Chapter 82
Kassie has decided she's done with Meryl and agreed to let me administer the Gympie-Gympie. I could feel the relief and lightness that her decision brought her. It was like she was letting go of all the hate and fears she'd had towards him. I was glad, but I still had a
bone to pick with the a*****e.
We believed Kassie that he hadn't raped her, but that still didn't stop the fact that he tortured and experimented on my mate. I was surprised Dario had given in to her request to end his life and believed that he had nothing that would help with the seizures. I was beginning to suspect he knew more than he was telling.
Why can't I just respect my mate's wishes? - He responded to my suspicions a little too quickly.
Because you're bad at lying and a bad actor. - I answered.
I resent that. I've never even lied to you - Dario answered indignantly.
Exactly. That means you don't realize how bad you are at it. - I countered.
Hmph was all he said.
And let's not forget that you are not actually denying that you know something you're not telling me. You're just trying to deflect. - I continued.
He rolls his eyes and flicks his tail, but to prove my point, he doesn't deny it. I sighed. I know Selene's rules can't be broken, but it sucks to not be in the loop. I don't like having something this important kept from me.
Trust our sister. He finally said.
Wait, are you saying you're one of her siblings and not just one of her sibling's wolves? - I asked with growing fascination.
His ears went down and he blocked me lightly as I started to feel his panic. Got ya motherfucker. He's hiding more than I thought and I know it's all connected to the full moon. Why he needed to lie to me about who he is though, I am not sure. I chose to trust him and Selene. She hadn't let us down so far.
"Lalo, are you OK? Helios is back." Kassie pulled me out of my thoughts and it's only then that I realized Helios was standing in front of me with a tin jar.
"Is that all we have?" I asked.
"No. I have one more jar after this one. Feel free to use it all. I'll send for more soon." He said as he handed me the jar.
I turned to Kassie, "You ready for this?" She nodded at me and we went back into the cells together.
"I'll talk," Meryl said right away as he noticed me coming in alone.
"We're no longer interested. It's just you and me now, a*****e. Nothing you say will stop what's about to happen." I shook my little tin jar at him. He looked confused and terrified. Good. If I manage to make him feel a tenth of what he did to Kassie, I will be satisfied. "Wait, before you kill me. I need to know. Did it work?" Meryl said, looking at Kassie.
"Did what work?" Kassie asked, confused.
"The serum. Can you shift? You can shift, can't you? Show me please." Meryl pleaded.
Kassie smiled then and it was not a nice smile. Goddess, she was hot. "Oh, you want to know if your life's work paid off?" she asked when Meryl nodded, she dropped her face back and laughed. "I guess you'll never know. Have fun in hell you little b***h," she said as she sat down and nodded at me to continue.
I set up the cart right next to his head and cleared the top off. "Turn off the fans. Just in case." I ordered Theo, who nodded and went over to switch off the ventilation system. I put on a pair of animal handling gloves with Kevlar reinforced leather and a leather apron. I didn't want any of this s**t on me.
"Tell me, Meryl. Do you know who we are?" I asked him.
"A bunch of dogs." He said, trying to sound angry, but there was no masking the fear in his voice.noveldrama
"Hmm. Close, I suppose, but I'm going to tell you a secret. We were not born werewolves. Did you know that? None of us here were born werewolves. In a way, we are what you were trying to do with Kassie. Non-wolves that live forever turned into wolves. Isn't that funny? You get to see what it looks like to succeed and you're not the one that did it." I mocked.
"We've seen empires rise and fall. We've seen things you couldn't even imagine and then, we became better. More. Do you know who Helios is?" I pointed over to him. Meryl just shook his head. His current fear was somewhat forgotten as his curiosity got the best of him.
"His original name is Huitzilopochtli. He's the Aztec God of War and Sun. We are his jaguar warriors. This entire pack is his people and his legacy."
"Lies," he said. I turned to Helios, who rolled his eyes and summoned his Xiuhcoatl. "You see his serpent staff. He can give you a little shock too if you're still doubting him?" I mocked. Meryl shook his head quite fast at my suggestion. "OK, so now that you know who we are, did you know that most of us were born mortal? We were raised by our Aztec parents," I said as I fiddled with the tin can.
"Did you know what our parents did to discipline us? They used these agave fronds." I stopped and considered, "I really hope you know what those look like because I don't have a sample on me." I almost laughed when he nodded. "Good. So they used these agave fronds and would slap them on our bodies or tie them up against a given body part as a punishment. The sharp edges would embed into your body and leave marks. A reminder, for the next time you wanted to misbehave." I motioned to a few scars on my arm. I was a good boy, so I never got punished much, but Theo over there...well let's just say he has more than a few scars from it on his back to this day."
"Hey! So does Seb. He has them worse." Theo countered, making the rest of them chuckle.
"Don't tell them that. No one has seen them. They can see yours." Sebastian responded.
"It's not my fault your mother only hit you in the a*s," Theo argued.
"Theo..." Sebastian growled.
"And I thought we argued like an old married couple" Kassie laughed.
"Well, they do have over 180 years on us, love." I winked.
"Gonzalo, the prisoner..." Helios reminded me.
"Right." I turned back to Meryl. "We don't have any agave fronds, unfortunately. BUT we do have this." I opened the container and slowly shook out the contents. "Do you know what Gympie-Gympie trees are? No? Excellent, I'll tell you." I said, somewhat giddy for the next part. I love a good teaching moment. "Gympie-Gympie is an Australian tree that is also known as the Stinging Tree. Their leaves, stems, and fruit are covered in these tiny silica needles. When pricked, these little hairs on the leaves and stems here," I brought it closer to his face, "release some nasty neurotoxins into your system. They say it feels like being burned by acid and electrocuted at the same time. They say you get some very bizarre sensations: crawling, shooting and tingling pains, and a deep aching that feels like you are being slammed between two bricks" I bring the leaf very close to his face and laugh as he recoils from me." Scientists believe this tree has evolved much like a spider's venom. Ever get bitten by a venomous spider, Meryl? I have. That s**t stung for days. These little things here, have been magically spelled to not wither, so they retain every drop of toxin they have."
"Anyways." I slapped the first leaf onto his uncovered muscle without another word. It took his body a second to react to the toxin and his screams began. I slapped another leaf on his other leg. This won't kill him yet, but he might pass out and I need him to know something first. I get up close and personal to his face to make sure he hears me.
"I've spent days waking up in the same lucid nightmare. Hearing Kassie screaming in pain as you inserted that serum into her veins. Watching the love of my life writhe as it burned through her body. I want you to know, Meryl, that after this, I won't have that same dream anymore." I got closer to him as I picked up the rest of the leaves. I whispered in his ears, "All I'll see is your body twitching as the venom sends signals to your brain of the most excruciating pain known to man. But I'll smile in my dreams knowing that while my Kassie lived, you won't get that same fortune. You're going to die in here, with me watching as you beg for death while slipping in and out of consciousness while I'm sipping a latte on the other side of those bars." I stand and place one leaf on his neck, before I tell him coldly, "You were not remarkable. You didn't change the world. You are nothing and you will die as even less. There won't be a marker somewhere for you for people to mourn you or take flowers. You will be burnt and your ashes flushed down the toilet where you belong."
I place the other two leaves on his face and walk out of the cell after removing my protective layers and sit on one of the chairs as we listen to him scream until he passes out for the first time. I doubt he'll be alive before night falls again.
"Shall we head up for dinner then?" Helios asked. The others nod and begin to file out.
"I'm staying here for a while. Can you have someone bring me a sandwich?" I asked them.
"Are you sure?" Theo asked and I nodded.
Gonzalo POV
"I didn't know you were having nightmares about Celeste's vision," Kassie said once everyone left.
I sighed and patted my lap. She walked over and sat on it. I wrapped my arms around her small waist. "I didn't want to worry you. There's not much we can do about nightmares." I told her as I kissed her shoulder.
"Just, don't shut me out again. OK?" She said softly.
"Never. In just a few days, you'll have my mark and you'll be able to feel me as deeply as I feel you." I told her as I let one of my hands walk up to her neck, making her shiver. "You shouldn't stay here though," I told her as I watched Meryl twitching while unconscious. "Neither should you. If you're going to insist, then I'm staying with you." She said stubbornly. "What if he dies halfway through the day?" I asked her weakly.
"It's called thick winter clothes, Gonzalo. Don't try to get rid of me." She rolled her eyes at me. We stayed in the room for about two more hours and, in true Meryl fashion, he died before dawn even rose. Kassie and I went to sleep after giving instructions to have him burnt and flushed.
As expected, I had a dreamless sleep and woke up refreshed. No incidents, no nightmares. I was almost afraid to leave the bed. I didn't want to break the peace I felt in this small moment. If I didn't talk to anyone, maybe s**t wouldn't hit the fan again. I could use a day off. It would just be me and Kassie. There were only three more nights until the full moon. If I could just keep us in bed for that long, we could face whatever we needed to with energy and full strength.
I'm game for that. - Came Dario's response from the back of my head as he stretched.
Shut it, you're still keeping s**t from me. Kassie and I are the only ones in the dark here - I reminded him.
Dario whimpered and retreated. I sighed - Wait, come back. I'm sorry. I know you don't like keeping s**t to yourself. I know there are rules. I am just frustrated.
I am too. Do you think I don't want to tell you everything? I told Kara I didn't want to know and she just kept yapping at me. I love her but f**k. She didn't have to reach out again just to tell me s**t. That woman doesn't know how to keep secrets. She just rambles on and on until she feels better about stuff and then she f***s off to sleep and I'm left stressing over the s**t she talks about. He pouted, making me laugh. Kara does tend to talk a lot. It must be something about knowing she's the favorite of all the wolves so she can't get into trouble. Not to mention, Selene is also really fond of Celeste. She wouldn't punish either of them. So what can you tell me? - I asked.
We need to be near Kassie on the full moon. We cannot miss marking her at the moon's peak. No matter what happens. - He responds.
f**k, that's not ominous at all. - I sighed. He sneezed in agreement. Maybe we will stay here until then?
That's the ideal plan, but we don't have that kind of luck. I have a feeling things won't be as easy as that or Kara wouldn't have given me the warning. - He reasoned.
f**k. - I said, mostly to myself.
I say after this s**t is done, we go on vacation for a good month. I want to spend time with our mate without all this drama and interruption. Just somewhere where it's just us and nothing else. We'll f**k her until she has a pup inside her belly and I'll even hunt for our food so we don't have to meet anyone else. - He wagged his tail at the thought.
You got yourself a deal. - I promised him, looking down at the flat belly under my arms. I would love to see her pregnant with our son or daughter. I scooted back slightly so I wouldn't wake her up with my hard-on and inhaled her scent more to calm my nerves. - What else?
What do you mean? He tilts his head in confusion.
You let it slip last night that you're one of Selene's siblings. That has to mean you have powers you haven't shown me. - I reminded him.
He sighs - It's not that. My powers won't be released until our mating is complete.
Who are you then? - I tried again.
I am Quetzalcoatl. One of the few that my sister managed to fully merge with my wolf spirit before her essence was depleted, so I retained my memories. - He sighs - I was the third sibling you and Helios killed.
I-I didn't know how to respond to that, but before I could think of something to say, he started talking again.
You don't need to apologize if that's what you were going to do. I know everything. I don't hold it against anyone. War has many victims. Oftentimes, both sides are innocent. You are a good man, Gonzalo, so let's not dwell on it. - He insisted and I was once again grateful to Selene for giving me such an amazing wolf spirit.
Do Helios and Ezequiel know? - I wondered.
Ezequiel knows. We decided not to tell Helios until he's able to fully forgive himself. He said pointedly.
So what's your power now? - I asked him.
Our power - he corrected - was power over the wind and rain.
Coooo- I started but he interrupted.
I don't know how our gift will manifest this time. I used to be able to create torrential rain and hurricanes. We were very important, you know. - He said as he puffed out his chest.
I know, buddy. I did my research - I said regretfully.
Riiight.- He said awkwardly. Well, we're a big deal so it's only fitting that we got a princess for a mate. - He finished proudly.
I rolled my eyes but smiled - Well if s**t's going to hit the fan, I'm staying in bed until someone calls for us.
He nodded enthusiastically and we pulled Kassie up against our chest and fell back asleep. We woke up to a knock a few hours later.
I felt Kassie pull on my arms as she tried to get up, but I pulled her further into my body. "Come on, someone's at the door." She said, struggling.
"Go away!" I grumbled loudly towards the door.
"Lalo!" she hissed.
We need both of you downstairs. Helios has been trying to mind link you for about 3 hours now. - Elias' link made me groan and I let go of Kassie, who sprinted for the door.
"It's almost midnight. What are you guys still doing in bed? You don't even look like you were being ravished" Adrien sauntered in, handing Kassie a tumbler.
"Did it occur to you that maybe we were just tired and wanted to sleep for a whole day?" I mumbled.
"Oh, is dad grumpy today?" Adrien said as he sat on the end of the bed.
"I was pretty happy until I was woken up, actually," I said, sitting up. Elias handed me a sandwich and coffee. "Thank you!" I told him as my stomach growled at the smell of the coffee and food. "What does Helios need?"
"Ehhh. Kassie's mom is harassing Karissa about a meeting. She's been trying to facetime Karissa and asking for a new phone number and where she is so she can be close. She also keeps insisting to Karissa that they should find Kassie and get her to help," Elias "She's coming here?" Kassie asked.
"She told Karissa that she wanted to pick her up and then fly down here to get you. Some bullshit about 'family should stick together and help each other through difficult times' " Adrien rolled his eyes.
"We can't let her come here. She'll put the pack in danger." Kassie started panicking.
"Hey, hey, it's OK. We can defend ourselves if she does." I said.
"If she's working with Armand, they have a whole army of assassins at his disposal." She said as she paced. I set my food aside and grabbed her and pulled her to my lap.
"We're not an ordinary pack. Have a little faith in us, Kassie," I said softly.
"It is not a matter of faith, Lalo. I - I care for the pack. I don't want to see anyone hurt because of me." She said worriedly.
"Then don't think about it as someone is going to be hurt because of you. Think of it as the fact that the pack loves you, Kassie, and is willing to protect you." Kassie looked at Elias and Adrien, who were both nodding their heads. She buried her head in my neck and I waited patiently for her to calm down.
"OK then, let's go make a plan." She said as she stood up a minute later, a fierce look on her face.
"That's my assassin." I smiled as I got up to get a change of clothes. "Tell Helios we'll be down in 10," I told Adrien as he was pulled out of the room by Elias.
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