Claimed by the Bikers A Menage

Chapter 48

Baby you were stressed enough. And I didn’t take her serious. I guess that was my mistake.” Ice replied.

“Don’t ever keep anything like that from me ever again. We’re supposed to be in this relationship together, and if it affects one, it affects both.” Kim replied.

“Never again, you have my word.” Ice assured her.

“Fine. Then I guess my answer is yes.” Kim replied.

“When?” Ice asked.

“We can go to the courthouse. But we won’t be able to do a honeymoon now.” Kim replied.

“How about a short one? Say we go to the courthouse and leave Thursday morning and come back Sunday night?” Ice asked.

“I can try to reschedule some of my appointments, and maybe stay open later that Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. If I can get everyone in those three days then I can take off Thursday through Sunday.” Kim replied.

“So next week?” Ice asked.

“The week after. I’ll try to get more in this week too, so I’m not rushing before we leave.” Kim replied.

“When do you go to the doctor?” Ice asked.

“I still have to call them. I just took the test yesterday and the office doesn’t open until 10am.” Kim explained.

“Well, when you go, I want to go with you ok?” Ice asked.noveldrama

“Of course. It’s your baby too.” Kim replied.

Kim called the doctor office and was able to get an appointment for a few days later due to a cancellation. They also scheduled to remove her IUD.

“And how are you feeling?” Doctor Jennings asked.

“Tired, nauseous, moody, but other than that fine.” Kim laughed.

“Ah yes. Well unfortunately that is all very normal. Your blood work was good. So, let’s take a look and see what we have.” Doctor smiled.

He got a long wand out, squirted some gel on the end then put a condom over it. He then secured it with a rubber band. Ice stared at him.

“What the hell are you doing with that thing?” Ice demanded.

“This is a vaginal sonogram. Due to the probability of it being early, it’s most likely the only one that will pick up your baby. Generally, before 8 weeks you can’t pick the baby up through the belly.” Doc explained.

“Jared it’s ok. He’s a professional. He does this all the time.” Kim explained.

“Well, I don’t like it!” Ice retorted.

“Go ahead Doctor. He’ll behave.” Kim assured him.

“Ok. Let’s take a look. Right there, that is the sac, and that little blob in there is your baby. Let me take some measurements and then we’ll look for the heartbeat. It may be too early. Sometimes it’s eight weeks before you can hear it. So, if we don’t, just don’t worry.” Doc explained.

“Ok.” Kim replied.

“The measurements show you right about seven weeks. I’m sure next time we’ll be able to hear the heartbeat. Right now, it’s just a little early. I want to see you back in 2 weeks just recheck the measurements and the heartbeat. Don’t worry, this is just standard procedure. So, don’t stress about it.” He explained.

He printed off a couple pictures and gave them to Kim.

“What about her work? She stands on her feet and sometimes works 10 to 12 hours a day, six days a week.” Ice explained.

“I would cut back to 8 hours. The first 12 weeks are the most delicate. And the last 4.” Doc explained.

“See the lab for your repeat blood work. I want to check your HCG levels and progesterone too since this is your first pregnancy. But I assure you this is normal for women who are pregnant for the first time.” Doc assured them.

Kim got her appointment to get her blood work done, and the appointment for the doctor and then they left. She was very quiet on the ride to the salon. Ice could tell she was worried. He grabbed her hand and kissed it. Then he pressed it against his heart.

“Everything is fine baby. Don’t worry.” Ice soothed her.

“I hope you’re right. At first, I was scared to death to be pregnant. I mean, there’s so much going on with the Salon. But now I’m scared for a different reason. Now I’m scared I’m going to lose our baby.” Kim cried.

“None of that talk, you hear me?” Ice demanded.

“Ok.” Kim agreed.

“Why don’t we interview some more people? You can sit in my office and even take my chair. It has to be done, and it’s a good break for you from being on your feet, and hopefully take your mind off the doctor visit.” Ice explained.

“Well, I have two appointments I need to do first. But go ahead and call them in for the interviews and then I’ll join you when they come in.” Kim explained.

“Ok. And we need to work on your schedule too.” Ice reminded her.

“I was thinking. Since all this came up, maybe we should wait on the honeymoon. Since I’ve got to cut back my hours, I don’t know how I can reschedule everyone. I can’t rework my schedule.” Kim replied.

“Look, how about we run a promotion. Offer all your customers for the next two weeks 35% off any service if they try one of your other stylists. They don’t have to stay with them, just give them a try. You can match them with whichever stylist you think would work best with them.” Ice explained.

“I guess it’s worth a try.” Kim agreed.

“We are going on the honeymoon. I’m sure if that doesn’t work, your clients will understand. But baby you need to quit stressing over all of this. It’s bad for you and the baby, remember?” Ice asked.

“Yeah.” Kim agreed.

“Besides, having too much business is a good problem to have. It’s great so don’t worry. I got you. Always and forever.” Ice replied.

“Shit, I just sounded like a damn greeting card, didn’t I? What are you doing to me woman?” Ice groaned.

“Don’t worry. Your secret is safe with me.” Kim smiled.

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