Married to the Mafia Boss

#2 (The Marriage)-C5


I storm out of Vinni’s and text the girls who I was going to meet to let them know it’s canceled: I have an emergency. I hail an Uber to get to my father’s place. I am not letting this shit happen.

I really thought my father and I had turned a corner after our altercation at the hospital. I thought I could trust him more. But this? This is too low to just gloss over as him being his usual controlling self.

Only my father is archaic enough to arrange a marriage in this day and age, Not to mention it’s with the guy who broke my heart. There have been many guys since Frankie, but none that damaged me quite the way he did.

Only Frankie would consider an order from his family like this acceptable. What game is he trying to play? He’s pretended I haven’t existed for ages, and now, suddenly, I must become his wife. He was so calm about it too, and I didn’t like it. I feel dirty, as though I’ve been sold as a possession my father no longer has any interest in.

As I sit stewing in the Uber, I think back to Dave. He was also controlling, but he was aggressive and violent, too. I definitely have issues with finding people who like to try and control me.

My father has another thing coming if he thinks I’m going through with this, but I’m too angry to think of a logical argument to give my father right now.


He’ll get my wrath and fury, and I will rain hell down upon his pitiful little life.

The Uber pulls up to the gate, and a guard comes to my window. I roll it down. “It’s me, Amelia. Is my father home?”

“He’s in a meeting,” the guard says. I don’t recognize this one, but he clearly knows me. “I’m sure you can wait for him in the library.”

The gates open, and the Uber driver takes me to the front door. I forget to thank him and only realized how rude that was after he left. Dammit. I hate being like a typical primadonna. I like things my way, but I don’t have a carrot stuck up my ass. No, that’s Frankie and his entire bullshit family.

My father is enslaving me to freaking mobsters!

The more I think of it, the more I think my father has completely lost his mind. I walk into the library and toward the drinks cart that is kept stocked there. I pour a neat whiskey and sit by the window, sipping it angrily. I want to down it like I normally do, but I don’t want my father to think this is a drunken rant and that I will change my mind in the morning.

The minutes tick by agonizingly slow before I hear voices outside the room. It’s my father bidding his guests a good evening. It must be family business if it’s this late. I set my glass down and stand, my hands on my hips.

When Gustavo walks in, I glare at him.

“You’ve heard,” he says calmly. “And you’re unhappy.”

“Who arranges a marriage in this day and age?”

“Frankie is a good son. He will take care of you, provide for you, and most importantly, protect you,” my father says, pouring himself a drink. He loosens the buttons on his suit jacket and sits behind the heavy oak table that dominates the far corner of the library.

I lean on the table, on the opposite side, so I’m facing him. “Let me explain something. I am not marrying Francesco Sorvino. Not over my dead body will I marry into that family. You have no right selling me like I’m something you own.”

“Don Alessandro has agreed, and his decision is final. There is no fighting this, Amelia. Just take it in your stride, and you might even come to love him in time.” my father gives a weary sigh.

I glare at my father and stand straight. “You understand that you can’t make me do this. I will not do this. This is not something you can force to happen. I will never, ever go through with an arranged marriage, no matter who you choose to be, my husband. That is my choice, father, not yours.”

Gustavo’s demeanor changes, and his shoulders straighten. “You will learn to respect my decision, Amelia. I am warning you to let this go. I am tired of fighting you on every decision when you have done nothing but prove that you cannot make good decisions for yourself.”

“I have free will. If I want to marry a homeless man, I will,” I spit at him. “I won’t do it.”

“Then say goodbye to the family,” he yells at me angrily. “Because let me tell you, Amelia, you will not see one person from this family again unless you marry the Sorvino boy.”

Only he could call Frankie a boy. My heart freezes in my chest. I might not get along with my father, but I love my family. My cousins and aunts, and uncles. I love them to pieces. They’re such good, loving people.

“You can’t do this,” I plead. “You can’t force me to do something that will make me miserable. You don’t know him, Father. You don’t know what he’s capable of.”

Gustavo waves a hand at me. “I know what he is capable of, and that’s protecting you. Also, he was brought up right. He won’t hit you around and abuse you like some of these other men you’ve dated have done. He won’t put you in the hospital. My decision is final, Amelia, marry Francesco Sorvino or leave our family for good. God knows we’re tired of our hearts breaking watching you destroy your life.”

I fall silent. This wasn’t the fight I was expecting. Never in my life has my father ever threatened to cut me off from my family before. They are all I have. I have some friends here and there, but they’re party friends. Family is so important. I was brought up learning that family is everything. Now, if I want to keep my family, I have to trade my soul.

“I can’t believe you,” I say, softly but angrily.

“Make your decision but make it now,” my father warns me. “Because I am tired of waiting around for a phone call that one of your boyfriends has killed you.”

“You say you care about me, you say you’re doing this out of worry for me, but they’re mobsters. They’re just as dangerous.”

“They are from the old stock. They have morals and values. They know our ways, and they know how important family is. It’s time for you to settle down. You’re not changing my mind. You’re just confirming to me that I’m making the right decision. You’re a loose cannon, and you need to live in reality now. What do you choose?”

I’m seething. For a moment, I consider telling him to hell with him and the family, but I know in my heart that’s not what I want. I love my family so much, and I don’t want to be cast out into the world alone with no one.

“Fine,” I snap, “I agree to your terms. I will marry Francesco.”

My heart plummets in my chest. I’m feeling a mixture of anger, hate, and sadness for what my life is about to become. I will have no say in my future or what I do with Frankie as my husband. He will be more controlling than Gustavo Fernando has ever been.

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