to screw you up. Screw me up, as the case may be. Guess my mother was right. I must have the devil in me to enjoy my life.

However, I do not enjoy waiting for Nathanial Hughes to be released in my battered single-cab 1970s model truck. I don't care about spending too much time with myself. I don't like myself on good with thoughts that dwell in my head. Nate must have some high connections for the charges to be dropped against him. Charges like assault, battery, and attempted murder of a police officer. I might need those connections in the future, so maybe I should attempt to get to know the old man.

"Who d'ya piss off, kid, to be sent here to pick me up?" Nate asks, strolling out with a silver beard and gray at the temples of his brown hair.

"Who d'ya think? El Presidente of course. I might have gotten carried away and accidentally killed someone I was supposed to scare into singing like a canary." I reply to him with a grin, letting the smoke from my cigarette travel in the wind as I speak.

"Give me one of those. I haven't smoked since I went in," Nate says. I hand him the pack and a lighter.

"You quit these cancer sticks, so why have one?" I ask curiously. I don't give a shit. It's his body he's poisoning.

"Too old to want to change now, kid," he replies.

I hum under my breath to him. We smoke in silence in the parking lot.

When we are done, we get my truck. "So why not have your little girl come pick you up?"

"I want to surprise her. Plus, I have a stop to make, which is why I requested you. The moment I get back, I'm getting voted in as president. First, I have a loose end to tie up."

I chuckle. "You are an old dog who can't change. The cop who tried to put you away?" I can put the pieces together where we are headed first.

"He is crooked and depraved as they come, kid. I need to finish what I started before the Death Kings interfere."

"The Death Kings? Why would they care?" As far as I know, other than President Viper being married to Gator King's mother, there was no other connection to the Death Kings.

"Family," is his succinct reply. That doesn't tell me jack-shit. I'm going to go with him on this adventure regardless, but only because I am jonesing for mayhem tonight.

The guy we are visiting lives alone. His wife left with kids almost four years ago, from what Nate told me.

Nate has some solid gold cojones for knocking on the door of his accuser. I'll give him that. What makes me go on high alert is the man is sweaty, pulling up his shorts as if we interrupted him in the middle of sex.

Nate pushes the door wide, and I see a kid on the couch naked and curled up in the fetal position with cum dripping down out of his hole. I doubt he was over eighteen, and it was obvious he was on drugs. Bile creeps up my throat at what I can recognize is happening.

I hear nothing other than blood thrumming in my ears. I kneel, looking at the kid with his fiery red hair plastered to his face. He flinches at the sound of my voice as I speak in a hushed tone. "Hey. It's okay. I will not touch you. All I want to know is, were you consenting? Did you want what happened to you? Do you know where you are?"

"I-I-I j-just w-want t-to leave," he stutters, with tears flowing down his cheeks. "I-I-It h-hurts," he sniffles and then chokes on a sob. "I-I-didn't w-want t-this m-my u-uncle f-forces m-me to d-do t-this. I-I-have t-t-to or h-he m-might r-rape m- my b-brother l-like h-he d-does m-me."

This kid's stutter is horrible and made worse by his trembling body and chattering teeth. His pupils are so wide it's difficult to tell what color his eyes are. He would be a pretty kid if I were to barely legal boys. "What's your name?" I ask him.noveldrama

"A-Ash," he answers.

"Well Ash, how about you go get that truck outside," I suggest, pulling off my t-shirt and handing it to him. "Put this one so you're covered. We will take you where you need to go. Okay?"

He wipes his eyes and nods. He sits up to pull the shirt over his head, which swallows his lean body. "How old are you?"

"Sixteen," he croaks in a trembling voice, but it's clearer, a bit more fortified.

I nod but don't say a word. I'm barely in control of my fury. "My friend Nate, I will be right out. He is going to die for this, Ash. This and whatever other sins he has committed."

I can see relief in the kid's eyes. I will teach this kid how to defend himself and how to kill the next person to touch him without his consent.

As soon as the kid closes the door, I rip the fat sweaty fucker's dick off with my knife. As he screams, Nate laughs. I knew I liked the guy. I think we will be friends from here on out.

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