Chapter 80
I could feel her pain and rage as clear as if it were mine. I don't know who she was talking about, but I didn't have time to dive into any of that. She hadn't noticed it yet, but her eyes and her ears were bleeding. I needed to calm her down.
"Kassie, please come back to me," I whispered. I tried to kiss her neck but she's just struggled out of my grip. I could feel the pain of her broken rib under all of her grief and rage and didn't want to hurt her, but Kassie was a better fighter than I was and while I was proud of it to no end, right now, I couldn't afford for her to escape me. I wouldn't be able to pin her again if I did. She slowly stopped struggling, but then my heart broke as her rage was replaced by her pain and sobs racked her whole body.
Dario, I need your help. If we can't calm her down she's going to have a seizure. We need to reach her. - I begged him. He was the one that had been able to push through her grief last time.
Let me forward. I can reach her. - He said calmly, though I could tell half of him just wanted to rip to shreds whoever was the reason for her grief. Braden triggered it, we knew, but she didn't know Braden for very long.
I allowed him to take over and he slowly kissed her temple as he started to soothe her. She looked up at his dark eyes, her violet eyes filled with so much pain and rimmed in blood.
"He let him die alone Dario. His own father. I would have given anything to be by his side and he had the choice and let Miles die thinking he was forgotten." She cried as she hung on to us. "I begged Karissa. I even begged Armand. They wouldn't help. All I wanted was to tell him what he meant to me."
"He knew Kassie. How could he not when you love so completely?" Dario said quietly as tears gathered in his eyes and fell. "Talk to me mate. You don't have to carry this alone. Let me share your grief. You have both of us with you. To love you, to mourn with you. To live for you."
I could see Kassie was trying, but it seemed like the words would get stuck in her throat. Dario kissed her again and spoke, trying to quiet her grief with another poem.noveldrama
"She was the one that loved but never asked for love.
The girl who thought she could.
She was the one that listened but never spoke.
The one that hurt, but refused to hurt.
The one that helped, but never asked for help.
The girl who thought she could.
She met a boy and loved him, but asked for nothing in return.
Because she didn't know she could.
Until he showed her that he knew she could.
And still, he loved her.
And still, he helped her.
So she learned to love and asked for love.
She listened and asked to be heard.
She helped, and learned to ask for help.
The girl who thought she could proved she could
But he didn't ask her to.
And she tried to love herself,
The same way he loved her."
"Let us love you, Kassie," he whispered and finally she hugged him back with all her force as she buried her head in his neck.
'Get him out of here I linked Isidro as Dario stepped back to let me handle the rest. As a wolf, he felt her pain even more now that she'd marked us and he was howling and whimpering in the back as the torrent of emotions slowly stilled within her. He had done what he needed, now it was his turn to mourn along with her grief and for me to take care of business.
"He was like a father to me" she whispered as she continued to cry. Adrien passed me her shirt and I started cleaning the blood off her face.
"What is happening to her? That doesn't look like the result of a spar. Why are her eyes bleeding?" Karissa asked. She had stopped following Isidro as he carried an unconscious Braden towards the Packhouse.
"Not now Karissa," I said as Kassie buried her face into my chest again.
"Then when? She won't talk to me. I want to know what you did to her. I sent her here to be safe!" She snarled at me.
"Are you f*****g kidding me right now?" I growled as I stood up with her in my arms. "She's had this problem for 23 f*****g years. If you were a better sister or any kind of f*****g sister, you would have noticed."
"What do you mean? She never said anything." Karissa looked confused at my words, her eyes never leaving Kassie.
"And did you ask? Did you ever in the last 200 years think of anyone but yourself for long enough to be a sister?" I growled.
"How dare y-" she started but I was done. This wasn't the time.
"I f*****g dare. Remember, you are a guest here Karissa. Nothing more. You're not the Queen of the wolves. You want my respect? Show me you deserve it. This isn't the time to try to catch up. Go look after your guard. I will look after my mate." I walked inside with Kassie in my arms.
'We'll have to wait on the interview tomorrow.' I linked Helios.
'Got it. I've been informed of what happened. Is she OK?' Helios responded right away.
'We're here if you need us.' Helios said without asking more.
I carried Kassie up to our suite and laid her down on the bed. We were both covered in dirt and blood but that wasn't important right now. She was shaking and I didn't know if it was from crying or her seizures. I took off her shoes and pulled mine off before I pulled the covers over us. "I'm getting everything dirty," she hiccupped.
"That is the least important thing right now," I whispered as I cocooned her in my arms. I wanted her to know she was safe and that no one here would ever make her feel the grief she felt moments ago again. I could feel her crying silently, just hanging onto me. Her shaking subsided and I felt her relax. I thought she had gone to sleep as I rubbed the small of her back but then she stood up suddenly. I tightened my arms around her. I feared for a second that she was having another episode before she turned to look down at
"I want to show you something," she said. I let her go and she got up to get her laptop. She walked back and sat next to me. "Adrien scanned these all for me a while ago. It was a good thing too. I probably would have lost them by now. I keep them in my email to make sure I can access them anywhere." She seemed to find what she was looking for and her swollen red-tinted eyes finally smiled again. I sat up and pulled her onto my lap, placing my chin on her shoulder so I could see her laptop with her. She pulled up a couple of saved emails and brought up a couple of really old pictures from the 1940s.
"Is this him?" I asked. She nodded, a small smile on her face as the tears gathered and fell again, but I could feel through the bond this was just the stirring of memories. There was no rage or overwhelming grief in her tears. I looked at the black and white photo. The man looks old but he had a smile on his face as Kassie is kissing him on his cheek. He doesn't remind me of Braden, but I had already assumed that he wouldn't look like Miles if Kassie hadn't recognized him that first day.
"Tell me about him?" I asked her, kissing her shoulder softly.
Should tell her not to spar without a shirt. - Dario mumbled possessively now that she was calmer.
She does as she wants. The rest know better than to look at her like that. We may not be able to take her in a spar, but we can take the rest. We can protect our mate without trying to control her. - I told him.
OK but then I want no argument when I put those horny bastards in their place - I rolled my eyes at him and didn't answer back.
We spent the next hour talking about her mentor and as she spoke I understood her grief a little better. This man had been there for her when she had all but been abandoned by everyone around her. He was the reason she managed to survive the hell she lived. He became her father when her father betrayed her.
"We should shower and get ready to go back to Meryl." She said as we cuddled on the bed.
"Hmmm, we're waiting until tonight," I told her as I pulled her to me more.
"What why?" she wanted to know.
I shrugged and she narrowed her eyes at me. "Because of me?"
I shrugged again and pulled her closer when she tried to get up. "It's OK Kassie, he's not going anywhere."
"He may not, but we're running out of time. We're not wasting a day on it. We need answers, Lalo. Please."
I sighed and took in the look of determination on her face. "OK. I'll tell Helios." I said and she launched herself on top of me. I growled into her kiss, "I'm not telling Helios anything if you keep rubbing your body on mine like that." I said as I grabbed her a*s and crushed her against my growing erection.
She stopped kissing me and grinned down at me. "Maybe a quickie in the shower?"
I growled again as she ran into the restroom, chucking her clothes on the way.
'Helios. Kassie is fine to keep interrogating Meryl today. Can we meet in 20 minutes?'
'Are you sure?'
'Yes.' I answered.
'OK, I'll let the others know. He said and at that moment, I saw Kassie's a*s shaking at me from the door. Her mischievous look on her face made Dario push forward.
'Actually, make it 40,' I said roughly and shut off the mind link as Helios started laughing at me. I removed my clothing and ran into the bathroom.
"Dangerous to shake your a*s like that mate," Dario growled as he pushed me back again. I decided to let them have their fun. He's been cockblocked enough.
Dario PoV
Finally, Gonzalo stops fighting me and lets me have my time with our mate. That sexy a*s jiggle by the bathroom door was too much for me to resist. That sweet sweet a*s and her folds playing peek-a-boo as she bent over to wiggle those perfect cheeks was mine to worship even if this was going to be quick.
She was already in the shower when I made it in, she turned around and studied my eyes, likely noticing that they had gone from Gonzalo's brown to my black. "Dario?" She asked.
I nodded and c****d my head to the side, wanting to see what her reaction would be, paying attention to her feelings through the bond. Would she prefer Gonzalo instead of me tonight?
Stop it, she loves you - Gonzalo said in the back of our mind. I ignored him, waiting for her instead. I felt her surprise but not disappointment then suddenly, I felt her joy as her smile grew and dazzled me.
"About time. I was beginning to feel you were neglecting me" She said with a sexy smirk. Goddess what this woman did to me with just a smile, I thought as I felt my heart beating faster.
"Can't have you thinking that now can we?" I said as I pushed her against the shower glass. She shook her head at me with an innocent smile on her face, spraying me with water as she did. Dangerous creature she is. I smirked and licked her face, making her squeal. "Dario that's gross." She giggled before she yelped in surprise as I hoisted her legs on my shoulders and stood up.
"Grab onto the top if you need," I told her just as I shoved my face into her folds. She was already glistening for me. I growled at the taste of her. It had no comparison. She moaned from above me as one hand dug into my hair and I heard her head hit the glass wall. I chuckled and she tried to roll her hips forward. I felt my nose hitting her clit as I coaxed the juices from her heated core and I felt her entire body jolt. I focused my attention on the little nub of nerves and felt my member begin to drip precum as she started moaning non-stop. f**k, what I wouldn't give to have her tied to the bed, blindfolded and writhing under me. Once s**t calmed down, I will be making sure I get more time with my mate.
I slapped her a*s as she comes for me, making sure to soothe the sting of my palm. I slid her down my body without giving her much time to recover and impale her while her p***y is still spasming from her o****m, wanting to hiss at how delicious it felt as her walls try to milk me.
"Dario, yes!" she moans as I begin to pump into her. I take a step back, my hands on her a*s as I support her whole weight. I begin driving her up and down my c**k. She has no say on the speed or rhythm. She held on to my neck and kissed my neck. I shuddered as I felt her fangs on my neck but she didn't bite. f**k I wanted her to feed from me. I've heard stories of how it feels, but she never fed off Gonzalo. Not now and not 200 years ago.
"Yes, bite me. Dejame alimentarte (let me feed you)" I beg her. Her teeth graze my neck and she sucked on my neck, but still, she didn't bite.
"You're not a meal, my love. You are my air, my heart. I will not use you," She whispered in my ear before she bit it without breaking the skin. I groaned and impaled her roughly onto my c**k, making her gasp and moan as she arched her body back, leaving her mouthwatering t**s in full view. I picked up the pace, my eyes zeroed in on those perky pebbled n*****s bouncing. So close yet so far. I could feel my balls tensing and getting ready to c*m inside her. I smashed her against the shower wall again and took her tit into my mouth and bit on it hard, making her scream as her o****m washed over her and I felt her grip my c**k as I chased my own end. After a few pumps, I felt as my hot seed spilled into her quivering core and I bury my head in her neck. Her scent overwhelmed me and I wanted to bite down and claim her as I felt my c**k pulsating inside her. I felt the primal need to mark her for all to see that she belongs to us and only us. I licked her marking spot but forced myself from her neck, kissing her shoulder as I got my breathing under control.
I remind myself that I trust my sister to know what's right for my mate. I know what awaits us on the full moon, but Kara swore me to secrecy. It's been a b***h keeping the secret and I'm still mad she spilled the beans to me. I trust Gonzalo completely and I'm lucky to have him as my human. This has been torture. I hated lying to him. I hated waiting. I hated secrets, but it needed to be done. When the time is right, he will need to know what to do. I will tell him everything. For now, all I can do is ask the right questions, so his mind starts making the connections we need and it is not a shock to our system when we finally get to the full moon. No matter what is going to be happening around the full moon, the only thing that matters is that we need to be near our mate so we can mark her. But first, a very important question comes to mind as I clear my head and pull myself out of my guarded thoughts.
"Why won't you feed from us? Do we not taste right?" I asked.
Dude, that wasn't the plan! - Gonzalo growled.
She will need her full strength on the full moon. That's less than a week from now. There's no point in beating around the bush. She needs to get stronger. - I tell him
Kassie looks into my eyes and at first, I see confusion before her face goes soft and she kisses my nose. "Is that what you've been worried about? Dario. You are my ambrosia. You are my drug. I am already addicted to you. I could get addicted to your blood. Even just the taste of you when I marked you makes the blood I consume daily taste like ash compared to you. You, my wonderful mate, are the most precious thing in my life and I will not let you be used as a meal. You mean more to me than a base necessity. You hold my love, my hopes, my life in your hands. You are my home."
My heart stopped beating as she spoke, then I became overwhelmed with love for her. "But it will make you stronger," I said weakly as I kissed her chest. I couldn't quite articulate the love I and Gonzalo were feeling at this moment.
"Your love makes me stronger. It gives me the will to fight. That is all I need. You by my side. As long as you continue to love me, no one will be able to touch me. I will burn the whole world to keep you by my side." She pulls my face up and kisses me sweetly, making the moisture in my eyes fall. When she pulls back, she smiles and wipes the tears from my face. "Come, let's shower now. We have a date with Meryl." She smiled wickedly.
"I f*****g love you, woman," I told her as I gently pulled out of her and let her down.
I let Gonzalo forward and he turned her around and kissed her hard before they continue the shower and head down to the holding cells. It's time to finish this. Meryl needs to die so we have one less thing to worry about.
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