The Lycan King’s Hybrid Queen

Chapter 56


"Please wake up, baby. I need you; Adam needs you. I've lost my sister; I can't lose you too. I can't be here without you, Harmony. Please don't leave me."

I close my eyes and breathe deeply through my nose. I don't know how much longer Theo and I can go on like this. It's only been a day, but it's one day too many.

I'm keeping it together for both of us, being strong because Theo can't right now. But it's not easy. When Lyric was shot, and I believed she had died, I knew it was final, or I thought it was. Yes, I was grieving, but in my mind, there was no hope she'd come back. Now she's sleeping, locked in a place I can't follow, and I'm lost.

I slide my hand over Lyric's swollen stomach. Emori said it would be okay for me to touch Lyric over her clothes as long as I didn't touch her skin. Whatever that means, I wasn't listening past touching her over her clothes.

I don't know what's going on with our baby, but she hasn't moved since Lyric fell asleep. It is as though our daughter is sleeping too.

Of course, I was worried, so I got Dale to come to our chambers. He didn't need to touch Lyric to check our baby girl or sense her heartbeat. I can hear her heartbeat; we all can now. But I needed Dale to use his ability to sense illness or whether anything was wrong with our unborn child.

Thankfully, Dale said the baby's heartbeat was strong, and he couldn't sense any problems. He couldn't tell me why she wasn't moving without giving Lyric a physical examination. I couldn't allow that, so Dale left.

I put Blaze in charge of Royal duties for now, even though I know this is hard for him too. Mom and Dad are so broken; I don't know if they'll ever be okay again.

My beautiful, sweet baby sister died today, murdered by a madman! Every member of my family felt the moment Starr's light went out. We all fell to our knees and howled to the sky in pain. It wasn't long before the howls of every Lycan and Werewolf in Lykos joined the sad lament. Our world now knows of their lost Princess.

If losing Starr wasn't bad enough, Thorin came running into the room an hour ago, yelling about how Tristan collapsed. Tyler ran out of here as fast as his legs could carry him. Blaze came by a short while later to fill Theo and me in on what was happening. Tristan had been with Thorin, Tane, and Charlie. The three were trying to comfort Tristan over the news that Starr was missing. In all of this drama, I didn't even think how Starr being missing would be affecting Tristan. What kind of brother am I?

Blaze went on to say that Tristan's Lycan spoke through his mouth, his eyes the color of midnight, and screaming how Starr had gone. Shade knew seconds before everyone else as if he felt it first. Tristan sobbed that Starr's light had gone out, and Tristan's soon followed. As Tristan gave up fighting, Shade said, 'Forever sleep!' causing Tristan to collapse as though he were dead.

Tristan's Lycan threw my brother into Status Sleep to protect him from pain. Tristan will not awaken until Shade releases his hold. Shade won't release his hold because the pain of losing Starr will never leave Tristan. If he was awake, we could help Tristan grieve. Goddess, we've already lost Starr, and now we're going to lose Tristan. He will never wake up from this, and if he doesn't? He'll die. A Lycan can last for up to a year in Status Sleep before they fade away.

I honestly don't know what the to do to help him. If Tristan had a mate, they might be able to help. But then again, maybe not. If Tristan dies, I don't know what this will do to my mother. Seeing her fall to the floor when Starr died, I felt a piece of my mother die with my sister. I should check on her and Tristan, but I can't leave Lyric.

How can one man have caused so much devastation?

A knock on the door has me lifting my head. Aidan walks through the door with Xale. I breathe a sigh of relief. I asked Blaze to send for Xale, even though he had just returned to his Kingdom, to check on things. But if anyone can help me break the Fairy King's hold on Lyric, it's Xale.

"Thane, I got here as quickly as I could. Aidan filled me in on what's being going on. Gods, I'm so sorry."

I tip my head, not knowing how to respond.

"No, no, no!" Levi tries running into the room, and Lia tries to hold him back.

We'd tried to keep Levi away from everything because I didn't think seeing any of this would be good for a little boy. Seems he's found out something is wrong.

But then, how could he not have heard the mournful howls of my city?

Levi's eyes begin to shine with a blinding light, and I have to shield my eyes. The light dies down when Lia gasps and sets Levi on his feet.

"My mate," Levi growls viciously, turns, and runs, jumping onto the bed. I reach to remove him, but there's suddenly an invisible barrier around my mate and Levi. "What the hell is he doing?!" I yell and look at Xale while getting out of my seat. "If he touches Lyric, she'll die!"

Xale shakes his head. He holds out his hand, light emanating from it, forcing the barrier down.

Levi literally flies through the air and into his father's arms. Screaming his little lungs out and fighting Xale as if they were equal.

"Let me go! I want my baby! She needs me; she's scared!"

"Goddess above." Theo shakes his head while looking at Levi and how distressed he is.

The boy is strong for one so young, physically and mentally. I'm not sure about Dragon Young and their capabilities, but this young prince is something else. "Kiencah." Xale breathes, his dragon breath instantly sending Levi to sleep.

"What the hell, Xale!?"

"It had to be done, Lia. Levi was becoming hysterical. Regardless of why, now isn't the time for his theatrics!"

Stern-faced, Lia takes Levi from Xale and storms out of the room.

"Thane, I apologize. Levi hasn't been himself since he Soul Bonded with your unborn daughter. It's as if his Dragon is trying to break free to protect her."

I don't have a clue what this Soul Bonding stuff means. I haven't had time to look into it or speak with Xale and Lia about it. But it's a lot of pressure for a three-year-old to deal with. Not to mention him being my unborn baby's mate is weird as hell! "Thane!"

"Theo!" Come the voices of our mates, shocking me.

"Lyric!" She's sitting up in bed and reaching for me. I grab her, wrapping her up in my arms and breathing her in. Goddess, I've missed her! I kiss Lyric's head over and over. "Thank Selene! You're okay; you're okay."

Lyric pulls away from me, and with tears falling thick and fast from her eyes, she tells me, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I tried to stop him, but I couldn't get to Starr on time. He..."

"Shh..." I shake my head. "You're telling me that Starr was with you in your subconscious?"

"She was already there. I don't know how he did it."

I wipe the tears from Lyric's cheeks with my thumbs. "We can talk it all through in a little while."

Lyric nods, hands clutching at my wrists as I hold her face between my hands.

"How did you get out of there? Emori said there was no way unless Xale knew anything. That's why I called him here."

Lyric doesn't say anything; she pulls my hands away from her face and stands from the bed. I don't want to let her go, but she's already moving toward Harmony and Theo.

My brother has his forehead pressed against Harmony's. Tears fall from his closed eyes, and the relief is evident in the way he's smiling. My family is going through so much right now, and I don't know where we go from here. There is much to deal with, and I'm not sure it can wait.

"Harmony?" Harmony pulls away from Theo and instantly wraps her arms around Lyric. "I don't know how you did it, but you saved me."

"Wait, what?" Lyric and Harmony turn to look at Xale. "How was this possible?"

"The moment Lyric found Astro in her subconscious, I felt my soul bending." Lyric walks into my arms, laying her head on my chest and closing her eyes. "I'm not sure how, but I felt this power surge through me. My Fairy magic woke up." Lyric gasps and looks at Harmony. "It did?"

Harmony nods. "I could feel your fear even though you were trying so hard not to show it. I put myself to sleep on instinct, not thinking about anything else. Something inside was calling to me. It was your soul, Lyric. While Astro had you there, he tried connecting your soul with his."

"He said my soul belonged to him."

I growl and pull Lyric back against me. That motherfucking bas.tard! I'll kill him. If it's the last thing I do, I'll destroy the Fairy King!

"No," Harmony smiles. "He was just trying to get even further into your head. I instinctively knew I had to break the hold Astro had on you. It was hard because the hold was like a strong barrier all around you. But I did it, broke it down, and brought you home." "After you blasted Astro with lightning that shot out of your hand."

Theo looks at me with wide eyes and a smirk.

"Harmony, he saw you."

"No," Harmony smiles again. "I was cloaked all in black from head to toe. The hood of the cloak covered my face. He saw nothing other than me take you and ruin his plans."

"You're amazing." Theo pulls Harmony against him.

"I am utterly gobsmacked. I have never known anything like this in my years on this Earth."

"What do you think it means, Xale?"

"I think, Thane, that it means Astro better look out because those two," He points between Lyric and Harmony. "Are something out of this world."

"You got that right. Lyric?"noveldrama

"He said he would take our baby, Thane. Astro said he'd take her the moment she's born!"

"No," I shake my head. "He won't get near our baby, Lyric. Luke is putting Demon wards all around the castle. He has friends helping him, Demons, Witches, Warlocks, and such. I have to keep our family safe, especially you and the baby. Nothing is going to happen to her, I promise." "Okay. But what if he gets to me again when I'm asleep?"

"He can't," Lyric looks at Harmony. "I broke the connection, Lyric. He won't be able to pull that stunt again unless he wants to expel more energy than he can afford. If anything does happen, I will find you, I promise."

"Thank you. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you I was pregnant; I was scared of Astro finding out."

"It's okay, Lyric, I understand, believe me. I know now, and I can't wait to meet your little girl."

Lyric moves to embrace Harmony but gasps and grabs her stomach.

"Lyric!" I help her sit on the edge of the bed while I crouch down in front of her. "What's wrong? Is it the baby?" Lyric nods while letting out a long breath. "Is it labor?", I hope not! It's too soon!

"No, it's not labor. This happens when I'm away from Levi for too long. I know this all seems strange to you, Thane, but we can't change what the Goddess wanted. Levi was right," Lyric half shrugs. "This is the baby's way of saying she misses him." "Damn."


"Just before you woke up, Levi burst in here, trying to get to you. He said the baby was scared and needed him."

"We couldn't risk him touching you, Lyric. Any touch to your skin could have killed you." Xale takes a deep breath through his nose. "I had to put him to sleep." "Why!?"

"Because he was fighting me, Lyric. He could have hurt himself."

"Okay, I understand that. But could you please wake him? The baby is really going crazy right now. I know she won't calm down until Levi speaks to her."

As Xale leaves the room, Lyric lays her head on my shoulder. I wrap my arm around her and kiss her head. She's back with me, and I'll be damned if anyone, including that Fairy Cu.nt, touches her again!

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