Renacida de Las Cenizas Novela

Chapter 9

Chapter 9

Matias remembered the call from the police yesterday , saying that they had found a finger with a wedding ring on it . I saw how his hand was shaking when he held the cell phone !

Calling the police , before he could explain the reason , the officer said : Mr. Matias ? I ‘m sorry , the finger found yesterday is not Mrs. Norma ‘s , it has already been claimed by another relative .

Matias ‘s expression finally emerged from the darkness , slowly regaining some color .

She sighed deeply , looking at the portrait on her nightstand , Norma , that’s enough . X

With a snap , he pressed the photo where he sees me hugging him and smiling happily.

Straightening his shirt and trying to tie his tie , he realized how frustrated he was at not being able to get it right .

I was always the one who chose his clothes and tied his tie .

He kissed me on the forehead saying how skilled and sensitive I was.

But everything changed when Refugia arrived , she was no longer skillful and sensitive , but calculating .

That day , Matias did n’t go to work , nor did he put on his tie . As soon as he left , he met Refugia .

Matias , why are n’t you wearing a tie ? Your assistant said there’s an important international case today . As she spoke , she took out a scarf from her Hermes bag and suggested , It ‘s okay that you do n’t wear a tie today , foreigners are more fashionable , maybe you could try a scarf knot !

She moved closer , but Matias , uncharacteristically , stepped back and said , The scent of the scarf smells nice . It suits you better , I don’t need it .

Then I remembered , Matias was especially sensitive to perfumes . When we were together , he bought me lots of things , but never perfumes .

I once used a perfume that Samuel brought from abroad , and he threw it away .

It all depended on who it came from .

In Refugia ‘s case , the perfume was nice and suitable . But in my case , I just frowned and threw it away .

Matias , today I will go with you to the law firm , to meet everyone , is that okay ?

Matias paused before getting into the car and said , I didn’t go to work today . Stay home and rest .

With that , he drove off , taking me with him.

I thought I was going somewhere , but I ended up going to the mountain where my accident happened ,

There was still caution tape up , as Samuel had reported me missing again , so detectives were repeatedly searching the area .

¿Matias empezaba a creer que algo malo me había pasado?!! noveldrama

Lo vi parado en las ruinas quemadas, pensativo, cuando un detective se acerco a saludar: “Abogado Matias, mbién vino?

Matias reconoció al oficial, el mismo que había llamado varias veces

“Me llamo Jeremias, soy del departamento de detectives de la ciudad. Alguien reportó que Norma ha desaparecido por mas de 72 horas, así que vinimos a buscar más pistas ¿Ha encontrado alguna pista? ¿Hay algo nuevo que pueda decirme?“!

Matias asintió cortesmente Donde se encontraron sus zapatos?”

Jeremias señaló no muy lejos de la casa quemada: “Los zapatos y el dedo se encontraron cerca de a Pero el dedo no era de la Srta. Norma, Alguien lo reclamó de inmediato

Matias no dijo nada, de repente levantó la mirada y nuevamente cruzamos miradas, vi que la confianza habia desaparecido de sus ojos, como si realmente sintiera mi muerte.”

Pero seguro que no sabia que mi cuerpo habla sido acusado por él como el de un delincuente.”

Si alguien investigara y dijera que ese cuerpo quemado era yo, ¿la imagen de Matias no se arruinaria? Por proteger la inocencia de su amada sin investigar adecuadamente, había condenado a la verdadera victima, yo, como delincuente

Su reputación se arruinaria por mi causa lo cual realmente no seria agradable X

Matias buscó entre las ruinas con quantes, pero no encontró nada. Se quedó alli, respirando hondo, antes de irse tranquilo.!!

De repente pensé, estaria buscando la pulsera de jade en mi muñeca? Esa pulsera de jade era el único recuerdo de mis padres, nunca me la quitaba En tal calor extremo, un buen jade no se quemaria, a lo sumo se deterioraria!!

Qué ingenuo

Ese tipo de objeto valioso ya había sido tomado por los delincuentes cuando me secuestraron, desperte sintiendo mi muñeca mucho más ligera Sólo queria saber donde hablan vendido esos malhechores mi pulsera

Siguiendo a Matias a casa, el revolvió toda la habitación matrimonial buscando en cada caja de joyería sin encontrar mi pulsera

Refugia se acerco y pregunto: “Matias, que buscas?”

Matias, con calma, respondió “Norma tenia una pulsera, una herencia de sus padres. Queria ver si estaba aqui. Hoy fui a las ruinas y no encontre la pulsera”

a Norma cierto? No

Refugia se alarmo, pero pronto se tranquilizó. “Asi que fuiste a las ruinas para ver si la pulsera indicaba que algo le habia pasado a Taberia encontrado es una buena señal Matias“:

Matias dejó de buscar y asintió leverente: “Es una buena señal

Me senté al borde de la cama, soltando una carcajada seca X

Matias , everything in this master bedroom belongs to Norma , I was thinking

Refugia didn’t finish the sentence , but Matias understood her intention . Already somewhat upset , he replied without thinking : If you don’t like it , throw it all away .”

I felt like a thousand arrows were piercing me , my soul was trembling .

Even without confirming my death , he already wanted to get rid of my things .

Matias really hated me .

After much searching , Matias found the divorce papers in a corner without my signature , and he threw them forcefully to the floor .

He made a call and ordered : No matter where she is , bring Norma back , I want to see her alive or dead . X

I propped my chin with one hand : You ‘ve seen my body . } }

The next day

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