Mafia Kings: Massimo: Dark Mafia Romance Series #3

Chapter 53

We cuddled afterwards – something I’d never done with any other guys.

But it felt natural with Massimo…

And something I craved. Just being close to him. The scent of him… his warmth…

He was lying on his back; I nestled against his side with my head on his shoulder, which was quickly becoming my favorite place in the world.

And I was playing with his cock. It was soft, but still huge and thick and heavy. Even completely flaccid, he was bigger than all the other guys I’d been with when they were hard.

I lolled it around in my palm, feeling its size and heat.

“You like playing with it?” he asked in amusement.

“I LOVE playing with it. It’s my favorite toy ever.”

“Mmmm… good…” he said drowsily.noveldrama

I grabbed his cock firmly. “MINE.”

He just chuckled.

I was quiet for a moment.

I don’t know why I was feeling so vulnerable, but I was. Maybe it was the fact that I was lying next to a Greek god with a huge cock who was the best lay I’d ever had. And the most handsome… and the strongest…

“…Massimo?” I asked hesitantly.


“…do you like my body okay?”

He looked down at me in surprise, suddenly wide awake. “Of course – you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever been with.”

My entire body flushed with pleasure. I mean, I knew men liked me. But to hear from the hottest guy I’d ever been with that I was the most beautiful woman he’d ever been with…

“I am?”

“By far.”

I glanced down, unable to look him in the eyes as I said the next thing.

“…is my chin okay?”

“…what?” He sounded genuinely confused as he said it.

“My chin,” I said, sticking it out. “Is it okay?”

“It’s fine – why wouldn’t it be?”

“It has that little line on it.”


“So there’s a comedian on TikTok who calls it a ‘butt chin.’”

Massimo laughed. “A butt chin?”

“It’s not funny!” I said as I smacked his arm lightly.

“It’s kind of funny,” he said with a grin.

“No it’s not,” I said petulantly.

“Men have that all the time.”

“Yeah, but it doesn’t look good on women.”

“I think it looks adorable on you.”

I didn’t want to look adorable. It made me sound like a puppy dog. But on the other hand, he’d already said I was the most beautiful woman he’d ever been with.

I should have just chalked up an ‘adorable chin’ as a win…

But I couldn’t let it go.

“The guy on TikTok said he dated a girl with a butt chin and everybody made fun of her.”

“What did they say?”

“They called her the ‘Texas Chinsaw Massacre.’”

He didn’t get it at first – English to Italian translation issues – so I had to explain that the movie’s title in English was The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

Once he got it, Massimo roared with laughter.

“It’s not funny!” I said, but this time I was smiling.

“That’s what he called her? ‘The Texas Chinsaw Massacre’?”

“Well, no – that’s what his friends called her. He called her his little ‘Chinderella.’”

Massimo nearly bust a gut at that one.

“It’s not funny!” I protested, but now I was laughing, too.

“So, should I call you my little Chinderella?” he asked, wiping a tear from the corner of his eye.

I grabbed his cock hard. “You call me that, and I will cut this off in your sleep,” I snarled.

“Okay, okay!” he grinned as he held his hands up in surrender. “I will definitely never call you – ”

I gave him a warning look and squeezed his dick.

“ – THAT,” he said, stifling a laugh.

“…okay,” I relented, and let go of his cock.

He paused.

“…but what about the Texas Chinsaw Massacre?”

He howled with laughter and rolled away so I couldn’t grab his dick again, so I just beat on his back with my fists.

“NOT FUNNY!” I yelled and laughed at the same time.

Then he rolled over too quickly for me to react and pinned my body and arms to the mattress.

I struggled against him, but it was utterly pointless.

…and it was kind of hot.

With his face just a few inches away from mine, he stared into my eyes and said, “I think you are absolutely beautiful… and everything about you is perfection.”

I went “Hmph,” but inside I swelled with happiness… which I’m sure he knew, because I could barely hide my smile.

“But I don’t have big boobs,” I said, wanting to see what he would say.

“They’re exquisite just the way they are. I don’t know if you’ve figured it out yet,” he said wryly, “but I’m an ass man.”

“NOOOO,” I said in over-the-top fake surprise. “You’re JOKING.”

He laughed again. “Well, it’s true… and you’ve got the hottest ass I’ve ever seen.”

I smiled so big it hurt my face. “Yeah?”

“Oh yeah.”

By now he’d stopped pinning my arms, and I circled them around his neck and whispered, “Did you want it when you first saw it?”


I frowned. “No?!”

“Mostly I wanted to kill you.”

I burst out laughing as I remembered everything that had happened at my university. “Yeah, well, I wanted to kill you, too.”

“I was trying to save you.”

“Yeah,” I said indignantly, “and then you flipped me over your shoulder and showed my ass to the entire fucking world.”

A smile pulled at the corners of his mouth. “You were being a brat.”


“You were.”

“You were being a dick!”

He just shrugged and smirked.

“And then you SPANKED me – ”

“I did enjoy that,” he admitted with a dreamy smile.

“Fucker!” I giggled as I poked him in the ribs.

“Hey,” he warned playfully, then started tickling me.

“NO FAIR – NO FAIR!” I screamed with laughter as I tried to tickle him back – but I didn’t have the same effect on him as he did on me. “STOP, STOP!”

He quit tickling me long enough to say, “Truce?”


He lay on his back again and pulled me against his side. I smiled in contentment as my head lay on his shoulder.

“Was there something we did that was your favorite?” I asked. “In bed, I mean?”

“I want to fuck your ass with my tongue again.”

I giggled, then stopped myself.

I could not believe how much I was giggling lately.

“You liked that, didn’t you?” I asked in a sultry voice. “Doing that to my ass with your tongue.”

“Mm-hm. Did you like it?”

I thought for a second before I answered. “If you’d asked me beforehand if I thought I would like it, I would have said, ‘No fucking way, don’t even fucking try it’… but I ended up loving it.”

He looked down at me. His brown eyes were smoldering. “Did you come from it?”

I bit my lower lip and nodded. “I think so. Whatever it was, it felt amazing.”

“Fuck,” he groaned, and leaned over and kissed me.

After we stopped kissing, I asked, “What else did you like?”

I could see he was hesitating.

“What?” I demanded.

“…I liked the whole ‘I hate you’ thing.”

I grinned.

“You liked that, huh?” I asked in a husky voice.

He nodded shyly.

“It was fucking hot, wasn’t it?” I whispered.

He nodded again.

I propped myself up on my arms so I was looking down at him and said in my sexiest voice, “Well, I… fucking… hate you.”

Except the tone I used was I want you to fuck me ALL NIGHT LONG.

He growled deep in his throat – a feral animal sound that turned me on so much

And then he sighed, and his head collapsed back on the pillow. “We should save it for later. We need to pack up and go.”

“Awwww,” I pouted. “Do we have to leave?”

“We should.”

Please can we stay here another night?”

He frowned quizzically. “Why? I thought you said it was a shithole.”

“Eh… it’s more like a run-down dump.”

He laughed out loud. “Now that’s a ringing endorsement.”

“But it’s also fun. Cooking over the fire was like we were in a movie. Aaaaand… we could fuck some more,” I said playfully, like I was trying to entice him.

“Mmmm,” he murmured, obviously into the idea. “But we can do that in a new place, too.”

“Yeah… but we’re already here,” I whispered as I took his cock in my hand and softly stroked it. “And all that time we’d spend walking around the woods, we could spend fucking instead.”

“Aren’t you sore?”

“Yeah, but you don’t have to put to put it in me. You could just lick my clit… and do things to my ass I know you want to do… and I could lick you… and you could come in my mouth…”

As I spoke, his cock began to thicken and lengthen in my hand.

“Oooooh, somebody likes that plan,” I teased.

“Babe,” he growled, “you keep talking like that, I’m gonna have to fuck you again.”

“You keep saying things like that,” I whispered, “and you better fuck me again.”

He turned over on his side, flipping me onto my back, and kissed me.

I squealed with delight, but the sound was muffled by his mouth on mine.

His right hand slipped under my ass and squeezed it…

And I reached for his cock again and felt it getting harder and thicker.

I made a fist around it and broke off our kiss long enough to say, “MINE.”

He grinned and spoke in that deep, rumbling voice of his.


I don’t know why that turned me on so much…

But my nipples immediately got hard.

“…yeah?” I whispered, a smile tugging at the corner of my mouth.

“Yeah,” he growled, and he started kissing my neck.

I felt him get rock-hard in my hand, heartbeat by heartbeat.

“Oh… Massimo…” I whispered, my eyes closed in ecstasy.

We ended up deciding to stay in the cabin.

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