The Reluctant Wife: A Bodyguard – Princess Marriage of Convenience Romance (The Davenports Book 4)

The Reluctant Wife: Chapter 25

‘Fiancé?’ I look the man up and down. He’s shorter than me, and skinny. Pale skin. Blonde hair which is beginning to stick to his forehead because of the rain.

He’s wearing a suit which, while an expensive cut, hangs on him. He has the gangly look of a boy who has left his teenage years behind in chronology, but his body has yet to catch up with that reality.

Also, the look on his face is one of anger and confusion. And while I recognize the aggravated expression of self-importance in his eyes, there’s no hint that he’s lying. I sense her agitation by my side, and when I glance at her face, she’s looking up at me. In her blue eyes, there’s helplessness and guilt. Jesus. ‘You’re engaged?’ I growl.

Before she can reply, the other man bursts out, ‘Yes, we are.’ He looks between us. ‘Who’re you?’

I ignore him and stare into her eyes. She doesn’t refute what he said, and she doesn’t answer my question. But she doesn’t need to. The remorse in her eyes is all the answer I need. She didn’t tell me she was engaged. Of course, she didn’t need to. We fucked. Once.

She doesn’t owe me anything. So, why does it feel like she deceived me? And why wasn’t this information in her file? More to the point, was I beginning to see a future with her?

Nope, not possible. I know I was developing feelings for her, and yes, she gave me her virginity. And perhaps, the fact I was her first made me certain that what we have meant something to her too, but I guess I was wrong.

‘I can explain.’ She reaches for me, but I take a step away from her like I’ve been scalded.

I glare at Tyler. “Why did you bring him here?”

His forehead furrows. “He called Veronica, who reached out to the First Minister. He called me.”

He half bows his head toward the princess, “Your Royal Highness. I’m Tyler Davenport, Ryot’s brother.”

She manages a small smile and acknowledges him.

Of course, the two haven’t met. I was too pre-occupied with this latest development to introduce them. Finding out that the first woman you’re attracted to since your wife died is engaged to someone else, can do that.

I thrust out my chin in Tyler’s direction. “I warned you; the location of the safe house was not to be disclosed. Also why didn’t the First Minister call me? More importantly,” I shoot him a sharp look, “why didn’t you message me before starting out?”

His gaze is troubled. “We agreed to route all communication from the King through me, and I was to avoid messaging you to prevent any chance of a leak, remember?”

How could I have forgotten?

“The king insisted that I bring her fiancé to her, so he could accompany her back to Verenza, where he believes she will be safe.’ Tyler’s frown deepens.

I was worried about being distracted by her because it might compromise my ability to my job. I was right. Apparently, I’m so taken in by my feelings, I wasn’t able to do my job properly.

I take another step away from her. ‘My job here is done.’

‘Ryot, please. I can explain.’ She follows in my footsteps.

I ignore her. I pivot and stalk into the house. I’m done with this charade. I opened myself up for the first time since Jane, only to find I’ve been taken for a ride.

Tyler follows me in and grips my shoulder. ‘Wait, that’s not all.’

‘Whatever it is, I’m not interested,’ I growl.

‘You will be in this. The king has insisted you accompany the princess and her, uh—fiancé.’

‘Not happening.’

Tyler looks uncomfortable. ‘Arthur insisted that you go.’

‘Like I give a fuck what the old man thinks?’ I sneer.

‘Also, he’s, ah, holding a dinner tonight at his house in honor of the princess, and he insists the three of you attend.’

‘What bullshit,’ I snap.

Tyler shifts his weight from foot to foot. ‘You know Gramps. He’s…adamant that you attend.’

‘It’s not safe for her to leave here.’

‘He’s asked Quentin, Nathan, and all of our brothers to be in attendance, and to provide protection.’

I scoff.

‘In addition to your own team, of course.’

Resentment floods my senses. Also, anger and a sense of disbelief. ‘If the old man thinks he’s going to call me, and I’ll come running—’ My phone buzzes. I ignore it. ‘I’m responsible for the princess’ protection, and I say it’s dangerous for her to leave this safe house.’

‘Now, look here—’ her asshole fiancé sputters.

I give him a look so poisonous, he cowers.

‘Ryot, please, give me a chance to explain—’ Aura begins to speak at the same time.

I sneer, ‘Not interested,’ and she subsides. But not before she aims an angry look in my direction. Good. That makes two of us who’re pissed off.

My phone stops, then starts again, adding to the confusion.

‘You should take that,’ Tyler murmurs.

‘Oh, for fuck’s sake.’ I pull out the device to shut it off, then realize it’s my grandfather calling. Of course, it is. ‘I’m tempted to ignore the call. I should ignore the call.’

‘Don’t,’ Tyler warns. ‘Better to face the old man now than later, when it’s only going to make things worse.’

I hesitate. He has a point. Arthur is not the kind of man who can be ignored. In fact, he’ll only take it a sign of encouragement and double his efforts in trying to reach me. Likely, he’ll find a way to make my life miserable in the meantime, too. If that’s possible. I walk away from the rest and answer the call, ‘What?’

There’s silence, then Arthur’s chuckle floats down the phone. ‘Is that anyway to talk to your ailing grandfather?’

‘Last I heard, you were given a clean bill of health.’

He was diagnosed with lung cancer six months ago, but they caught it in time. He’s now on targeted therapy, and the disease is in check. He’ll need to take pills for the rest of his life, but it hasn’t affected his lifestyle in any way. If anything, Arthur’s tried to pack even more into his life. He’s found himself a girlfriend—not that the Harley driving, shit-kickers-wearing Imelda would appreciate being described as that. He also took on the project of getting his as-yet unwedded youngest son and grandsons married off. I’m proud I’ve held out so far.

‘At my age though, it’s like the lottery. You never know when the disease might rear its head again.’ He coughs.

‘One can only hope,’ I mutter. ‘Wait, did the doctors say something?’

‘Nope, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have much time left.’ His voice sounds morose. I have a sneaking suspicion he’s playing me, but I find my mood softening anyway.

‘You’ll likely outlive us all, old man.’ I drag my fingers through my hair.

When I glance up, it’s to find all three of them watching me—the princess with a mixture of anger and hope in her eyes, the fiancé with confusion and apprehension, and Tyler with an expression that says, I told you so.

I glance away and scowl into the phone. ‘If you’re calling me about this so-called dinner⁠—’

‘I’m expecting you there with the princess and her fiancé,’ he says in an imperious voice that sets my teeth on edge. Clearly, the dominant part of us is something we inherited from Gramps, given how weak my father was in front of him. Also, I have no intention of obeying him.

‘No,’ I snap.

‘Thought you’d say that.’ The old man’s voice is filled with satisfaction. He anticipated my response, and he doesn’t seem upset. In fact, he almost seems to relish my defiance. The hair on the back of my neck rises.

‘What are you up to?’ I growl.

‘Me?’ he says in an innocent voice. My instincts warn me he’s going in for the kill. Sure enough, his next words are, ‘If you don’t bring them to my place for dinner tonight, the king will withdraw the contract for security from Quentin’s company.’

‘What?’ I blink.

‘Which means, you won’t be going to Verenza to keep an eye on the princess.’

I draw in a sharp breath.

‘Her fiancé will be accompanying her, of course.’

Frustration knots my belly.

‘And if you don’t continue as her bodyguard, there’ll have to be someone else who’ll be in close quarters with her, keeping an eye on her.’

Fucking hell, Gramps has my number. Am I that obvious? Most likely, he’s trying to rile me, but that doesn’t stop me from tensing up. My insides churn. Someone else taking over for me? Someone else living in close proximity with her, accompanying her to her public engagements? Someone else breathing in the same air as her?

A sharp burst of anger shoots through my bloodstream.

‘It might even be her old head of security, who could be reassigned by the king to her protection detail.’noveldrama

‘That bastard doesn’t know his ass from his elbow,’ I growl.

‘Of course, there’s no one as effective as you’d be in this scenario, but I believe the king’s words were ‘needs must,’ and such,’ he adds in a casual tone.

The old man is playing me. And I’m taking his bait. I’m aware of it and am unable to stop it. I squeeze my fingers around my phone with such force, the cover cracks. ‘The fuck do you want?’ I growl.

‘Language,’ my grandfather admonishes, then in the same breath says, ‘it’s not me who wants anything; this is the king’s diktat.’

‘You expect me to believe that?’ I sneer.

‘Believe what you want. Bottom line, you need to bring the princess and her fiancé to dinner tonight, or else you forfeit the role of her bodyguard.’

I clench the fingers of my free hand into a fist. Goddammit. I hate ultimatums. And yet, he’s putting me on the spot, and he knows it. ‘It’s not safe for her to be back in the city.’

If he realizes it’s a capitulation on my part and that he’s won this round, he doesn’t show it. ‘You’ll be with her, as will the rest of your team, not to mention your brothers, many of whom are trained military personnel. And you’ll, no doubt, take all of the necessary precautions to ensure her safety. She’ll be fine.’

‘I wish I shared your confidence.’ I roll my shoulders, trying to displace the stabbing pain that’s crawled between my shoulder blades. It’s a sign that I’m on alert, and I welcome it.

‘Not like you to doubt yourself.’ Gramps’ voice softens.

‘They almost got her the last time.’ I squeeze my eyes shut, recalling the pain, the anger, the helplessness, the sheer impotence I felt when I saw the crimson pinpoint of the laser sight on her. ‘If it hadn’t been for⁠—’

‘You,’ he interrupts. ‘You were there, and you saved her. You’ll make sure nothing happens to her.’

‘I was lucky the last time.’ I crack my neck.

‘Not like you to be so diffident. I understand, when it’s someone you have feelings for⁠—’

‘Feelings? I don’t have feelings,’ I lie. But he’s right. Where she’s concerned, my emotions are firmly in the mix, but I’ll be damned if I’m going to let him know that. Besides, that was before she told me she was engaged. I’m not going to let myself continue down this path, now that I know she’s going to marry someone else. And then, there’s the fact she didn’t mention it to me. The combination of which tells me, I need to keep my association with her strictly professional from now on.

‘Of course not; a slip of the tongue.’ Arthur’s voice is bland. ‘When it’s someone you feel responsible for, of course, it’s normal to be a little shaken. But it means you’re going to be even more on guard from now on. You’re best suited to be her protection.’

He’s right. In the silence that follows, I sense Arthur nod. Then a new thought strikes me. Why did the princess’ engagement not make it into her file? I had my team screen her and everyone in her circle before I signed on to this assignment, and no mention of a fiancé was flagged. I straighten. Unless— I walk out of earshot of Tyler and Aura, then turn my back on them.

“You made sure news of her upcoming nuptials didn’t show up on her background check,” I growl into the phone.

The silence lengthens. And it confirms what was a glimmer of suspicion in my mind. For really, who’d have the power and the motivation to do such a thing but Arthur?

“Don’t insult my intelligence by denying it,” I snap.

“I won’t,” Arthur admits.

What the hell? I pull the phone from my ear and stare at it. I knew my grandfather was a meddling bastard but this… This is going too far.

“Why?” I bark into the phone. “Why did you do it?”

“Why does it matter so much to you that she’s engaged?” Arthur retorts.

I blink. “It doesn’t.”

There’s more silence. Then, Arthur’s voice comes down the line again. “The king requested that her engagement not be mentioned anywhere, including in any review of her past.”

I rub at my temple. “Why would he do that?”

“He was worried, if news got out, those who mean to hurt the Royal Family might try to break up the engagement.”

My guts churn. My stomach ties itself in knots… The thought of her belonging to anyone else turns my insides to ice. But she was never yours to begin with. She doesn’t owe you anything. You never should have overstepped your professional boundaries by sleeping with her. Now, you must pay for your transgressions.

It’s my turn to stay quiet.

Arthur heaves a sigh. “If I’d known you’d get personally involved with her, I’d have⁠—’

“I already told you, I’m not personally involved with her,” I say through gritted teeth.

“Whatever you say.” To my surprise, he doesn’t push it. ‘Right, then. I’ll expect you here; six p.m.’

He disconnects. I pocket the phone, square my shoulders, and snap my gaze to Tyler. ‘We’re going to London.’

I brush past them and head inside.

‘Wait. Ryot.’ She follows me in. ‘We need to speak.’

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.