The Lycan King’s Hybrid Queen

Chapter 51



'What the hell is Bolton doing?'

Thane doesn't take his eyes off Bolton, being held back by Tyler and Blaze. I don't know where Blaze came from. The man is like a fog that appears out of nowhere. Thane also doesn't answer me. "Bolton, calm yourself and your Lycan."

"Mine!" Bolton growls through gritted teeth. One blue eye turns black while the other stays blue. His Lycan is upfront with him, and they haven't taken their eyes off Taylen. She's still in her mother's arms but looking at Bolton with tears in her eyes. What the hell is going on?

'We just added three new members to our growing family, Lyric.!

'Yeah, and right now, I don't trust any of them. Taylen is Astro's daughter.'

'She's Amelia's daughter too.

'That means nothing to me. Taylen could be the Moon Goddess's daughter for all I care. She has Astro's blood running through her veins.

'So does Emori, but you trust her!

'She proved herself time and again, that's why.'

I can't believe I'm here right now; I'm exhausted. I sat with Emori while she slept after her run. The party had wound down, and Moira and Ronan ensured everyone had left. Starr let me know that Lia and Levi would be staying for a while. Xale had to leave but would return once he'd dealt with things back home.

I asked about Brody, which got me a curious look from Starr. She said he'd left but pledged to help in the war against Astro. I was annoyed; only because I had wished to speak with Brody about Tristan. I couldn't force Brody to take Tristan as his mate, but he couldn't leave Tristan hanging, either. If Brody honestly doesn't want my sweet brother-in-law, then he must reject the man. Tristan deserves to be free to find love. He does not deserve to forever be connected to a man who does not want him. I guess our chat will have to wait.

It didn't take Emori long to wake up and less time to tell me about Taylen. Of course, I was shocked and skeptical of Taylen's intentions here. Then Emori explained the truth of Taylen's life, that it was never good nor happy with Astro.

The girl was just a possession, a mistake he once made. Astro kept Taylen only to serve him until he found his Queen - me. Once he had me, he'd dispose of Taylen, for she would no longer be useful to him. I felt sick upon hearing this. That pig really is something else!

Then came the confession of Taylen's mother and that she was a member of Thane's Royal Guard. I didn't know who the woman could have been, but I felt so sad for her. I can't imagine having my little girl taken from me now that I'm pregnant. The mere idea made me murderous, so Goddess knows how that poor woman has coped for so many years.

Emori explained how she raised Taylen with love and tried to keep her heart pure regardless of Astro's influence. Taylen is more Lycan than Fairy, and though she has a Lycan, Taylen has never shifted. She had to forever make Astro believe she had no Lycan for fear of what he'd do if he knew.

Of course, I asked Emori why she never mentioned Taylen before. She smiled sadly and told me it hurt too much. Though Emori got to be with Tyler, Harmony, and me, she had to face reality, Taylen was lost to her, and her heart broke.

But seeing Taylen in the woods, she knew Astro had made a grave mistake. He sent Taylen here as a spy and led the girl back to Emori and her mother. The two of them could bring Taylen into a loving family and prove there is no loyalty to Astro. I don't know if I believe that.

But if Emori could prove she had no allegiance to her brother, who was I to say his daughter was any different?

Emori begged me to give Taylen a chance and to stop Thane from ordering the girl's execution. If anyone could make Thane listen, it's me.

Reluctantly, I nodded, and we rushed to his office. I knew that's where he was because my mate's scent was the strongest there. I was shocked to see Amelia, but it made sense once Emori hugged her.

I couldn't believe it, Astro attacked our trusted warrior and friend, and he stole her child. My heart broke for all Amelia had been through. But if I could help bring her some peace, I would.

Thane and I had a short discussion through the mind link. He agreed, thankfully, to give Taylen the benefit of the doubt. He'd give her one chance to prove herself, but one slip, and he'd kill her without question. I had no problem with those terms. Thane brought us to the dungeon, and I watched the sweet moment between mother and daughter. Then Bolton storms in like a dark avenger, and I'm getting headrush from all the drama!

'Are they mates?' I ask Thane through the mind link.

'Yes.' He replies as Taylen drops to her knees.

"Is she a traitor?" Bolton asks quietly.

"Misunderstood." Thane mumbles.

"Let me go." Bolton growls.

Thane nods once, and Tyler and Blaze release him. I watch Bolton walk into the cell and drop to his knees in front of Taylen.noveldrama

'Thane, what the hell is this? Some kind of joke?'

'What?' His confused tone makes me sigh.

'I thought Amelia was Bolton's mom? That would make Taylen his half-sister. Surely that's incest? And I'm sorry to say, but I am not down with that!' Thane chuckles inside my head. "This is not funny, Thane!' 'Baby, Amelia isn't Bolton's biological mother.'

'She isn't?'

'No. Amelia took him in when he was eight after his parents died-usually, kids who have no other family end up in the orphanage. But Amelia begged me to allow her to take him home. I had never known the woman to ask for anything in her life. But Bolton's biological mother, Maisie, was Amelia's good friend, and she wanted to take care of her friend's child.

'I realize now, after all these years, that it wasn't just wanting to care for her friend's child. Wanting Bolton close was because she'd lost Taylen two years previous. Amelia needed something to love and nurture. I'm glad I allowed her to keep the boy. He calls her Mom because that's what she became.'

'Thane,' I sigh in annoyance. "That still makes her his mother! This is weird and disgusting!'

'Bolton isn't blood-related to Amelia or Taylen, nor were they raised together. The Moon Goddess paired them; now it's up to them whether they accept or reject one another.' Thane cuts me off from further discussion. As.shole!

"Please don't hide from me." Taylen raises her head, and Bolton smiles. "There you are. I've been looking everywhere for you."

"Are you going to reject me now?"

"Why would I do that?"

"Because we share the same mother. Mama said you were her son."

Amelia gets to her knees beside her children., this is so weird!

"Taylen. I am Bolton's mother but by choice. I'm not his biological mother, sweetheart. Bolton's biological mother, my friend, died when he was eight years old. I took him in because I loved him so much. He started calling me Mom a year later. But you mustn't worry because the two of you are not blood-related."

Not that it would matter where Taylen comes from. All Fairies are inbred, marrying and procreating with their relatives.

"If there is anybody I trust as your mate, it's Bolton. But it's up to the two of you. No one can make this choice for you. If having me as your mother is too awkward, then reject each other. But remember that no matter what you choose, I will always love the two of you more than anything in this world."

"I won't reject you." Bolton lays his hand on Taylen's face. "I can't. You were made for me. It's not a problem for me that we both call Amelia Mom, she is our mother, and that won't change. But you and I are not siblings. So please..." He leans his forehead against Taylen's.

"I accept you," Taylen whispers right before they kiss.

Ugh, gross!

"Taylen," She pulls away from Bolton, and he helps her to her feet. All eyes are now on Thane. "I'm putting you on probation. You are granted a stay as Bolton's mate, Amelia's daughter, Emori's niece, and your Queen's cousin. You will give any information you have on Astro to Tyler and Blaze. If you are found to be contacting Astro, I'll kill you. There are no second chances. No one here will save you from what I'll do should you betray me."

Taylen looks between her mother and Bolton and smiles. She turns to Thane, walks closer, and gets down on bended knee, bowing her head.

"I pledge my allegiance to you, King Thane. I don't belong in Valnor; I never did. Here is where I belong, just as Emori always said. I belong with my mother, mate, aunt, and cousins. My life is yours."

"Rise," Thane says. "I am giving you the benefit of the doubt. Don't let me down."

"I promise."

There's something not right here. I have a terrible feeling this girl is playing us all. I seriously hope not because she'll be breaking many hearts. But my gut tells me she's up to something. If I find out she is, I'll kill her myself! 'Quick!' Theo's voice fills my head. 'Harmony is in labor!'

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