The Biker’s Mafia Princess (Angel and Savage)

Chapter 49.

Angel POV.

It's quiet, too quiet. Then I remember Rebel is with her dad. She sees him every weekend at his home. It has been five months, but it gives me time to rest and think. I'm moving around on my own now. I'm not as fast as I used to be, but it doesn't take me half an hour to walk down the damn stairs.noveldrama

My memories have come back now, all of them. I need to speak to Ryder about what happened in that barn. But I'm not sure it will go down well. He blames himself and I didn't help matters. However, in my defence, I didn't remember shit. But now, I do.

I sigh as I rip the quilt away and shuffle to the end of the bed, placing my feet on the floor and push myself up. I stretch and twist my back before I walk to the bathroom.

I have gained a bit of weight now that I don't have a feeding tube and I'm back to what I was before the shit hit the fan. Foxy is dead, they all are. Do I feel bad about that? No, I don't.

She caused so much stress and pain. I only fulfilled my promise to her. I killed her. She is gone and nothing can hurt Rebel again. I lost too much because of that evil bitch, but no more.

After I have done my business and washed my hands, I walk back into my room and sit on the bed. My phone pings with a message and I know it's Ryder. He messages me every day and leaves voicemails. I never respond. It's more shame for me than anything. I was so horrible to him in the hospital. After all he did, was stay by my side. I know I need to put my big girl panties on and talk to him, but where do I start?

I open the message and see a video. I press play, and I smile as I watch Rebel making pancakes with Ryder standing beside her. His bare muscular back is to the camera and his grey sweats hang low under the dimples in his back. I hear Deanna asking what they are doing as Rebel turns smiling, telling her she is making pancakes. I watch, smiling as he helps Rebel mix the batter when she flicks the spoon and some of the batter lands on his handsome face.

He smiles down at her and she giggles as he kisses her all over her face, smearing the batter on her. I chuckle when the video ends and he looks into the camera with a gorgeous smile on his face. My breath catches in my throat.

Yes, I love him, but can I give in after everything that has happened?

I stand and head to the walk-in closet and grab my gym gear out and put it on. Clad in my yoga pants and sports bra. I leave the room and begin the task of getting down the stairs. Finally, I reach the bottom and head to the kitchen and see my dad making breakfast. "Hey dad." I say as I walk towards him. He looks at me and smiles as I walk to his side. He wraps his arm around my shoulder and kisses my head.

"Principessa, you hungry?" he asks and I nod my head when he moves me to a stool next to the island and I sit down as he places a drink in front of me and gets back to cooking. Dad always cooks on the weekends. He loves doing it. He says it's the only time we all get to be together, that and dinner times.

"Dad, what do I do?" I ask him and he stops before he plates up the food and brings me over a plate with a sigh. He sits opposite me and I look at the food on my plate. Sausage, bacon, scrambled eggs and toast.

"With what?" he asks and I look up at him, biting my bottom lip.

"Ryder. What do I do about Ryder?" I say, and he looks at me with a sad expression on his face.

"Only you can make that call, Angel. All I will say is don't follow your head or heart, follow your gut. Because principessa, your gut is never wrong." He says, cutting into his breakfast as everyone else enters the kitchen. Mom kisses me, and so does everyone else. "Thanks dad. I have things to deal with today. Can I borrow the car?" I ask and he looks at me with a wink and I look at my momma. And she has a sly smirk on her lips. Great. She knows.

"Ohhh, where are you going?" Nate asks and I just narrow my eyes at him as I stab my sausage with my fork and his eyes widen.

"I don't think you have to know that now, do you, brother?" I ask with a wink and Nico is busy scrolling through this phone and he gasps and we all look at him. But his eyes are on me. His eyes widen and I look at him.

"What? What is it?" I ask as I place my fork down. And he squirms in his seat and puts his phone away.

"It's nothing, nothing at all. Just finish your breakfast. Why do you need to drive? Are you even strong enough to be driving right now, Angel?" he is diverting the attention. Ok, I will play his little game.

"No, I'm not. That is why you are coming with me. We are going to see the Princes Of Darkness. It's time I speak to Ryder." I tell him and he chokes on his drink. Juice coming out of his nose. Gross!

"I don't think that is the best thing to do. He is with Rebel and ..."

"And, what? What has got you so freaked out, Nico?" I ask him as I stand and the table is silent. All eyes are ping ponging from me to him. Like they are watching a damn tennis match.

"Nothing." He squeaks out when Nate grabs his phone and throws it to me. Nate grabs him by the back of his neck and pins him down against the granite countertop.

"No, you don't need to see it. Just stop. Nate, get off me, you fucking asshole." He screams as I open the phone and see what he was looking at. It was a message sent to him from an unknown number. Who is messaging my brother, though?

I look up at Nate and turn the phone to show him, and my twin looks at it. He sighs out a groan.

Ryder has his arm around the waist of another woman. She is pretty. They are both laughing. Her hands are braced on his chest. They look good together. Intimate. In love... I swallow harshly at the thoughts.

"So he is moving on, good for him. It looks like I won't be needing the car. I'm going to the gym." I place the phone down and walk away. Ignoring the calls from my family.

What was I thinking? Ryder is a handsome man. He has every right to move on. Good for him. So why does it kill me inside? I suppose it wasn't meant to be. We are too toxic together. We have both lost so much. He deserves to be happy. I will be ok, I always am. I stay in the gym for hours, sweat dripping from me as I fall on the mat laying on my back panting as I look up at the ceiling.

"Angel. You ok?" I close my eyes and try to calm my breathing and heart rate down when I feel him lay beside me.

"I'm fine Nate. Can you help me up? I need a drink." I say, and he groans as he turns on his side to face me.

"You're not fine and it's ok. There

has to be an explanation for that photo. Ryder wouldn't have another woman around Rebel without

consulting you first. He isn't that net

stupid He says, but I just shrug. He is single, he can do whatever he wants. But I won't have a woman around my daughter that don't know.

Hell, after everything with Foxy, I need to be careful about who is around our daughter. It has been eight months since what happened He is well within his right to move on and be happy. So am I. But if I'm being completely honest, the last thing I want is a relationship. I'm far too damaged for that. Why should I bring someone else into my mess? That just isn't fair.

"Nate, enough. Ryder can do what he wants. But you're right, he won't be that stupid to introduce Rebel to anyone. Not without consulting me first." If that's the case, and he is

with someone else. Then whs ne

is he

still messaging me every single day? Sending me videos and pictures of Rebel and telling me he loves me?

Yes, the messages he sends me are not just good morning, or good night. They are long winded; him proclaiming his love for me, and he thinks about me every day and night. How he rides past my old house, hoping and praying to see me.

Hell, the message this morning, the video of him making pancakes with Rebel, even had a good morning. I love and miss you so much on it. So why do that if he is in a new relationship? Is he trying to have his cake and eat it too?

"Angel, you need to speak to him." Nate says as he holds up his keys. I look at him and he is smirking and I roll my eyes and roll on to my back again.

"Up, shower, and get changed. We are going to see him. I have already sent that picture to my phone from Nico's. I have a feeling all is not what it seems. But if I'm mistaken, then you will know for sure." Slowly shaking my head. Something doesn't feel quite right. "Who sent that picture?" I ask, and he smirks at me.

"Do you think I'm an amateur? It came from someone in the clubhouse. That is all I'm saying for now. So don't ask who, but either way. We are going. Now come on. Rebel is coming back tomorrow anyway, so we may as well be the ones to go and get her, and you can get your answers." He says. Do I want answers though?

"Fine, let's go." I say, and he smiles as he sits up before he stands and pulls me up. He wraps his arm around my shoulders as we leave the gym.

"Do I need to be armed for this?" He asks and I chuckle, shaking my head. That probably isn't a bad idea.

I need answers, and Ryder and I need to talk. That much is clear. I also want to meet this woman to make sure she isn't a threat to my daughter. After all, Rebel's safety is fucking paramount.

Ok Ryder, now you have my attention. Let's hope you can handle it.

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