Emperor of Havoc: Chapter 14
The voices are muffled: distorted, distant, like I’m underwater. My body feels leaden, as though I’ve been bound in chains, but it runs deeper than that—like there’s something inside me that’s keeping me in this melty, dark state.
I try to move my hand to signal that I’m awake, but nothing happens. My body refuses even the smallest twitch of a finger. Panic claws at the edges of my mind, threatening to swallow me whole.
“She’s awake,” a familiar voice says.
Papa. His voice carries its usual weight, but there’s an edge of relief in it. Or maybe anger.
“Katarina.” Nina’s voice, soft and steady. “Can you hear us?”
I want to scream yes, to let them know that I’m listening. But my eyelids only flutter weakly, and even that miniscule acknowledgment feels like a monumental effort.
“Good,” Papa says, his tone getting sharper. “The venom will wear off soon. Just rest.”
Venom. The word pierces through the haze, dragging the events of the ceremony back to the front of my mind. The San-san-kudo. The cups. Takeshi’s kiss.
My pulse quickens as I piece it together, the memory of it all crashing over me like a wave.
“Those bastards are going to fucking bleed for this,” Papa snarls from close by in the darkness, his voice colder now. “Sergey Vorobev is a dead man.”
They have it all wrong. But I can’t correct them, can’t tell them it was me who laced that last cup, wanting to give Takeshi a taste of his own medicine. And now…
“Just say the word,” Ryu cuts in, “and I’ll have our full forces at that fucker’s front door. We’ll burn his house to the ground.”
“Not yet,” Papa mutters. “I don’t want us to be seen as reactionary. They haven’t claimed responsibility, which means they wanted this done quietly.”
It wasn’t them, I scream inside my head. Please don’t start a war because of me.
“We’ll say for now that it was a tainted bottle of sake. Then wait and see if that bastard does or says anything.”
“Consider it done, Kolya-san,” Ryu grunts.
I hear retreating footsteps, and a door shutting. I blink my eyes again, and again. Finally, they flutter open.
“There you are,” Nina smiles as she leans down over me.
I’m in my room at Papa’s house. My lips unthaw just enough to smile a little up at my friend. Then Papa bends in from the other side, a soft smile on his lips.
“Koshka,” he murmurs quietly, his eyes darting over my face. He reaches up and pushes some of my hair out of my eyes. I want to reach out and squeeze his hand. But I still can’t move anything except my eyelids and my lips.
I glance down at myself as best I can, given that my neck still isn’t working. I’m dressed in a cotton pajama set—the kind with a button-up top like a man’s dress shirt. I wish I could smile, because I’m suddenly remembering the way I gravitated to these types of pajamas to snuggle up in when I was sick as a kid.
“Can you move your hands?” Nina asks.
I blink a few times.
“How about we try two times for no, three for yes.”
I blink twice.
“Is the chart still around?”
I groan inside.
“The chart”. I fucking hated that thing when I was child, before I’d learned to sign, right after the events that stole my voice. My right hand was broken anyway after the accident, so I couldn’t write either.
‘The chart’ is a grid of letters usually used with quadriplegics to facilitate communication. Someone points to a letter, and the nonverbal person nods or makes some other sign when they get to the right one. Rinse, repeat. Eventually, you have a sentence.
It takes for fucking ever. It was hell when I had to use it.
“I don’t think so,” Nina sighs. “Hang on, I’ll draw one.”
Sure enough, she grabs a pen and paper and makes a grid of the twenty-six letters.
“Are you in pain?” Papa murmurs.
Nina points to the Y. I remain still. She points to the N, and I blink.
They both exhale.
“Thank God. Dr. Kim came right away,” Papa says. “You should be okay, but you were dosed with a decent amount of tetrodotoxin. It paralyzed your body, but it will wear off soon, probably by later tonight.”
I groan internally. Wonderful. I’m stuck motionless for the next few hours.
I grit my teeth, willing my muscles to react. All I manage is a slight nod of my head.
“Oh, great!” Nina says cheerfully when she spots the motion. “It’s wearing off already!”
I clench my jaw and manage to nod my head once more, just barely, in the direction of the letter chart.
“Hang on.”
Nina starts pointing at each letter one at a time. I nod when she gets to “T”. Then “A”. Then “K”.
Her brow furrows. “Takeshi?”
Clench-and-nod, slightly.
“You’re worried about him?”
I make as much of an “eh, maybe?” face as I can manage. Mostly, I’m curious if he’s dead or not, being that I’m the one who poisoned that sake.
“He’s fine,” Papa says quietly. “Still paralyzed, but I hear he’s talking, and able to sit up.”
Are you fucking kidding me? Of course he’s further along in his recovery. Of course my plan utterly backfires, leaving me still frozen in bed and him happily on his way to being up and dancing around.
“He’s in the guest quarters on the other side of the gardens,” my father adds. “He’ll probably end up spending the night, until Dr. Kim gives him the all-clear tomorrow.” He sighs as he looks down at me, smiling as he pushes my hair back. “I’m so glad you’re okay, Koshka.”
“Same,” Nina adds softly. She holds up the grid. “Anything else?”
I nod. Then nod again when she gets to F. She smiles, not needing any other letters.
“Furrcules is staying in my room for now.”
I pout a little. Papa chuckles. “As much as he loves you, I won’t let you share a room with that tiger until you can move.” He frowns. “He could think you were incapacitated prey…”
As if! Furrcules would never. And yet…okay, if the big lug decided he wanted to snuggle my face, as he often does, I wouldn’t be able to push him away from my mouth and nose.
“I’ll take care of him, promise,” Nina smiles. “You’ll have him back tomorrow.”
“We’ll leave you to rest now,” Papa says. “But this isn’t over, not by a long shot. Don’t worry,” he growls. “Sergey is going to pay dearly for this.”
I follow them with my eyes as they retreat, the door clicking shut behind them. The silence that follows is thick, oppressive. The numbness in my body is a cage, holding me still while my mind races.
At some point, I fall asleep. When I wake up later, it’s dark. I try to sit up.
Nope, not there yet.noveldrama
But I can move my head, and wiggle my fingers and toes, and even lift one of my arms. I turn my head to the side, glancing at the clock and seeing that it’s midnight.
The door creaks open.
For a second, I think it must be Furrcules, sneaking out of Nina’s room to come visit his favorite human. But then I hear it.
Not paws.
They approach, slow and deliberate.
“If you thought your little stunt would stop us from consummating our union…”
Takeshi’s voice is a low, dark growl.
“Then you’re sorely mistaken.”
My pulse explodes in my veins. I can’t move. I can barely turn my head to see him, but I feel him. His presence fills the room, closing in on me like a storm about to break.
My heart pounds as he steps closer. The mattress dips under his weight, and I feel the heat of his body before his chiseled, savagely gorgeous face appears over me. His fingers brush my cheek, his touch deceptively gentle.
“The things I could do to you right now…” he murmurs, his voice a velvet threat. “You can’t move. Can’t fight.” His lips curl viciously. “You’re completely at my mercy.”
A rush of fear and something darker floods my veins, tangled together, leaving me breathless. This is my nightmare.
It’s also my fantasy.
And he knows it.
His fingers trail down my neck, teasing the delicate skin before continuing lower. I’m hyper-aware of every place his touch lingers… Every place it doesn’t. The anticipation is maddening.
I whimper when his hand cups my breast through the pajama top. He squeezes, finding the pebbled nub of my nipple through the cotton, pinching it. A muffled moan lodges in my throat, and my eyes snap viciously to his.
Takeshi smiles.
“Oh, I like this,” he chuckles quietly. “My own compliant, docile little toy to play with.”
He twists my nipple again, making something raw and needy throb between my legs.
Without warning, Takeshi pops open the top button of my pajama shirt. My eyes widen even more as they snap back to his.
Is he fucking serious?!
“The way I see it, princess,” he murmurs, “since we’re married now, what’s yours, as they say, is mine.” His eyes glint as he pops another button, then slides his gaze to mine. “Oh, and yes, I asked. That little stunt might have knocked us both out. But technically speaking, we did complete the ceremony. Which means…”
We’re married.
For real.
Takeshi pops open a third button. Then a fourth. He keeps going, the pajama top slowly opening until he gets to the last button, and it falls wide completely. The moonlight glistens pale and white on my bare torso, my skin prickling to goosebumps and my nipples tightening to points under his gaze.
My pulse races, my breath coming short and fast as my stomach muscles clench and unclench.
Something wicked and dark spreads over me as Takeshi puts his hand on my bare breast, squeezing, pinching my nipple hard.
“You’re lucky I’m in an amiable mood,” he murmurs, his gaze hovering on my breasts before moving to my eyes. “I won’t fuck you tonight. Not like this.”
Relief floods me, but it’s short-lived.
“No, when I fuck you,” he continues, “I want you to fight me. I want your blood pumping, your muscles twitching. I want your skin slick with sweat, your body trembling with effort. And when I catch you, and you finally surrender…” His lips curve into a smile. “That’s when I’ll tear into that pretty, pink pussy and fuck you for the first time.”
The most fucked-up thing isn’t what he’s saying.
It’s that it’s turning me on.
A huge part of me wants this.
Craves it.
Gravitates to it, like a moth to a dark fucking flame.
“But that doesn’t mean we’ll be having a completely chaste wedding night…”
Takeshi’s hand slides down to the waist of my pajama bottoms. He deftly pulls at the tie, loosening it before his fingers slip under the elastic. He drags the bottoms down, shifting on the bed to slide his other hand underneath me. He grips my ass, arm muscles rippling under his t-shirt as he lifts my butt and slides the pajama bottoms down to my knees.
My pulse races. My breath comes in ragged jolts as mixture of horror, shame, and excitement explode within me.
Takeshi’s eyes drop to the front of the plain cotton panties I’m assuming Dr. Kim—maybe with Nina’s help—changed me into after I was knocked out.
“Not quite the sexy bridal lingerie I’d hoped for,” he murmurs, a dreamy, psychotic, musing tone in his voice.
“But I’m still interested to see what they’re hiding.”
He slips his fingers under the waistband and slowly tugs. The panties slide down my hips and thighs, peeling away from my sex until they tangle at my knees together with the pajama bottoms.
“Now what do have we here,” Takeshi growls quietly, his hand sliding up my bare thigh, leaving shivers in its wake. “A pretty little virgin pussy, and all for me.” He raises his head to look at me deviously. “A wedding present? Aww, you shouldn’t have…wife.”
His fingers push between my thighs, moving between my lips and parting them. Then he drags them back up, sliding through the sticky wetness he finds there before rolling them over my clit.
My body involuntarily jerks slightly.
Takeshi stands. For a second, I think he’s done with me, and that he’ll leave. Instead, he reaches down and peels off his t-shirt.
My eyes drag over the chiseled muscles of his grooved body—the smooth skin, the swirling loops of the irezumi tattoos. His thumbs hook into the waist of his sweatpants. Then, without any fanfare, he pushes them down and lets them fall to the floor.
I don’t see where they land. I don’t see anything at all except the huge cock that springs free of them.Holy fucking fuck.
My pulse thuds in my ears.
Takeshi’s cock is long, thick, and veined, with a slight curve that angles the swollen head upward.
My eyes bulge.
It’s pierced, too, at the tip.
Sweet fucking God.
“Look as long as you like, princess,” he growls. “You’ll be becoming quite well acquainted with him.”
A million swears and curses run through my head, but my hand and arms are still immobilized at my sides.
Takeshi swaggers toward the bed, and then he reaches down and wraps a hand around his huge cock, stroking it.
“You made me swallow poison today,” he murmurs.
The mattress sinks lower as he puts his knee down next to me. Then he swings his leg over, straddling my chest, his bare thighs pressing against my breasts as he strokes his cock mere inches from my face. My breath catches.
“I think I’ll let you swallow something of mine in exchange. Now—open that pretty mouth, princess.”
I don’t. For one, fuck him. And for two…well, I still can’t.
Takeshi arches a brow as he gazes down at me. “Oh my, is this an act of defiance? Or just that you still can’t move…”
He reaches down, picks up my wrist, and lifts my hand. When he lets go, it drops heavily to the bed.
He smiles widely.
“Oh, this is going to be fun. Allow me.”
I’m completely helpless as Takeshi slips two fingers between my lips, resting them on my tongue. He opens my mouth wider and wider until I can feel my jaw straining.
He fists his huge cock as he moves forward, angling the pierced, swollen head toward my open mouth.
“Happy wedding day, wife.”
Hot need throbs in my core as he pushes the swollen head of his cock past my lips and into my mouth. The sheer size of him keeps my jaw forced wide open, and he groans as he pushes a little deeper, letting the piercing drag over my tongue.
“Fuck, princess,” he growls tightly, his jaw clenching. “Your small mouth feels fucking incredible around my dick.”
Another raw sensation pulls at my core, blazing into fiery need.
I should hate this. I should hate him, for doing this to me.
I don’t.
And even though my limbs are still frozen, not all of me is. Because as Takeshi begin to grunt louder, thrusting his fat cock into my mouth again and again, using me like his own personal little toy, a slick, wet heat begins to pool between my thighs.
“Has your tongue unfrozen from the poison that you laced our wedding sake with, princess? Choke once on my cock for yes.”
I glare up at him, but my eyes aren’t as full of rage as I’d like them to be.
He can tell.
A low smile curls his lips.
“And the Academy award goes to…not you,” he growls, smirking. “You might desperately hope that I think you’re hating this. But you’re not. It’s right there in your eyes, princess. All over your face.”
He grunts, ramming his cock into the back of my throat as a low whimper chokes off deep in my chest and my thighs squeeze together as much as they can, aching for the friction against my swollen clit.
“You enjoy giving up control. You get all drippy and messy for me, choking on my fat cock, don’t you?”
I shiver when I feel one of his hands reach back and curl the fingers easily into me, stroking in and out as he grabs a fistful of my hair. I moan around him, choking and sputtering on spit and precum as he fucks my mouth and fingers my pussy at the same time.
“Throat muscles still frozen, princess?”
He continues to thrust into my mouth, his fingers curling deep against my g-spot.
“Can. You. Swallow,” he grunts. “I’d answer quickly if I were you.”
I nod my head, whimpering as his thick cock hits the back of my throat.
Suddenly he groans, pushing himself deep. His cock swells even harder and thicker, until suddenly, I feel it throbbing and pulsing violently against my tongue.
Holy shit.
He’s coming.
The first jets of it surge down my throat, and I instinctively start to swallow. Another spurt fills my mouth. Then another. And another.
I can’t get it down my throat fast enough. I choke as I moan around him, feeling his cum leaking out of my mouth and trickling down my chin and cheeks. Takeshi pulls out, his chiseled, perfect jaw clenching as he strokes himself.
More ropes of hot cum splatter down onto my lips, neck, and breasts, which he smears over my skin with the head of his dick.
I’m still trying to catch my breath and swallow what’s left in my mouth when he starts to slide down my body, lower and lower, moving off me entirely and grabbing my pajama pants and panties where they’re still tangled at my knees. He yanks them down and off my legs. Then, without warning, he shoves my thighs wide apart.
My face turns crimson as I watch him crawl between my legs like a jungle animal stalking prey. He lowers his mouth, his breath hot and teasing across my throbbing, swollen pussy.
His dark gaze slides venomously up to me.
“What’s yours, wife…” His mouth dips. “Is mine.”
My entire body jolts when his mouth hums against my pussy. My back arches like I’ve been electrocuted, my mind going blank as I feel his tongue drag through my lips. He plunges it inside me, making my eyes roll back in insane pleasure.
Holy. Fuck.
It feels like he’s fucking me with his tongue, trying to devour me from the inside out. I melt into the bed as I feel it pushing in and out of me, sending me reeling. His tongue drags up to my clit. I’m spasming again as he licks and swirls his tongue across my aching bud. His lips fasten around it, and then, without warning, he starts to suck.
Sweet fucking fuck.
What I felt before was like Heaven.
This is pure sin from the depths of Hell.
I’ve never felt this level of pure, animalistic pleasure before. His tongue dances and swirls around my throbbing clit, his cheeks hollowing as he sucks hard. I whimper when his fingers push into me, stroking in and out as he torments my clit in the most mind-blowing way possible.
Takeshi’s hand pushes up my body, grabbing my breast and twisting my nipple before pushing higher. He cups my jaw, fingers pushing through the cum still on my face. His fingers slip into my mouth, and I suck automatically, tonguing the salty-sweet cum from his fingers as his mouth sends me into oblivion.
Suddenly, I’m coming—harder than I ever have in my life.
The explosion starts in my core and blasts outward to my extremities. My head snaps back, a ragged choke of pleasure sticking in my throat as I grip the sheets tightly in my fists. My hips arch, grinding against his tongue until finally I collapse onto the bed, shuddering and quivering.
I whimper and jerk as Takeshi’s tongue swipes once more over my clit. He pulls back and suddenly twists his head and lowers his mouth back to the apex of my thigh, right next to my pussy.
What the fuck is—SHIT.
I jolt again violently when he bites me, hard. Like, so fucking hard that I can feel warm liquid trickling down my inner thigh.
The fucker just bit me hard enough to draw blood.
His mouth drops to the bite, his tongue teasing over it as he sucks on my skin. I’m frozen—partly still because of the venom. But even if it had worn off, I would have no fucking idea how to react to this.
I know how my body wants to react to this. But the shame I feel stops me cold.
I shouldn’t like this.
I shouldn’t like any part of this. I’m basically immobile. I didn’t, wasn’t even able to consent to this.
And yet that makes what just happened outrageously hot.
Takeshi gives my wound one last long, slow lick. Then he’s sliding back up my body. Before I know what he’s doing, he’s grabbing a fist of my hair at the back, leaning down, and crushing his mouth to mine.
He apparently doesn’t give a shit that his cum is still all over my lips and in my mouth. His tongue dances with mine anyway, and the taste of salty cum and coppery blood mixed together fills my mouth.
It tastes like both sweetest sin and fiercest damnation.
“What’s a wedding night without a little blood on the sheets,” Takeshi growls as he pulls away.
He slides off me and stands, pulling his clothes back on. Then he turns and moves back to the edge of the bed. I shiver, still partially frozen as he smears a finger over my lips and pushes it into my mouth.
God help me, I suck it clean.
“Good girl.”
My pulse skips as he leans close, his breath warm against my ear. “Remember this, princess,” he murmurs, his voice soft yet commanding. “Next time, there won’t be any holding back.”
As if there was anything approaching the definition of “holding back’ with what just occurred here.
Then he’s gone, leaving me sprawled naked and alone in the dark, with nothing but the echoes of his words and his lingering touch.
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