Nine months too late: After divorce

Chapter 42

Heavens! Hoe did he know she was at Westley's? Did he keep a tail on her or something?

Then, she remembered. His guards!. Was it possible they've been following her the whole time?

She dropped the call, turning to Westley. "Kage is here!

"What?" Westley went to the window. He pulled the curtain and indeed, found Kage outside his car.

God dammit. The son of a bitch just had to ruin things for him.

Tll go talk to him get him to leave, he started towards the door.

"What? No! You can't do that. Don't worry, I'll just... I'll go just go, okay?"

"And why's that! Can't we spend so time together as a couple?

Sylvie looked away, not liking how it sounded.

For God's sake, he was right. She shouldn't be feeling guilty spending time with him. And Kage shouldn't be out there wanting to pick her up. They had an agreement! Yel

Tm sorry. We'll just talk later. She left the room, going downstairs.

In no time, she was outside and with Kage.

Kage looked like a volcano waiting to erupt. He was casually dressed, making it obvious he was coming from home.

"What the hell happened to your phone? For a minute, I thought you had been kidnapped, he was still trying to keep his anger in check.

"Why would you think that when you clearly have a tail on me?" She rolled her eyes.

He glared at the house behind her, then lowered himself into the car.

Sylvic didn't same, and they hit the road.

They didn't say a word to each other until they were in the living room.

"What were you thinking, Sylvie? How could you be at a man's place so late at night, knowing your condition?" Kage asked, going after her as she headed for the stairs. Sylvie stopped abruptly, turning to face him.

"You say it like he's someone dangerous. Westley is my fiance, just in case you've forgotten."

"And you really think your fiance wouldn't have something against my kids? You think he'd be cool with you carrying another man's child?

"Kage, please! We had an agreement, okay? I told you I wouldn't condone you treating me like a kid. I need my freedom. alright

"And I have no intentions of restricting that. Your can do whatever the hell you want in the name of freedom, Sylvie, but



don't go anywhere near Westley. That's the one freedom I'm never gone to give."


"Yes! He's my enemy. How do you expect me to feel knowing you trust him? You trusting someone that could hurt my kids just to get back at me."

"Oh, please! Westley would never do that. Maybe you can do that to others, seeing that you're ready to go to any lengths just to get back at people, but Westley will never do that!" She turned towards the staircase.

"You keep talking like you really love him, Kage's words halted her when she'd taken three steps. "Earlier today you were probably sucking Lancelot's cock in the office. Have you forgotten?" Sylvie lost it. Turning back at Kage, her eyes held more rage, more hate.

She pointed a finger at him. "You'll not say one more word about that," her body shook with rage as she inched towards him.

Kage, however, was unnerved. "Why not? Is it less of the truth? Does Westley even know you aren't over a stupid ex from high school! Tell me, Sylvie, did you cheat on me while we were married? 'Cause from the look of things, it seems you might be a cheater.

"Damn you!" She hit him with both hands in the chest, pushing him off. Tears glistened in her eyes. "I am no cheater, asshole! Otherwise, you'd have gotten me back then!"

She glared at him. This is all your fault. You're the reason I can't get Lancelot off my back. It's all you!"

She turned away from him, breathing hard. "Everything has always been your fault. It's your fault in stuck with this pregnancy. You fucking raped me, Kage! It's your fault I have to work on your company. It's your fault Stephanie's house got burnt. It has always been you!" She cried.

Turning to face him, her tears were already rolling down her face

"How much further will you hurt me? How much further do I have to wait until you ruin my life!?"

Kage's countenance had dropped. He looked at her as though, she'd lost her mind. Perhaps, she had.

She approached him, her eyes rimming with red.

"Even back then, it's your fault I did what I did. Lancelot may have deceived me, but if you hadn't been such an asshole, I never would've had a reason to do it!"

With that, she turned away, running up the stairs.

God, she wished she could go away from him, but even she was scared. Scared that there might be someone out there. wanting to hurt her.

Sylvie was unwell the next morning. Although, she was awake, she simply stared up at the ceiling, not having the zeal to get ready for work. She couldn't.

After a long time, she washed up so she could go get something to eat. As she stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom, brushing, she stared at her reflection. She was wearing a black singlet that stopped at her chest, exposing her tummy.

She sighed and touched the bump. Her poor kids. She felt terrible for having them in such an complicated environment She wondered what it'd be like having to birth them without their father. Hopefully, her then husband would treat them nice and never have to make them feel less loved. She hoped things would turn out well.

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She finished from the bathroom, then headed downstairs to meet breakfast. But Kage wasn't there.

She started eating, having to force the food down her throat since she didn't have an appetite.

It was a while later when Kage walked in on her. He was on his phone.

He didn't head to the dining, but instead, walked pass her, dressed in his corporate wear. A maid followed him behind with

his suitcase.

Sylvie's heart skipped a beat in her chest. Did he really... walk out on her like she wasn't visible?

Sylvie and Kage's relationship only grew worst over the days. They didn't eat together, sometimes they drove separately to work. The few times they had to talk, it was business related and usually very l y brief

That evening, she stood before the mirror, applying a red lipstick.

She was dressed in a black shimmering dress on shoes with very small heels. A member of the One Trillion Group was having a birthday party, and Westley had picked her to be his plus-one.

Getting to the living room, she met Kage, wearing an expensive suit. He was on a phone call and seemed to stare longer at her as she descended the staircase.

She cast her gaze below, careful with her steps.

Just like before, she walked past him without saying a word. But reaching the door, he spoke up.noveldrama

"Be careful not to get drunk. You should know it's bad for your health."

She paused to glance at him. "Thanks," she inclined her head, then walked out.

Westley was already waiting outside. She got into his car and they left for the party together. But of course, Kage would definitely be in attendance.

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