Forget : A Dark Omegaverse (Unhingedverse)

Chapter 28

“Something is wrong,” I grunt on a call with Aiden. There’s other people I could call, but despite the way he fucked up with Aisling, he’s my alpha.

My heart has been pounding hard in my chest all day, the muscles in my thighs squeezing and releasing with the need to run to Aisling. I’m a ball of anxiety, even though I’m playing it cool to the rest of the world.

“Is Aisling sick?” he asks. “Or… fuck. I need to check the calendar.”

There’s silence for a moment, and then he’s back. “She’s due for her heat,” Aiden says, his voice hushed.

He must be near the boss for him to be acting cagey. Fuck, all we need is to be caught fucking up again by Aisling’s father. I really am surprised none of us have been shot by him yet.

Though, the boss has to have some idea of the unrest between his daughter and her pack, since Aiden is currently sporting two black eyes still.

“Aisling was cleaning like crazy,” I sigh. “I need to get better at recognizing the signs and put the date in my phone with reminders. It just feels as if the last few weeks have passed by in a blink of an eye.”

“I have this weird feeling she’s not going to let us touch her,” Aiden says softly. I can hear the wind as he steps outside. I think he’s driving Mr. Sullivan to meetings today. Since it’s the end of the month, he’s checking in with the leaders of his outfit.

“Aisling is really fucking stubborn, and has barely said anything to us.”

“That could explain why I feel so off. It’s as if there’s a black cloud hanging over my head, and I just want to leave work and go to her,” I try to explain. “Her heat was so fucking intense last time.”

“I don’t think our dicks had a chance to go down at all,” Aiden snorts.

The sound of a gun going off makes me jump.

“Fuck!” I shout. I’m in a waiting room to see someone, but I couldn’t care less. “Aiden? What the fuck happened.”

“Holy shit,” Aiden gasps. “Boss, I meant no disrespect.”

Yep, this is the day Aiden dies. Jesus Christ.

“Why are you even still here when Aisling clearly needs you, dickhead?” Cian snarls.

“She won’t let us help,” Aiden explains with a heavy sigh. “Aisling hates us. Tripping over her while she’s nesting is only going to piss her off.”

“I’m glad you’re not completely useless,” Cian grunts. “I’m not going to be able to focus the rest of the day. Cancel the rest of my day and take me home.”

The line goes dead, and I feel lightheaded as the adrenaline crashes over me. Oh my God. Leaning my forearms on my thick thighs, I struggle to breath through the nausea I currently feel.

I don’t know how close the bullet was, but that’s literally one of my worst fears.

Only, we would probably deserve a bullet for how badly we’ve been fucking up with the boss’ daughter. He really is unhinged around her heat, and she’s not even home for him to obsess about how she is.

Yeah, I think I’m done for today too. Standing, I plant my feet on the ground to stay upright before walking over to the receptionist to apologize for needing to reschedule.

I really am not up to working.


My fingers are twitching as I drive, thinking about the group text I just got.


I’m headed home in an effort to not catch a bullet from the boss.


I don’t feel great. Domh, do you feel queasy at all? I think we should go home too.


Yep. I’m on my way to pick you up. Give me fifteen minutes.


What the fuck is happening?!

It’s been completely silent for way too long, and I am struggling to breathe. Caiden and Domh are half bonded to Aisling, so they would experience symptoms if something was going on with her.

If the bond was complete, they’d be able to push feelings and thoughts to each other, but they’re not.

I just want to lock them in the basement and force them to figure it all out. I feel like the kid watching Mommy and his daddies fight. I fucking hate it. While I punched Aiden for what he did, I can minutely understand his need to try to fix things.

His delivery could have used some work though.

“Evan, do you have ants in your pants?” Miss Evelyn asks, while Mr. Cecil chuckles. “It’s true, darling. I don’t think he’s stopped fidgeting this entire time.”

“Just have some things on my mind,” I murmur as I drive. They have a late lunch with their daughter, and then they’re headed to the club to play cards.

Well, Miss Evelyn will probably keep her ears open for any gossip while she plays while Mr. Cecil talks. They have a penchant for winning often and filtering information back to Mr. Sullivan.

They make the best spies in their old age.

“Like what?” Mr. Cecil asks, making me groan inside.

See what I mean?

“Your granddaughter is incredibly hard headed is all,” I say before pressing my lips together.

“Cian mentioned you lot kidnapped her,” Mr. Cecil says. “Has she burned your house down yet? That’s what Evelyn would do.”

Smirking, I attempt to hide it, because he’s not wrong.

“No, but she stabbed Hayes,” I tell them. “Aisling fucking hates us.”

“My granddaughter is amazing, so clearly you’re the ones who fucked up,” Miss Evelyn says archly. “Has Cian tried to murder any of you yet?”

“He may have shot at Hayes, but that has not been confirmed,” I mutter.

“Eh, I bet he missed on purpose,” Mr. Cecil says. “My son has a soft spot for your pack. It’s why he works so closely with you all.”

I have always wondered why he has us in his inner circle, and figured it was because we’ve been with him for so many years. Ten years is a long time to establish loyalty.

“What else has you twitchy?” Miss Evelyn asks as I pull into Jodi Ryan’s driveway.

“Aisling is acting off. I heard the vacuum while I was downstairs, and Domh said she was distracted when he asked her why she wasn’t going to work this morning,” I explain.

“She’s nesting,” Miss Evelyn says with a shrug, as if it’s the most natural thing in the world.

“Does that mean she’s going into heat right now?” I ask, panicked.

Miss Evelyn and Mr. Cecil smirk at each other as they shake their heads. Morgan doesn’t talk about this, so I’m clueless. While I did a little online research, I found out that every omega is different during their nesting and heat cycles, and that it’s not exact science.

I raised my middle finger at the phone at the time, and Caelin caught me. The asshole laughed his ass off at me, while I blushed furiously.

“Not necessarily,” Mr. Cecil says, putting me out of my misery.

His attention is pulled away for a moment as he gets a call, and it’s quickly clear it’s the boss.

“Hello, Son,” Mr. Cecil murmurs. “Yes, I heard Aisling is nesting and bossing those boys around. I hope she doesn’t have a knife, or they’ll all be sporting new scars.”

Aiden still has her knife, but only because she hasn’t asked for it back. I can see signs of depression in how withdrawn she’s been recently. There’s no bubbly energy, Aisling simply looks exhausted, and she’s no longer hiding it.

I think that scares me the most about all of this.

She’s doesn’t fucking care what we think, so we’re not worth hiding her sadness from. On the one hand, it gives me the ability to try to reach her where she’s at, but what happens when she doesn’t want to be helped?

Yep, I’m most definitely spiraling.

“Yes,” Mr. Cecil says, causing me to turn around in the driver’s seat to face him. I really want to know what he just agreed to. I wish he was on speaker phone, but he doesn’t believe in it. Conversations should be private. “I’ll let him know and send him home.”

Hanging up, he gazes at me as I raise my brow. I’m fucking dying, and I don’t care that I’m being dramatic.

“Cian said he would take us home,” he says. “In fact, he cleared his schedule and is on the way here now to have lunch with us. Isn’t that nice?”

“Argh, yes, it is. Are you sure?” I ask, my brain having a hard time processing this.

Cian never clears his schedule unless something is happening with Aisling. He’s very stringent with his meetings and calendar, to the point where he’ll follow through even when he’s sick.

“Completely sure,” Mr. Cecil says. “Go home, Evan. Be available to Aisling in case she needs you. There’s power in being a beta, in that you’re not as complicated as alphas are. She may be more inclined to reach out to you.”

Miss Evelyn nods, her eyes sad as she remembers her pack. “Robert was always our peacemaker, Evan. He managed to find a way to get everyone to come together,” she says.

“It was typically while waving around a fireplace poker or knife, but it always did the trick,” Mr. Cecil says, smothering a chuckle.

It’s funny how time manages to smooth out the rough lines of a story, until all you see is the good. Maybe that’ll eventually happen for us too, and Aisling will tell our kids about how wonderful we are.

Fuck, I really want to see her pregnant. Now, I need to get these two out of my car without flashing my erection.

“Then I guess I’ll leave you in good hands,” I say, willing my cock to go down as I open the door.

“Mom!” Jodi calls out, bustling out of the house with Patrick. Thank fuck. I’m saved.

The two of them help Mr. Cecil and Miss Evelyn get out of the car, and I begin the drive back to their house to pick up my truck. Hopefully, I’ll catch Aiden so I can drive him home. Otherwise, I don’t know how he’s planning to get back.

Blowing out a breath, I tell myself that I don’t need to know all of the moving pieces in order for them to work. Cian is a smart man, it’ll get worked out.


Starfishing out on the mattress, I rub my hands over the soft fabric of my new sheets. Twenty minutes ago, I decided I hated the previous sheets and hunted down a hunter green set. Now my colors are gray, green, and maroon. The curtains are a calm gray as well now, and easier to change out than I thought they’d be.

The colors are decidedly masculine, which is surprising for me, but they match the clothing I stole, and that’s what matters the most to me. I don’t care if no one else understands, these colors feel right, helping to soothe my chaotic mind.

Every time I see navy blue, I snarl, so that’s unfortunately not a color that can be in my nest anymore. I thought maybe it was a fluke, but it’s not. My body feels less anxious around these colors too.

I don’t care if it could be a figment of my imagination.

Sitting up, I stretch like a cat before standing. There’s a cold bottle of water next to me that I brought up earlier, and I take a sip before slowly walking around my nest. I’m starting to cramp a little, so I’m testing my pain levels.

It’s not too bad, but I’m starting to want some fresh air. I don’t want to run into anyone, which means going downstairs isn’t an option. I heard voices when I woke up an hour ago, confirming my need to find fresh air another way.

Examining the stained glass windows, I realize that they open out. Lips parted in surprise, I unlock them and push, sighing happily as the freezing cold air blows in.

I shouldn’t want this since it’s snowing outside again, but as I shove my arms outside and the snowflakes hit my skin, I realize how overheated I actually was.

The sky is gray and overcast, making it difficult to tell what time it is, yet it doesn’t matter to me. No one needs me, I can just be. I turned my phone off a couple of hours ago as well.

It’s kind of liberating to have a phone that doesn’t vibrate, light up, or ring. Fuck, I need a vacation, I just don’t have the time to be able to.

Leaning out the window, I close my eyes as the snow helps to cool me off. I guess, I’ve been warm for so long, I didn’t realize it until I felt driven to feel the outside air. Folding my arms under my head, I look out at the trees, snow drifts, and world outside of this house.

Losing track of time, I only close the window when I realize the floor is wet from the amount of snow that’s blown in and melted. Carefully walking to the bathroom for a towel, I clean up the mess, feeling floaty.

It’s as if there’s someone in my brain closing and opening internet browsers, causing me to be unable to focus on anything for very long.

So, I simply drift from thought to thought, letting go of the ones that don’t make sense to me right now. It’s a cloud of detachment.

Deciding I’ve walked around enough, I move to my mattress and climb into the middle of it, pulling my trophies toward me from the pack that confuses me. Inhaling the scents, I bury my face in the blanket as something reminding me of a knife twists inside of me.

My pussy clamps down on nothing in anger, adding to the cramping as it slicks. I don’t know why, but my traitorous brain conjures Caelin’s face, his pale blue eyes saying that he can fix whatever hurts.

“Argh!” I cry out, biting down on the knit fabric to muffle the scream.

I don’t need help, I’m fine…

Spitting out the blanket, I pull my stolen sweatshirt off my body, dropping it next to me. I don’t want it too far away from me, my skin simply feels as if it’s on fire though. Every nerve ending feels like a live wire, making me twitch occasionally like a drug addict who is craving her next hit.

Except, my body is addicted to cum, knots, and the pheromones of my pack. These are all things I can’t have, so I need to find something that will work just as well. Opening one of the hidey holes in the cabinets by the nest, I pull out one of my new toys. It’s pre charged, and doesn’t need batteries.

My mouth salivates as I look down at the veiny, thick dildo with the knot, sad that it’s not real so I can suck on it. That’s the downside to toys, I crave the taste of cum. Still, what I’m feeling isn’t as strong as my heat last month.

I don’t know how much more it’ll ramp up, but I can manage for now, as long as I can come around a knot. Even if it’s a fake one.

Playing with the buttons so I know how to use it, I fix my pillows behind me to ensure that they’re perfectly positioned. Dropping back onto them, I widen my legs, whimpering as a large gush of slick slides out. It’s not something I can control.

These sheets are going to be ruined very quickly.

Sighing, I push the thick tip of the toy inside my channel, moaning as I turn it on. As the toy twists and turns and the piercings light up my nerve endings, my pussy continues to perfume. Keeping my trophies near me, I inhale deeply as I push the toy in, back bowing as I shudder.

“Oh God,” I groan, imagining that they’re touching me. I can play pretend as long as they’re not here. The sting of betrayal fades away, and all I feel is need.

My body craves my alphas for their thick knots, but the connection of another human being as well during a vulnerable time. Heats are meant to be had while surrounded by people who love you, need you, adore you.

Why is fate so cruel as to give me one when I have none of that?

Pushing the toy further inside of me, my eyes roll back as it begins to roll and twist.

“Oh fuck,” I moan.

“Aisling, are you okay?” Evan asks, banging on the door.

Kill me now. I’m sure they can fucking smell me.

“Fine,” I gasp, breathing hard as my heart pounds from the shock of being essentially caught masturbating. Maybe toys aren’t for me.

“Why do you sound weird?” he asks and I whine as I pull the toy out and toss it to the side, frustrated.

My stomach cramps in anger, and I turn onto my side, pulling my knees up to my chest. Yanking the blanket that smells like Domh up to my nose like a support system, I struggle to string two words together.noveldrama

“I’m masturbating, Evan. Think I can get some privacy?” I ask, eyes closing in pain.

There goes my filter. I’ll be begging for knots before I know it. Damnit.

The sound of a head thumping on the door is muffled by the cloud of pain I’m in as my ears begin to faintly ring.

“Is she okay?” a hushed voice asks as I twist in the bed to get more comfortable.

I want an ice bucket dropped on my body. I’m beginning to sweat from the amount of heat that I’m emitting, and it’s joining the puddle of slick pooled underneath me.

“No,” Evan grunts, cursing as I begin to sob.

It hurts so much. I don’t know what’s changed, but I can’t get ahead of things now. Maybe it’s because my concentration is shot.

“Go away!” I scream, writhing as fire licks up my spine. That’s how it feels as my heat gets more intense.

Yet, it’s still not as bad as my first heat, nor the one I rode out with the guys. The pills are definitely doing their job, even though the pain is high.

“Aisling, you didn’t sound this bad before I knocked,” Evan says. “Was it helping to play with your pretty, pink pussy?”

His words make me perfume, and I moan. It should be illegal to speak to an omega like that during her heat.

“Yes… yes,” I moan, flopping onto my back.

“What were you doing it with?” Evan asks. “I heard a motor.”

Flushing with embarrassment, I glance at the toy, wincing as the pain gets worse. I need to do something, or I’m going to pass out at some point and scare the shit out of them all.

I don’t want anyone in my nest without permission, and that’s what makes me try to focus on Evan’s words.

“I got some new toys,” I force out. “It has a knot on the bottom, but I didn’t get that far before you knocked.”

“So pick it up and use it,” Evan says, as if that’s the only natural option.

I would if it didn’t feel so odd to do it with him on the other side of the door. I also am not in the right frame of mind anymore, and my body is spasming in pain.

“I can’t,” I grunt, gritting my teeth.

Sticking a pillow in between my legs to attempt to get comfortable, only to find myself rubbing against the material. The feeling of the cool fabric along with the friction feels incredible against my overly warm pussy.

Ugh, this is what I’m being reduced to. I’m scent marking everything in my nest inadvertently, and it all smells like sugar, my matches, and my pack.

Only they’re not mine, are they? Tears well up as I bite down on my lip, keeping in the sounds as the waterworks begin. If no one hears me, does it really count?

“Aisling!” Evan roars. “Come on, baby. I didn’t mean to fuck up your headspace. Can I help? Please?”

“No,” I tell him, my voice thick with tears.

“Fuck,” he says. “You’re hurting, and I want to fix it. I fucked up this time. Would it help if I could promise I’d be the only one in your nest? The guys will stay out.”

“You’re not their keeper,” I whimper, rocking my hips to gain more friction against the pillow. This feels good, and it’s not as awkward for some reason.

“Aye, he’s not, but we’re bound to his promise just the same,” Domh drawls, making me squeak in surprise. “Sugar, if he can help you, let him. Evan won’t try to influence you in any way.”

Another wave of pain rocks my body, and I can’t help it, I scream out to help release the intensity.

“Aisling,” Evan growls. “Tell me to come in. You don’t even have to unlock the door, I promise to fix it later after I break it down.”

God, why is that so sexy? Burrowing my face into his hat, I decide to let him in. My headspace is fucked and I need some help.

“Yes,” I say shakily, and instead of breaking down the door, he picks the lock in seconds.

I guess that’s a handy trick to have. Slamming the door shut behind himself and in the rest of his pack’s face, he stalks toward me, dropping to his knees.

“Poor, sweet little omega,” he croons, his thumb running over my cheek to collect a few of my tears. Placing it between my lips, he commands, “Suck.”

Opening my mouth, I lean forward and suck on his thumb, oddly beginning to relax as I do. Evan kisses my forehead, whispering, “There’s my good girl.”

Whimpering, I perfume, and Evan swallows hard.

“Someone enjoys being praised,” he growls. “I’m going to help you feel so much better, and I promise to barely touch you, sweet girl. Turn on your back.”

As I obey him, he tried to remove his thumb, and I bite down hard. I don’t break the skin, but I have this overwhelming feeling to make him mine. It’s not fair to do that when things are such a mess, so I force myself to release him.

“Alright then,” he breathes, his caramel gaze filling with understanding.

Evan picks up the toy I abandoned, eyes wide as he examines it.

“Is this from your friends at The Naughty Tote?” he asks. At my nod, he smirks, turning on the vibration. In his hands, my interest in the toy receives new life, my pussy slicking. “This thing is awesome. Show me how you were using it earlier, Aisling.”

Taking it from him, I drop my legs open, and push it inside of myself. I ramp up the vibration and thrusting settings, groaning as I lose patience and rock it deep into my pussy.

“Fuck yes. Take what you need, baby,” he murmurs, his gaze on my pussy and the toy that’s stretching me. “Feel how good your swollen, needy cunt pulls the toy in as you clamp around it, Aisling.”

Eyes rolling, I groan as I do just that, my feet moving, so that they’re flat on the mattress. The girth of the toy’s shaft is huge, forcing me to breathe as I push myself to take more of it. The toy is making the walls already start to pulse around it, my thigh muscles shaking. Now that I’m getting back into it, the toy can do its job.

“You look so pretty and flushed, baby. Push it in more. Think of me, Aisling,” he groans, making me gasp. “Don’t think I didn’t see the fact that it’s fucking pierced, it’s one of the first things I noticed.”

“Evan,” I whimper, though he doesn’t touch me. His hands are planted on the edge of the mattress as he watches me with a predatory gaze, but he keeps still.

“Knot,” he grunts. “Show me how well you take it.”

Working the toy until I’m spread wide and the knot is bumping against my entrance, I gasp as I begin to push it in. The problem with taking a knot is that it’s not comfortable, and having it thrusted into your needy cunt hits different when you’re not the one doing it.

“I’m trying,” I whine, my body bowing as another wave of pain hits me. Clawing at the sheets, I cry out as I try to escape it.

“Fuck, okay, baby. I’m going to touch you, okay?” he says. Tears stream down my cheeks as I nod wildly.

“Please,” I whisper.

“So pretty when you beg, but you don’t have to,” he croons. “I want to help.”

His hand wraps around the toy that’s still buried deep inside my pussy, pushing it until the knot is up against me again.

“Did you know the knot inflates?” he asks as he begins applying pressure.

“No,” I moan, my hips lifting.

A hand slams on the wall, and Evan rolls his eyes.

“She was answering a question, dick. Aisling wasn’t telling me no,” he says. “I saw a button, and it just clicked as to what it does. You’re going to be a very good girl and take this knot, aren’t you?”

“Yes,” I gasp as I feel the prick of pain as I’m stretched to the point that I’m usually delusional during.

“Relax,” he whispers. “Your body can do this. That’s it, Aisling. Your sweet pussy is slicking around the knot, and pulling it in. You’re so damn beautiful.”

My hair is a mess of curls from how much I’m sweating, and I know it’s sticking to my forehead. Yet, Evan makes me feel like the most beautiful woman ever as he brushes his cool fingers over the crown of my head.

“More,” I whisper, my eyelashes fluttering.

“Attagirl,” he grunts. “So fucking perfect. I’m going to push you until you feel as if you’re close to bursting, baby. Lean into it.”

My fingers move as of their own accord until they’re curled around his strong bicep. He’s wearing a tank-top with large arm holes that expose his strong, lithe body. His joggers show off the erection he’s sporting, but all of his concentration is centered on getting me off, calming the heat. I have no idea how long this will go on, but he’s in no hurry.

“Evan,” I whine, the fingers of my other hand curling into the sheets. He’s completely responsible for my orgasm.

“Shh, I know. I’m not going to edge you,” he promises. “Take what I’m giving you. I bet you’re clenching around this thick dick, aren’t you? How do the piercings feel?”

“Yes,” I rasp, my lids hooding as I concentrate on his words. “The toy is thick, and I feel full, yet I know I can take more. Fuck, just like that. Yes. Ugh, oh God.”

“Words, baby. Say my name when you come, Aisling,” he insists.

His words are strangely similar to Aiden’s in the alley, but I feel a wave of pleasure as the toy twists and moves over my G-spot, taking away my breath. I suppose everyone wants to hear their name, feel special, because it’s the best way to show someone they’re seen.

My toes curl in pleasure as I keen, panting as I struggle to take this toy’s knot. It’s so much hotter knowing that Evan is in charge of my pleasure, the lick of heat over my skin threatening to scorch my sheets.

I can feel a rush of slick being stopped by the knot as it fills me, and all I can do is writhe as it finally pops into place. A touch of a button makes it begin to pulse and fill the knot even more as it fucks me from the inside.

Holy fuck, it’s overwhelming. My chest heaves, making my breasts heave, and Evan leans down and sucks one into his mouth. His subsequent bite down on my soft, overheated flesh makes me scream in pleasure, breaking me apart.

My release goes on for ages as my toes dig into the mattress, my pussy clenches around the vibrator, and I cream for this beta who took the time to take care of me.

As blackness takes over my vision, and the world goes dark, I confess to myself that this could be the beginning of something. Maybe not forgiveness, but definitely a possible turning point.

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