The Biker’s Mafia Princess (Angel and Savage)

Chapter 47.

Angel POV.

My memories have slowly begun to return. But it doesn't matter. I have to focus on here and now. It has been weeks since I left the hospital with my momma.

I knew who she was when I opened my eyes. I mean, she is my momma. How could I not know her? I started physiotherapy to help with walking again and it's hard. I'm like Bambi on ice.

Learning to walk again and to regain strength is hard, but I do it. When I'm not learning to walk again, I spend a lot of time with my little princess. Rebel. She hasn't left my side, and she does ask for her father.

After what I heard in the hospital that night, some of my memories came back. The crash, the rape, the loss of my unborn baby, and that is something I can't forget for now.

"That's it Angel. One more." I'm currently walking, holding on to what I can only describe as ballet bars. One foot in front of the other. I'm slow, but Rome wasn't built in a day.

"Ok, that's it. I need a break." I say, sweat dripping from my face and back. Yes, very attractive. My parents made sure I have the very best round-the-clock care from regarded trained professionals. Everyone in this mansion I call home is always there to help.

Even my brothers are. My dad is away on business. Yeah, I know what that means. But uncle G is here and didn't go with him. Uncle G has been acting weird lately, but whatever he can keep his secrets.

No one has mentioned Ryder other than Rebel. I can't handle seeing him or speaking to him just yet. But every time I think of him, I get an ache deep inside of me. Like I'm missing something. A part of me that is missing.

"Where's your head at Angel?" I look at my brother Nate, as he walks to me and takes my arm in his as he walks with me towards the chair and I sit down with a groan. Ohhh, that is nice.

"No where. I'm OK," I say to him and he raises an eyebrow at me. He knows I'm lying. He is my twin, after all. He knows everything, apparently.

"Ok, I'm not going to push you to tell me. You will when you are ready." He says and I nod my head at him as I lean back and look up at the high ceiling with a chandelier that is dangling. Who the hell cleans that? Like why would you risk your life for something shiny? "Thanks Nate. Where is my girl?" I ask because he was watching her and he looks at me and looks away.

"She is with Nico, giving him a makeover." He says and I chuckle. Oh, lord. Poor Nico. Rebel's makeovers consist of bright pink lipstick, electric blue eyeshadow, and red cheeks. She also has tea parties with the guards and makes them wear pink tutus and plastic crowns. I even have the evidence to prove it, too.

"Deanna and Hatchet called momma this morning. They want to see Rebel." He tells me as one of the maids brings us drinks and snacks. I thank her and wait until she leaves the room.

"I have no problem with them seeing her. She is as much a member of their family as she is ours. Rebel has been asking for him and I know momma is mad, but she needs to know that Rebel is my child, not hers." I tell him, and he nods in understanding. "I agree. Momma means well, but she is getting out of hand." He mumbles into his glass of juice and I nod once again, agreeing.

"I get it. I was in a coma for three months and emotions were high. Granted, I haven't recovered all of my memories and I don't think I want to. That being said, Ryder is her father and if he wants a relationship with her, he has that right." I say and he smiles at me as he places his glass down on the table.

"Have you spoken to him?" I shake my head no. How can I speak to him? What am I to say to him?

"No, I don't know what to say to him. There is a lot that has happened, and I'm not ready to address any of it. It's like one thing after another. The past is the past. My focus is on getting better and being a better mom for Rebel." I say and he chuckles and I look at him. "When did you get so ... old?" I hit him in the chest and he laughs.

"I will have you know. We are the same age doofus. Besides, I'm not old, I'm established." I say and he laughs loud at that. Idiot!

"I'm robbing that saying. That is awesome. I'm not old, I'm established. I get you though, sis. You have so much on your plate as it is. You know, learning to walk again, wiping your own ass." Why the little ... I hit him upside his head. Motherfucker.

"It's harder than it looks, asshole. Besides, I never needed anyone to wipe my ass. I am capable of doing that myself. Fuck you very much!" I say, and he chuckles, rubbing the back of his head.

"Ok, ok, no ass wiping needed. Got it. Angel, you just concentrate on what's important. You need to make a decision about Rebel." He says, and I know I do. I won't go back on what I said. Ryder has every right to see his daughter, and so do his parents. "Nate, can you help me, please?" I say and he looks at me pouting.noveldrama

"I thought you didn't need any help."

"Oh, shut it. Help me up. I need to go

and find Momma and tell her to make the arrangements with

Deanna and Hatchet and Ryder.

They can see Rebel here. I need net

more time before I speak to him." I tell my brother and he helps me stand and I take his arm and walk towards my momma's office.

What should have taken three minutes has taken close to twenty-five. Having to stop to catch my breath. Finally, we make it to the office.

"I feel like I've just climbed Everest. I need oxygen and snacks." I say panting and he stifles a laugh. See asshole. It's hard to believe I shared a womb with him.

We knock on her door, and she tells us to enter. Nate opens the door and I shuffle inside. Momma is up and at my side as we move to the sofa.

"Angel, you should be resting not pushing yourself. What's happened? You ok?" she asks checking me over and I roll my eyes.

"Moooommmmma, I'm fine. I need

to talk to you about Rebel." She looks at me and nods her head as she sits next to me. I bite my bottom lip as I find the words to say without upsetting her. She has been

amazing to us all. Always was and she is one fierce momma bear when

it comes to her cubs and family.

"Momma, I know about Deanna and Hatchet wanting to see Rebel. They have every right to the same as Ryder does." I watch her and she smiles gently. I wait for her to say something, anything. Waiting for the explosion to go off. Duck and cover would spring to mind.

"Angel. I am not taking over. I know

Rebel is your baby. Just like you are mine. I wouldn't overstep like that. I am protecting my family. I acted impulsively when I made the

decision to bring you both homeet

was angry and sad with all that happened to you both. I know told Ryder to stay away and I may have ordered that he is to be shot on sight if he came here. But that was in the heat of the moment. Deanna and Hatchet call me every day for updates about you both. So does Ryder." I blink in shock at her words.

"Momma, I love you and I know you did what you thought was best and for that, I will never be able to thank you. Let them know they can come and see her, but only her. I am not ready to see him yet." I say to her and she hugs me.

"Of course, baby. I will let them know. You need to rest after your session. You will get back on your feet. It will take time, so don't rush. You let me know the days you would like them to see Rebel and I will make the arrangements." She says. See, this woman is amazing. "Ok, maybe this weekend. If not, then the following weekend. needs be, set them up in the guest house on the grounds." I tell her and she smiles at me, giving me a wink.

"How did I end up with a such an angel like you my girl?" I chuckle at Nate scoffs at the side.

"She was swapped at birth, momma you can tell me. She isn't all that good, she is secretly the devil. I should know." Nate says and my momma shifts her green gaze at him. Oh shit, queue the tiger.

"Or was it you that was swapped, Nathaniel Luca? Who knows?" She chuckles with another wink as she kisses my cheek and kisses Nate's.

"Thanks momma. I need to get moving. Took us twenty-five minutes to get here from the living room." I say with a chuckle and her eyes widen. She moves to the desk and orders one of the men to bring a wheelchair as she glares at Nate.

"You could have carried her." She says, and he holds his hands up.

"No can do, momma, she was all sweaty and just yuck. Besides, she is as stubborn as you. She wanted to walk, so I helped." He runs away laughing as one of the men helps me into the chair. My momma is cursing Nate out in Italian, and I laugh as I'm wheeled out of the


God, this family of mine is all crazy. But I love them. Well, what I can remember at least.

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