The Hidden Princess At All-Boys Alpha Academy

Chapter 0952

"Has Ella looked her over?" Hank asks, his professional demeanor returning now as he studies Marigold from a few feet away. Maryam turns, hearing the shift in her father's voice and bringing Marigold back over. "Is she healthy, besides being malnourished?"

"Oh, she's fine," mom says, clearly overhearing her name and coming over. "I did a scan last night after we fed her. As you say, Hank, she's malnourished and going to need some feeding up - but I cleared up some bumps and bruises and a little viral bug she was carrying. But beyond that she's a perfectly healthy little four-year-old girl."

"She's not four," Maryam says, laughing a little and coming close.

Marigold whips her head to Maryam with a frown. "Four!" she says, quite definitive, holding up four fingers.

"What?" Mom asks, confused, looking between the pair.

"Oh, little baby liar," Maryam says, laughing and wrinkling her nose at Marigold, who blushes, caught. My mouth falls open in surprise.

"She - she knows how to lie?" Jackson whispers, his eyes wide. "I didn't know... they could do that..."

"Well, apparently this is a crafty, clever little rabbit," Maryam says on a laugh, turning to grin at the rest of us. "Food was distributed according to age, with children 1-3 allotted a slightly smaller amount than the 4-8 year olds. This one has been telling me that she's four since she was barely big enough to walk into my aid tent."

"Four," Marigold growls, her brow lowering, quite definitive.

We all laugh, imagining the hungry little girl making her bold bluff for more food. Jackson grins, sensing an affinity with his daughter and reaching for her. Maryam laughs and hands her over to her dad.

"It's true," Jackson says with a sigh. "Timeline-wise, she's closer to three and a half. I guess you could round up to four, if it makes you happy, Marigold."

She nods, sharp and definitive. "Four," she says, resting her head on her dad's shoulder.

We all grin and nod, giving into it.

"Is there any way to know her birthday?" Mom asks, excited, turning to Hank. I smile at her, knowing immediately the direction of her thoughts. Mom loves birthdays.

But suddenly I frown, snapping my face up to Jackson. "When's your birthday?"

He just shrugs, looking down at me, clearly at a loss. My mouth drops open, appalled.

"No way of knowing," Hank says, shrugging. "You'll just have to pick a date."

"Is this really our best use of time?" Rafe asks, frowning as he comes over, Jesse

at his side. I look around for Mark but see that he's already gone. "Planning Marigold's birthday party?"

"Yes!" Mom says, quite appalled at her son for suggesting that it's not.

“Rafe's just pissed his birthday go skipped this year,” Jesse says with a shrug and

a wicked little grin. "Since me and Juniper and Ariel were all kidnapped."

I gasp as I realize that Jesse's right, that we completely skipped his birthday. And I didn't even realize it!

Twice! Twice now, this year, I've forgotten my sibling's birthdays!

“Rafe!” I gasp, stumbling a few steps towards him, apology and horror all over my face.noveldrama

"I'll never forgive you," he says, quite loftly, raising his face to the ceiling in mock tragedy.

I squeak in agony, feeling like the absolutely worst sister on earth, wrapping my arms around his waist and giving him a squeeze. "I'm so sorry, Rafe, I'll get you any present you want what do you want? Anything -"

Rafe just laughs, low and deep, giving me a hug in return. "I want you to stop squeezing me so hard, Ari, for heaven's sake - I don't need a girdle -"

"You sure about that?" Jesse asks, dry, looking Rafe consideringly up and down.

Rafe snarls at our cousin and I laugh, stepping away. To my surprise, Maryam just watches us with a considering expression, like we are.. not at all what she expected us to be. I turn my head a little to the side, wondering what the surprise is here. After all, she knew us as kids. And I honestly don't think we've changed at all.

Still, she studies us, clearly curious and confused.

"All right," dad says, coming over with Roger and Cora, his face stern and business-like. We all straighten, turning towards him, responding immediately to his authority and his need for our attention.

Well, Maryam turns slightly slower than the rest of us and emits a huffy little sigh. But I just grin, liking her all the more for it.

"I've managed to call in enough of the Committee for an emergency forum," dad says, looking around at all of us, quite serious. "Anyone here would be welcome to attend and give your perspective. Hank, will you be able to delay your travel?

"Yes," Hank says, glancing at Maryam before giving a definitive nod. "We can take

a later train."

"Good," dad says, taking a deep breath, getting ready to give more orders.

"If I may,” Hank says, crossing his arms over his chest and looking seriously at his King, his voice grim.

Dad pauses for a moment and then turns to the smaller man, deferring to him. I grin at this too, loving my dad very much for his willingness to listen.

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