The Lycan King’s Hybrid Queen

Chapter 46


"You were wonderful out there."

Lyric smiles at me as I sway us on the dance floor. "I was terrified." I won't tell her that it was evident to me. Every else seemed oblivious. "I love you, Thane."

I smile and kiss her softly. "I love you, too."

The party is in full swing, and Lyric and I do the rounds. Meeting Alphas and Luna's from packs far and wide, Lyric is wonderful. She commands the room as a Queen should, and all bow respectfully.

"Thane?" I look down at my baby sister, looking precious in her party dress, smiling up at me. "Will you dance with me?"

How can I refuse that little face?

"Go on." Lyric chuckles and kisses my cheek. "I'll talk with Starr until you're done."

I kiss Lyric, then hold my hand out to Esme. She takes it with a smile and leads me to the dancefloor. All eyes are on us, but Esme seems oblivious. She's too short, so I pick her up, and she giggles while laying a hand on my cheek as I move us around the dancefloor. "Thane?" "Yes, my pretty princess?"

"I'm going to miss you when I go away."

"I'll miss you too, Esme. But you understand why it has to be this way, don't you?"

Esme nods her head. "Because you want to keep me safe." "That's right."

This is challenging for me, too. I've been away from my family many times, but I always knew they were safe in the castle. Now, I must rely on someone else to look out for my youngest sisters. I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't trust Aidan with my life. "I'll be able to come home soon?"

I smile. Esme is looking for reassurance from her big brother that this isn't forever.

"Of course. It's just for a little while, sweetheart. Once all of this is over, I'll come get you myself and bring you home."

Esme wraps her arms around my neck and lays her head on my shoulder. "I love you, Thane."

"Not as much as I love you." I kiss her head while rubbing her back.

"What about us, short stuff?"

Esme lifts and looks at Thorin and Tane. "I love you guys, too." She reaches for Thorin, who takes her from me.

I still need to have words with the two of them about Charlie. I don't know how I didn't realize they were mates. I'm not about to demand they give Charlie up; that would be vile of me. If they're okay sharing, then it's none of my business. However, as King, it's my duty to give them my blessing. Twins having the same mate is rare. But the Moon Goddess knows what she's doing - I hope. Besides, it's not like Throin, Tane, and Charlie weren't a throuple for years before Luke sent her away.

Ah, they didn't and don't know I knew that. But I know everything that happens around this place. Nothing goes on without my knowledge.

Why didn't I say something years ago?

I was waiting for the boys to come to me. Plus, Lycans live a very long life, and not everyone finds their mate at a young age.

Who was I to stop them from having fun while they could?

I leave Esme with the terror twins and make my way over to Lyric. She's laughing at something Starr is saying. But my eyes land on Tristan. He's looking off into the distance, and it's easy to see something is bothering him. Someone else I need to speak to before long.


"Hey!" Lyric's bright smile brings one to my lips.

"Let's go meet people. Starr."

"Go on, steal her from me." Starr laughs, and I playfully roll my eyes while steering Lyric away.

There are one or two people I'd like to introduce Lyric to. She's met Aidan before, but Xale and Brody have yet to meet my mate. We need allies in this war against Astro; those two would be a force to be reckoned with. I have a few others in my corner, but a king can never have too many allies.

I lead my beautiful Queen toward Xale and his wife Lia, or Xylia, as is her real name. Lia is a beauty to behold. Long auburn hair falls with her natural curls around her shoulders. She has the beauty of the purest angel, but Lia is not a woman to be messed with. Then there's Xale, seven feet in height, which is typical for his kind, Dragons. As is being built like a bolder. Over twelve thousand years of age, both still look to be in their twenties, and they are immortal.

Brody stands beside, Xale. Brody is a big bas.tard of a man, as tall as Xale and bigger built than the two of us. Bear shifters are massive, but Brody is the King of Bears, so he's the biggest. He's also a formidable opponent, and I need his help. I need both of them right now. The more Kingdoms I have under my belt and at my disposal, the better.

"Ah, Thane," Xale gets out of his seat and walks around the table, bringing Lia with him. "I wondered when you'd bring your Queen to meet us. Hello, dear, I'm Xale, King of Dragons, and this is my mate, Xylia. But you can call her Lia." "Everyone calls her Lia." Brody snorts. "My name is Brody, Bear King. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you all." Lyric shakes hands with Xale, Lia, and then Brody. "You didn't tell me the King of Bears and the King and Queen of Dragons would be here."


'That's your way of an apology?' Xale's voice booms in my head, and Lyric's, if the gasp that came from her is anything to go by.

'Don't worry; it's a gift of ours.' Lia's soft British accent washes over us.

Xale and Lia are older than dirt and have always spoken with the same British accent. The accent of evil, as Thorin and Tane call it, which never goes down well with our grandmother. She takes great offense.

"After nine thousand years together, I still haven't gotten used to him doing that."

"You're how old!?" Lyric screeches in shock, drawing all eyes to us. I flick my hand, silently ordering everyone to mind their own business. "I'm sorry." Lyric mumbles.

"No need to apologize. We are ancient." Xale laughs. "We're Dragons, little one; we tend to live forever."

Dragons can only be killed by their own kind, though there are ways to injure them. Injuring them could leave them in hibernation for many years while they heal. They can also die if they lose their mate. Because they've been together for so long, a broken heart will take them. There are some magic spells out there that can kill a dragon, but it would take something extremely powerful.

Xale is the son of the first Dragon, a monster of the water, a demon of sorts, The Leviathan. That is someone nobody wants to mess with, but if I could convince him to help, he'd take Astro out in a heartbeat. However, Leviathan does not help anyone, so there's no point in bringing it up with Xale. I'm hoping Xale agrees to help.

On the other hand, Brody is not easily persuaded into helping fight wars that don't concern him. Brody is a powerful man, strong and dangerous. Having him on our side would help immensely.

"Well, you two are thousands of years old. Thane is one hundred and fifty-seven, so how old are you?" Xale chuckles when Lyric points to Brody.

Brody smirks. "Not as old as these two fossils. I'm eighty."

"Ooh. So where's your mate?"

"I'm not mated yet."

Something in the way Brody said that has me wondering. I think Brody knows who his mate is, and either they aren't old enough to feel the mate bond yet, or they rejected him. Maybe he rejected them. It's none of my business either way.

'I wondered if I could have a word with the two of you?' I speak to Xale and Brody through the mind link. It's not hard to talk to others this way when you're King.

'Now?' Xale narrows his yes.

'It's important, Xale. It concerns my mate's safety.

Xale looks at Lyric and smiles. She and Lia are talking as if they've always known one another. I'm surprised because Lyric doesn't seem to make friends easily. 'Fine, let's go to your office!'

"Lyric?" She turns to me with a smile. "Could you wait here with Lia for a moment?"

"Why? Where are you going?"

"I just need to have a word with Xale and Brody."

'It's imperative, and I need to do it now. I continue through our mate link. 'We need their help in this war against Astro. Both Xale and Brody are formidable opponents, Lyric. Yes, we have Vampires, Demons, and Witches. But we need the Dragons, Bears, Elves, Lions, Kelpies, and even the Deities. Is that overkill? Maybe. But Astro isn't playing, and nor am I.

"Okay." She whispers.

I kiss her softly. "I won't be long, baby."

'Tristan, keep an eye on Lyric until I return.' My brother tips his head from across the room.

I lead Xale and Brody to my office. I close the door behind me and offer them a seat while I take mine behind my desk.

Xale brushes down the lapels of his light blue suit jacket. "So, what's this about?"

"The Fairy King."

"Gods, is that bas.tard still alive?"

"Unfortunately, Brody, yes."

I sit and explain everything that's happened since meeting Lyric. I tell Xale and Brody of my mate's connection to the Fairy King and what he wants from her. I even tell them about Emori, all she did, and how Tyler changed her. Their eyes widen now and again. "As you can see, I need all the help I can get."

"It seems you have plenty of help, Thane. Now you want Dragons and Bears at your disposal?"

"They're hardly disposable, Xale. None of you are." I look at Brody, who nods slightly. "I have many on my side, but with you there to help, Astro wouldn't stand a chance."

"That's all well and good, Thane, but this isn't our fight."

"Brody is right. Blue Fire Clan has enough problems of our own. I'm out."

"Me too. The people of Nightshade won't be easily convinced to help."


"Just like that? Both of you?" I look between them, and Brody nods his head. "Xale," I sigh. "I know you don't owe me anything, but..." Lyric will kill me for this, but there is no other choice. "Lyric is pregnant."

"Your mate isn't pregnant; I would have sensed it. Her sister is pregnant."

I sigh. "Yes, Harmony is pregnant. But so is Lyric. Look, this stays between us, but Lyric is using her Fairy magic to conceal the pregnancy from everyone but me. Of course, I was concerned because she'd previously told me using her magic would draw Astro to her. But apparently, a small amount won't.

"We can't risk Astro knowing anything, so it has to be this way. You have kids, Xale; you know you wouldn't let anything happen to them." He nods. "That's why whatever I have to do to keep them safe, I'll do it. Even if that means tying myself to the both of you, yours to do whatever you want with."

"Calm down, Hercules." Xale chuckles. I hate it when he calls me that! "I understand what you're saying, but still..."

'Xale! Thane!' Lia's panicked voice comes through the mind link like a fog horn blasting away. 'Come to the gardens quickly. Somethings happening with Lyric!'

I take off with a speed I didn't know I possessed to reach my mate. Too many scenarios are playing out in my head.noveldrama

Astro is here.

Someone attacked Lyric.

The traitor has her cornered.

Something happened to our baby.

My heart is in my throat, and my gut is by my feet. Whatever is happening, I'm ready to fight. I cannot lose Lyric; I just can't!

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