Howling Hearts

Chapter 18

"Scarlet look at me"

I hear him command me but luckily for me that doesn't work with me. "Ash, if we are going to do this you will have to treat me as your equal"

His eyes was so shocked, as if, though I had stabbed him in the back. "Scarlet that we... can work on later" He said regaining his sanity before he continued.

"But as for Saige she was just a fun time that's it, you are my mate Scarlet you will always be in a category of your own that no one else can be in" "So you admit she was good" I glared at him studying his every move and anticipating his next comment. "Damn Scarlet what do you want me to do go back in time and somehow convince myself not to F*ck Saige?"


I said as his whole body seemed to cave in on itself with a sigh that left him. "Scarlet I can't do that and we both know that" " well then don't give me an offer that you can't hold up".

"Scarlet do you know what sarcasm is" "Of course I do. Not just do you want to say my sister is great in bed but also say that she is smarter?"

"No scarlet... Do you want to pick a fight?"

After those words left his lips, I was taken aback but soon realized what he was saying was nothing but the truth. I am trying to pick a fight because I'm insecure.

"You know what I don't actually". "Good because neither do I". He quickly replied. "How about we speak about this like two grown adults?" "Fine" I said through gritted teeth, I don't even know why I'm so angry. "Scarlet your Frustrated"

"Oh I know"

he giggled at my reply for a little before he looked me straight in the eyes again. "I mean sexually frustrated" I could feel my cheeks shifting into a red color my eyes were blinking at a rapid pace to his words.

"He's right" I hear my wolf say "Shut up "I said aloud without even knowing and ended up retrieving an awkward stare into my direction with the owner being Ash. He turned his head to the side to try and pick at my brain.

I ended up getting even redder at the realization that Ash thought I meant him "no no I didnt mean you. I was talking to my wolf", he sat back again and relaxed.

He grabbed a piece of cheese and placed it on a salty crack and brought it to my mouth ever so slowly. I opened my mouth just as slowly.

I looked into his eyes, those icy blue eyes that sent shivers down my spine. I chewed the cracker slowly, having the cranberry and cream cheese taste filling my mouth. He rubs his thumb at the corner of my lip.

His thumb made its way to his mouth and he closed his eyes to experience the taste deeper. A groan left his mouth, causing my panties to become wet.

"I think I need more"

he said before placing his lips onto mine. I gasped and he took the opportunity to slide his tongue into my mouth, making me wetter.

He lifted me onto his lap without breaking the kiss, grabbing me by my hips and pulling me close to him so that I could feel his chest against mine.

When I felt his bulge growing under my panties, I pushed him away slightly, looking into his confused eyes. "I'm not ready to go all the way", he then put his head into the crook of my neck and took a deep breath, making me wonder if he would respect my wishes. "Fine Scarlet we don't have to go all the way tonight". I suddenly took a big gulf of air realizing I'd been holding my breath the whole time.

"Don't be so relieved, tomorrow is another day", my whole body shivered at his words, but before I could think any further, he flipped me over to my back. I lay on the make-shift bed and looked at him with needy eyes.

He kissed my neck softly trailing down to the hem of his shirt before he tore it off my body. There I was in just in my undies from last night. His eyes went dark for a moment seeing me bare in front of him.

I suddenly got insecure knowing Saige had a better body than me. But I tried to play it off so as to not ruin the moment. He then cupped one of my breaths in his hand before sucking on my n****e. Electricity shot through me. 1

He then slightly bit down on my n****e, making my body quiver at his touch. He started kissing my skin again all the way down to my lace undies. He gently took them off when they were off and he threw them away.

I spread my legs for him so he wouldn't have to. His eyes went even darker looking at my p***y. He moved quickly and before I knew it he had his tongue on my chest and his hands under my but to lift me slightly higher. Before I knew it, I was caught in a wave of o*****s. Him gliding his finger in and out of me and sucking and eating me.

Before I knew it, I was a sweaty mess lying there panting after all he had done to me. He then laid me on his chest and he put on some action movie. I fell asleep before we even reached the movie introduction. Morning of the Mate Ballnoveldrama

I woke up in the lounge next to Ash. He seems so peaceful when he sleeps, not the cold and arrogant person that he is when he is awake and aware.

I saw one stray stand on the top of his forehead and moved the stand back in place before I could pull back my hand. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me to straddle him.

"Ready for round two?" he said with eyes still closed and a grin on his face.

I blushed again. My eyes then caught sight of the big clock that was in the kitchen and saw it was already noon and it was Saturday. The mate ball is tonight. And I still don't have a dress.

"Ash I wish we could. But its already noon and I don't have a dress." His eyes shot open before he sat up and looked towards the clock. "Well then you better get your stuff and yourself ready. Tonight is going to be tough."

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