Crossing Paths With The White Wolf

Chapter 67



I watched wonder and emotion seep into Kassie's eyes. It had been a pain in the a*s to get it set up. I had paid more than the machines cost to get them here on time and owed Evergreen and Elias a favour for helping me set it up, but it was all worth it to experience the sunrise with her. She was entranced by the sunrise while I was entranced by her face. The way the projector light beamed down, casting shadows on her delicate features. The way her violet eyes looked amethyst as the yellow lights from the projected sunrise illuminated them. Kassie has always been beautiful, but right now, she looked right down ethereal. A goddess in her own right.

I guided her down to the nest I'd made for us as we watched the sun pull up into the sky. She seemed fascinated by the yellow ball in the sky the rest of us had always taken for granted. She seemed to finally come back to me around 7 am. I was lying on the pillows watching her as she sat watching the beach. I could have laid there forever. When she finally looked down at me, my breath caught in my chest. I couldn't believe I fought against the love that was so clear in her eyes. How did I not notice it? It's the question that had plagued me since that day at the airport. How stupid was I to never notice how she looked at me? She had never hidden from me. Every attempt she made to talk to me was like a punch in the gut now. I would spend the rest of my life regretting not having her in my arms a whole week sooner. I would spend the rest of my life thankful for how easily she forgave me. I should have been made to grovel and sleep at her door for years and yet she'd welcomed me in her arms instead.

"Did you like your surprise?" I asked. She smiled coyly and laid down next to me.

"That was the most awe-inspiring thing I've ever seen in my life. How do you not spend every morning watching the sunrise?"

"I have better things to look at," I smirked as I traced circles along her shoulder.

"So, are we staying here all day?" She asked as she wrapped her arms around my waist.

"The sun is up. We're stuck here for the next 9 hours."

"Oh yes, and what would you like to do for the next 9 hours?"

"Well it is technically time to sleep for you and waaaayyyy past my bedtime." I told her, pulling the blanket over us. She chuckled and cuddled closer.

"You're right, good night." She said as she closed her eyes. I chuckled and buried my face in her neck. I loved her scent and the way she shivered when I exhaled on her skin. She pushed me to my back and unbuttoned my shirt. It was my turn to shiver as she pushed the fabric apart and ran her nails lightly down to my belt. She pulled my pants off and I could feel my blood pumping to my c**k in anticipation. She looked at the tent in my boxer briefs and licked her lips. Then she removed her jeans. I held my breath as she dropped back to her knees...then she laid back down at my side.

You had to go and tease her. Now look at us. - Dario pouted.

Like you could do better. - I countered.

Well, I wouldn't have told her we should go to bed! He insisted

Arguing right now is not helping. She's going to fall asleep. How about you shut it and let me do my thing. - I argued.

Your "thing" is not working. We've spent more time cuddling over the last week when we should be worshipping her every day. You're doing it wrong. - He insisted.

We have 200 years of baggage you d**k. I'm trying to take it slow. Stop thinking with your d**k. We have forever together. I'm trying to do this right. - I said, wondering why I was spending time arguing with him instead of trying to seduce our mate. You're just going to make her think you don't want her. She's initiated almost every s****l encounter this week. If she gets upset with us, I'm going to make you regret it. - He growled.

I'm going at her pace! And how exactly are you planning on doing that? You going to come out of my head and fight me? - I taunted him.

I didn't expect him to take control and push my arm and I don't think he expected me not to resist. My arm went flying and landed on top of Kassie's back with a whack. We both froze as she yelped and sat up.

Now what? What the f**k am I going to tell her? - I growled. Dario tucked his tail between his legs and whimpered.

"What the hell Gonzalo?" Kassie said. She looked pissed and hurt.

"Dario did it," I quickly answered.

Dude, what the f**k? You haven't even let me meet her yet and you've already thrown me under the bus. Not cool - Dario barked at me.

It's the fucken truth. I defended myself.

Take one for the team. f**k. - He said annoyed.

"Why did Dario want to hit me? Doesn't he accept me? Does he hate me because I don't have a wolf?" The hurt in her voice told me that this isn't the first time she's had this thought. f**k. Way to go a*****e, I thought. YOU'RE MAKING THINGS WORSE. LET ME TALK TO HER. - He growled as he tried to push forward.

Wait, f**k. You're the one telling us to wait to mark her. Let me deal with this. One person at a time.- I said as I fought him for control.

"Of course, he accepts you. I told you he was the one fighting me not to reject you. Why would you think he doesn't want you because you don't have a wolf?" I asked gently.

She looked down at her hands, "Everything I've ever known about wolves said that their wolves usually go crazy with need to mark their mates. Adrien was marked days ago. You haven't even tried or brought it up." Let me talk to her please. I can explain. - Dario said more calmly.

"He wants to talk to you. Will that be OK?" I asked her. Her eyes widened and she bit her lips nervously before she nodded.

Alright Dario, you're up. Time to meet your mate. - I said.

Why did you have to say it like that? Now I'm nervous. - He said as he started pacing.

You keep saying you can do it better. Now's your chance. - I reminded him.

This is the first time you let me forward to talk to her. A pep talk would have been nice. - He grumbled.

Don't f**k it up? - I said unhelpfully.

You changed man. You used to be nicer. - He begrudged me.

You started it! You have been telling me I'm doing everything wrong since we got back from the airport! - I said indignantly. His constant criticism never did anything but make me nervous.

I was trying to help! He barked back.

I laughed out loud and Kassie c****d her head and I could tell she was trying not to laugh at me. "One Sec. He's a little nervous." I told her and she smiled.

Great. Way to make it awkward. You're really talking me up there. First, I'm a d**k that hits his mate, then I ask to talk to her and don't come forward because I'm nervous. Why don't you just neuter me right now? - He said as he laid down and put his paws over his head.

I sighed, realizing this was a big deal for both of them.

She is going to love you. You are her mate. Just be yourself. I'll be right here with you. You have all my memories. You know she is amazing and she will listen to what you have to say. Ready? - I said gently.

He paced in my head a few times before he sat down and nodded at me. I kissed Kassie on the lips and smiled at her before I let Dario come forward. We've never flipped consciousness in human form, so this was as new to me as it was to him. Kassie's eyes widened. "Dario?" she asked shyly.

"My beautiful princess," Dario purred. His voice came out deeper than mine.

"Hi," she smiled at us. Him. f**k. It was hard to watch from the back. I got a new appreciation for Dario always being stuck in the back. I made a mental note to let him forward more often. He had a right to spend time with our mate. "You wanted to talk to me?" "Hmm, that and other things" Dario said as he put a hand on her face. Kassie closed her eyes as he leaned over and kissed her. It was sweet and tender and I felt her sweet sigh in every corner of my soul. He put his forehead on hers. "Why does my princess think I wouldn't want her when I would walk to the very depths of hell to find her? When I've already fought tooth and nail against my human's hard-headedness to be with you?"

Hey! - I complained.

Kassie laughed and put her head in the crook of our neck. She stayed there for a minute before she pulled back with a more serious face and she asked "Then why won't you mark me?"

Dario sighed and I held my breath. I had been asking him the same question and he would just tell me it wasn't time. "I don't know. Kara said I needed to wait until the full moon. That it would help you."

When did Kara reach out? Have you been holding out on me? - I asked and of course he ignored me.

"Kara? Luna Celeste's wolf? Why would she care if you marked me?" Kassie said and I detected a hint of jealousy in her tone.

"Kara is Selene's favorite wolf. She has a direct connection to her. She and Celeste's gift of foresight have helped us along our journey. We can trust her, princess." Dario buried his face and licked her marking spot. "You have no idea how hard it is to hold myself back from marking you. How hard it is for both of us to keep from binding you to us for life. I have to fight every base instinct in me not to do it, but if it's for you, I would wait forever."

"She wouldn't tell you more?" Kassie answered softly as Dario laid her down on the bed of pillows.

Dario shook his head, "We've learned to listen to Selene without asking. She's only allowed to give us so much guidance and she's never stirred us wrong."

"So are you really OK that I don't have a wolf?" she asked timidly.

"You are more than enough. More than we could have asked for." He said, bringing tears to Kassie's eyes. Alright, I had to give it to him. The old wolf was smooth.

Told you He taunted.

Yeah, yeah. I rolled my eyes.

"Sleep my princess. We will never leave you." he said as he caressed her hair. Kassie slowly fell asleep in our arms and we continued to stare at her until we were sure she was in a deep sleep. Dario finally retreated and I came forward.

Now you understand why I don't hump her the first chance we get? - I asked him.

Yeah yeah. He rolled his eyes as he laid down to sleep.

I fell asleep but woke up before Kassie did. I dragged my fingers down her arm softly, liking the way it would explode in gooseflesh. I stayed there watching her sleep for 20 minutes before I saw her sleepy eyes flutter open and meet mine. The soft smile of recognition always made my heart swell. "Good morning," she said.

"Mmm, good morning mi muñequita con labios de rubi (my petite doll with ruby lips)," I whispered as I bent down to kiss her nose. Her eyes teared up when she heard the nickname I'd given her so long ago. I was preparing to duck down to her neck when I felt Helios pulling at the mind link. I sighed and fell back.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"Helios is trying to mind link. Give me a moment?" I asked.

When she nodded, I opened my connection.'Yes Alpha.' I responded.

'I know I'm interrupting, but we need Kassie back at the packhouse. It's urgent,' He cut right to it.

'What's happening?' I looked over at Kassie and she was frowning at her phone.

'I am not sure. Prince Armand is on video conference and refuses to hang up until he speaks with her.' He said.noveldrama

I sighed, 'OK, we'll be there shortly.'

"We need to head back" I say to her as I look at her luxuriously long legs longingly as she stands up and stretches.

"Agreed. I need a computer. Something's weird. What's going on at your end?" She asked as she pulled on her pants. "Prince Armand is demanding to speak with you." I said as I got up to dress.

"s**t. I thought it was too easy." She mumbled.

"What do you mean?" I said as I stopped buttoning my shirt.

"I sent an email to Karissa and Armand last night while you slept." She answered.

"You wrote an email while I slept?" I stared at her. I didn't feel her get up at all.

"No, I had written it a few days ago. I just hadn't sent it because...well...I didn't know where we stood. I told them Adrien and I weren't coming back as we had found our family here. I am still on mission for them, but I won't answer to them. I will just advise them of developments. I have one text saying 'Don't come back' from Karissa and about 15 missed calls from the Estate." She explained.

"They can't take you from me. Don't worry," I said as I pulled her to me and I kissed her chin. She sighed and nodded and we headed to the Packhouse.

We walked hand in hand into the conference room. Helios, Nat, Theo and Seb were all sitting at the head of the table, while Adrien and Elias were seated beside Theo, looking nervous. I went to the other side of the table and sat down next to Helios, Kassie at my side.

"What is this about Armand?" Kassie asked, her voice cold and stern.

"You need to come home, Kassia. You should have flight information in your inbox soon. You're to leave tomorrow evening," King Armand said, and I tensed.

'He can't tell her what to do anymore. Don't worry, Helios mind linked and I gave him a quick grateful nod. It was good to know he had my back.

"I've already sent you Adrien's and my retirement confirmation. We are home." She said and looked at Adrien, who smiled gratefully.

"I don't give a s**t what you want. The vampire community needs you home. Some things have happened." He said, making us growl as we stood. Kassie held up a hand for us to calm down. She remained standing while we sat. I took her hand under the table to give her strength as well as calm myself and Dario.

"I have not been part of the community for 200 years and Adrien was never accepted. Whatever it is you need, find someone else to do your dirty work" she answered.

"There is no one else," he hissed, and then looked at everyone in the room. "Can we have the room? This is delicate information that is not out to the public yet. It's a mess we'd like to keep in house for the time being."

"No." Kassie and I said at the same time. "They aren't going anywhere. They are my pack now. They have accepted me and I them. Whatever you tell me, I will turn around and tell them, so let's skip middle man bullshit. What do you want, Armand, and where is my sister?"

"Your father is dead. Your sister is missing. There's evidence she killed him and is behind the vampire kidnappings you've been investigating. The council is willing to pardon you and take your place as Queen. Your rightful place at my side," he answered. I stood up before I could help myself. My eyes turned black as Dario and I both growled "MINE"

"Mind your place mutt." King Armand hissed at me.

"Mind yours, Armand. My place was never at your side. Why should I care that you're without a Queen? I was stripped of my title 200 years ago. I want nothing to do with it." She hissed back.

"Come on, Kassia. You can't possibly prefer to be a random member of a mutt pack. You don't belong there. You belong at my side, as was originally planned. I can't rule without a Queen of royal birth and the only other is your cousin in Norway. If you don't come home, I will be replaced."

Kassie snorted, "Good luck with that. If that's all, we have things to do." Kassie reached for the remote to turn off the teleconference.

"If someone replaces me before Karissa if found, they will not hesitate to execute her." Armand said, making Kassie freeze.

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