Crash-landed On An Island With Nine Beauties

Chapter 123

Suddenly, there came a pressure on Damien's neck. At first he thought it was a hand but the force seemed harder than what a human hand could do. Damien thought he was dreaming. After all he was lying in bed, it was just seven in the morning.

When he opened his eyes to the hand strangling him, choking him close to death, he saw a man on him.

He couldn't tell the face of the man at once. The man had a mask on and didn't look like someone urban.

Damien didn't have time to ask questions or give answers to the basic questions like, who the fuck is that? Why was he doing that?

All he could think of was getting that bastard off his body else he would be strangled to death.

He held unto both hands of the man which was throttling him. He wanted to yank the hands off but the fellow seemed unusually strong.

Even if he wanted to call out the super power, he couldn't. How could he make his words when the larynx was in jeopardy!

He curled one of his knees up and kicked the man in the balls but the man didn't shake, let alone get off.

The struggle was real. Damien was shaking all his frame to get away from the ruthless hold. He didn't need to be told, whoever that was wanted him dead.

When the pressure on his neck got too strong that he was beginning to gasp for breath, having difficulty to maintain his breathing pace, his eyes glowed. When his eyes glowed, a strange current coursed through his body. And at that moment, he became more powerful.

He slowly and forcefully removed the hands of the man from his neck. Then kicked the man away from on top him.

Cough. Cough.

He needed time to get a hold of himself but he figured that he didn't have that. The man who had just been kicked away from him was already on his feet again, charging.

Damien jumped up and was now standing on the king sized bed.


He called,

[Ping! Activating the superpower.]

That family surge coursed through his spines and he knew that he was now a monster.

"You crazy bastard!!!"

He met the man in the air and throttled him, pushing him towards the nearest wall till he pinned the man to a wall.

Damien could now tell what the man looked like. The man had a black mask on which had no space for his eyes. The only hole in the mask was at the nose region. And from their came black fog.

"Who the fuck are you? Who sent you?"

Damien's eyes and face were all red in rage. But as much as he wanted to get this over with, he wanted to know who the fuck sent the man. As far as he could remember, the few days he'd spent in the urban world, he had tried to be kind. Why the fuck would someone do that to him?

While Damien was caught up between the claws of unwanted thoughts and bothers, the man put up one of his hands and out of it came a small round metal plate with sharp edges.

The man slapped the plate on Damien's chest, pressing it ruthlessly until it cut through the chest of Damien. "Argggh!!!!"

Even though Damien couldn't feel the pain, he yelled in the fiercest anger you could ever think of.

At once, he let go of the neck of the man and grabbed the head. He put great pressure on the head of the man which was between his two palms. He began to hit the head of the man against the wall. Over and over and over again. Yelling in rage.

He could hear the squishing and pulps the head of the man was making. He could even see the black fluid coming out of the nose region of the man. Yet, Damien hadn't had enough yet.

He stopped hitting the man's head against the wall... he pressed his palms together on the man's head putting a very great pressure, like you do when you want to squash an egg.

And in the blink of an eye the head of the man bursted open, squashed to mess.

Having had enough, he dropped the corpse and let it slid down the wall to the floor of the luxurious hotel room.

Damien staggered to his back and sat on the edge of the bed. The superpower was still coursing through his body. He still had several moments to go before the power would wane out.

He couldn't help but think about what had just happened.

"I can't even sleep in peace right now? Even in my sleep?"

He whined. It was hard for him to come to a conclusion no matter how hard he tried to. He stood up suddenly and walked to the corpse. "Enough whining."

He made up his mind. He squatted by the corpse, then noticed something eating through his flesh.

"What's this?"

He pulled out the metal plate which had almost disappeared into his body. The plate was whirring. But when he held it, it stopped.

"A sharp rolling blade came out of his hand... he doesn't seem like a human."

He tossed the blade to a place where he could reach to it whenever he needed it again.

He made to remove the mask of the man. When he did, he threw his face to the side.

"Shit... why does he smell like microwaved shit?"

He looked back slowly to the head of the man which now looked like a pounded pulp. He couldn't tell for sure what the face of the man would had looked like.

"Arggh... fuck!!!"

He kicked the corpse to the side and it went crashing into the wardrobe in the far corner of the room.

He went to seat back on the bed.

"Who the fuck sent that bastard?"

He was about to flip the system window out when suddenly there came a collision behind him.

Before he could jump up and spun around, his instinct had kicked in and he was already taking the position which he had in mind;

The door of the hotel room had been broken open. And walking through the door were about twenty men who looked exactly like the one he had just killed.

"I'd be damned."

His jaws dropped.

"Where the hell did they come from?"

The strange men assembled themselves before him, making a long file across the room.

"Oh shit..."

Damien watched them reach out their hands slowly. And out of their hands, both hands, came out the whirring plates of doom.

"Who are you? What do you want from ---"

Words were too much. The men pushed the plate towards him and charged at him point in time.

It was pretty hard for Damien to choose which to do first; break all the plates or fight the men.

"Bring it on then y'all bastards!!!"

He yelled and met them.

The first one whom he met in the air, he planted a super heavy punch in his face and his hand came out on the other side. That one dropped dead!

While he ran around trying to kill as

many of the men as possible, the balls ate through his body. Since he couldn't feel the pain, he didn't worry much about them. Even if he wanted to pluck the plates off his body, the men didn't give him a breathing space. He had no other choice.

"You turd..."

He cussed when one of the men slid on his knees, grabbing both thighs of Damien, ready to dislocate his bones.

Damien made a 360 turn, hurling the man in another direction. He grabbed another and wrung the neck off the fellow's neck.

He went on trying to kill as many of

them as possible. But these strange men had special abilities. There was a weird movement which they all made which left Damien

confounded for a moment

When next Damien knew what was happening, he felt a great force on himself and down he went. All the eighteen men fell on him, pinning him down.

Though the men uttered no words, but when the men remained on him for a while, he noticed that something was leaving his body. He couldn't tell what that was. But he could feel that whatever they were doing was beginning to tear his organs apart. He couldn't just lie there idly.


He yelled and up he went, the lot thrown into every corners of the room. He was back on his feet.

"Exchange one system for a new door of this hotel room."


"Exchange another system gem for a soundproof wall."


[Ping ---

[Ping ---

"Die y'all bastards..."

He went this time with the highest order of rage, breaking bones, snapping heads, squashing bodies and letting none of them live.

He leapt into the air and grabbed the legs of the last man. In the air, he tore the legs, ripping them through the stomach up to the head... till the body made two vertical halves.


He yelled so loudly that he farted when his soles made contact with the floor.

He looked down at his body, he couldn't find the sharp plates, but he could see the holes they left in his body... large and disgusting pores. He could feel them ripping his body apart.

He groaned in pain, but tottered towards one of the nearest heads which he plucked off... he removed the mask to reveal the face behind it.

The head looked burnt with red stripes.


He couldn't complete the words. He dropped on his knees in pain. The pain was becoming unbearable.

He slowly pushed up back, no matter how painful it was. Slowly, he stretched his arms widely...


Since there was no one to answer his question, he stretched his arms the best way he could...



As though they could hear his words, the plates popped out of his body into the air. When they dropped on the floor they melted away.


Damien wanted to reach out to take one... even the one he kept earlier had melted away...

He dropped on his back, he was took weak. He could feel his body powering down.

"I wish I could get past this stage."

He said weakly, lying on his back... blood smearing the floor.

"System medic..."

He called....

"Who the f-fuck w-were those bastards..."

[Ping! The Viakhus are one of the myriads of predators who would come searching for the host until they reclaim the system.]

[Ping! Every system medic experience would come with an update of fortification. Causing less pain to the host.]

[Ping! System notification: Nether superpowers would increase its retention when the host....] Damien was willing to hear the rest, but the system medic had kicked in... putting every of his body organs to rest. He laid there while the system cleaning functions took care of the mess in the room...

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