Mated To The Twin Alpha Heirs

Chaos, Aaron!

The door opened to reveal someone sleeping on the bed. I gasped when I saw who it was.

"Melissa?" I walked closer to the bed, hoping I was seeing the right person.

She was not talking, she was hooked to wires. The heart monitor that revealed the best of her heart was beeping steady. Her eyes were closed and she had a blackened eye, her lower lip was split as if she had been given a sharp jab there. "What happened to her?" Zach asked. He took pictures.

"Now is not the time for social media, Zach." I asked, quite angry.

"This is not for social media, Katherina. I know when to be serious. This is someone's life we're talking about. I'm taking pictures for evidence. In case we need it." He explained.

"I have some in my phone, even before she was brought here." Baron said.

I had been wondering where she was all these while, I had even thought she had finally quit because she did not want to work for me anymore. I did not want to feel disappointed but I had. Even though she had treated me with cold indifference and had passed unfriendly gestures, I still did not want her to be in this position.

I did not want her to be this beaten and battered. Who had done this to her? Who was the bastard who had done this to Melissa? She had found my clothes in the first place. And now, this was the trouble she was in. Who was doing all of this? Now I understood why Baron wanted us to come here.

It was the best decision. This was the best place. It had all started here, and it would end here. Whoever that person was, I would not forgive them. Melissa was my maid, my personal maid and our relationship might have been distant, it did not give the person that right to do this to my maid.

"How did this happen, Baron?" Trenton asked.

Baron could not talk, the anger in his face, the angry set of his jaw was enough to let me know he was ready to pummel whoever that might have done this to Melissa.

"Melissa wanted to help Katherina find the truth about the phone incident." He replied.

"What?!" This was news to me. "But Melissa had never liked me..."

"That is what you think, Kathy. Melissa likes you, she just does not like your attitude. To her, she feels you are too naïve and weak. And she was not brought up to be that. According to her, she does not value nor respect anyone who is weak. But she likes you because you are nice and kindhearted. She had noticed that about you." Baron narrated.noveldrama

That was it? That was the reason why she had been that cold to me from the beginning? It was not because she hated me, nor did not want to work for me, but because I was not fighting for myself. And now she was in danger because she wanted to fight for me.

She was lying on this hospital bed, fighting for her live, trying to fight through this because of an evil soul out there. I could not wait to find this person. Katelyn. Katelyn. I was not going to say anything yet until I knew that for sure it was her. "She finally found the truth. The evidence is right here with me. Remember that day at the field. The day of Wolf It." Baron was talking directly to me.

"Yes, I remember." I was trying so hard not to cry. Lucas held my hand and squeezed.

"It was her call that made me run off that day. She informed me to meet up with her. I think Wolf It happened the day before yesterday. She asked me to come, I met with her. She gave me the evidence but she was bleeding profusely. I had to rush her here and tell the medical attendant to keep it low." He narrated.

"Why did you not tell me? I would have come to see her, at least, stay with her." I felt so guilty. She had been here, all by herself. The person she has gone through all of this for had not come to see her.

I held her hand, it was unmoving. The only thing that gave out the fact that she was alive, was the warmth that radiated through.

"What did the doctor say had been done to her?" Lucas asked.

"She said her ribs were broken. No internal bleeding, thankfully. But she had been stabbed multiple times in multiple places like her stomach, back, her arm and legs. I wonder how she'd had the strength to even call me. Some other person might have bled out and died."

The tears came now and they flowed in torrents. "Because she's strong. No wonder she did not like me. I was something she hated." And now, I was going to be the kind of person she liked. A strong one. I would be strong and find whoever that had done this to her.

Lucas hugged me tight, I gripped his shirt as sobs broke out of my lips. I should not be crying. I should be strong and finding the culprit behind this.

"Did the doctor say she would survive this?" This was from Aaron.

"Fifty-fifty chance because of the multiple stabs, not to forget her head was hit against something hard. They had to shave off that part to sew it." Baron pointed at a side of her head that had been hidden. I moved closer and that was when I saw it. Rage filled me. Aaron stormed outside. Trenton's expression had gone cold. Lucas and Zach fury could melt even the biggest iceberg. Baron's was expressionless. "Whoever that had done this was really desperate to hide the evidence. But how were they not able to get it from her though." Lucas inquired, his eyes were still on Melissa. His tone hinted at vengeance. "That I do not know. She gave it to me and lost consciousness immediately. I have been unable to get answers until she wakes."

Just then, we heard chaos. Aaron.

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