The Reluctant Wife: A Bodyguard – Princess Marriage of Convenience Romance (The Davenports Book 4)

The Reluctant Wife: Chapter 9

When the car keeps moving forward, she lets out a sound of disgust. ‘Ask him to stop.’ She turns to me. ‘I want ice cream.’

‘You want ice cream?’

She sets her jaw and inclines her head toward the immediately recognizable fast-food chain. ‘Right now.’

And that’ll created a freakin’ security nightmare. But based on the obstinate glint in her eyes, I realize, if I say no to this request, she’s going to lose it. Of course, seeing her pissed off would be a turn on, but not being granted this ask might make her uncooperative overall. I weigh the odds. I don’t want her refusing to move to the new hotel I picked out for her. No doubt, she’s pushing the boundaries to find an excuse to not comply with my plan. And I can tell, suggesting we order at the drive-through is not going to cut it.

Agreeing to her wish means taking the risk of someone getting to her while we’re in there… But I trust my instincts to keep her safe. Plus, the element of surprise means the person who threatened her won’t know she’s going to be there either. I pull out my phone and appraise Cole, my lead protective detail in the other car, about the change in plans. Thankfully, I had enough time to brief the team before taking over this morning.

Then I depress the intercom button. ‘Pull over, Alfie.’

The chauffeur slows down, then eases the car to a stop.

‘Wait for me.’ I jump out the car, but by the time I reach her, she’s already out and striding up the sidewalk. This woman is so willful, I have a good mind to spank her… Only, I don’t dare. And not only because she’s my principal but also because she’s likely not into any kind of kink.

Jane wasn’t into the kind of kink I enjoy either; she made that clear. And the chances that the princess is into the kind of proclivities I like is…almost zero. Not that I wouldn’t enjoy introducing her to it. I certainly didn’t care enough for Jane to want to convince her. So why does it feel like I’d enjoy exploring it much more with the princess?

I have the sneaking suspicion I might like it too much with her. The thought wraps my chest in a vise and turns my cock to stone.

I shove aside all thoughts of how it would feel to have her across my lap, my palm squeezing her butt. I also keep my gaze off her tempting backside as she flounces forward.

Cole, who disembarked from the car ahead of us, has already gone ahead into the outlet to make sure it’s safe. I lead the way and Brian, another member of my team, brings up the rear.

Cole holds open the door. I enter first and the princess follows me to the counter and orders. Then, she holds out her hand in my direction. I look at it, then back at her with a quizzical expression.

‘Your credit card,’ she prompts.

‘You want my credit card?’

Her cheeks redden. ‘I forgot to carry mine and I don’t have cash.’

I nod at her to step away, and when she does, I use mine to pay for the order. The counter staff hands the receipt to me. I glance at it and realize she bought ice cream cones for the entire team. Huh. That’s a gesture I hadn’t expected.

I urge her to the side. “I assume you know how the system works?”

She rolls her eyes. “You think, because I’m a princess, I’ve never been to a fast-food outlet?” Her gaze turns pensive. ‘I suppose, you think I’m spoiled because I insisted you stop the car. And despite realizing it would be a security minefield, I insisted you bring me here.’

‘It does create a security headache, given how we’re in a roomful of strangers but…’ I shrug. ‘You’re allowed to blow off steam, given your situation. Besides, you bought cones for everyone. It tells me you’re not self-absorbed, despite being born into luxury.”

A streak of pink steals over her cheeks. Her eyes widen with pleasure. Then she tips up her chin. “Is that a backhanded compliment?”

“It’s a compliment. Period.” I chuckle.

Her number flashes on the screen. I step forward to claim her order then change my mind and hand the receipt to her. Likely, she doesn’t get to do this often, so it’ll be an experience for her to pick up her dessert at the counter. She shoots me a curious look, then approaches the counter and hands over the receipt.

The counter staff, hands her two carriers with seven ice cream cones stuck in them.

She thanks the attendant, who finally seems to notice the identity of the person she’s serving. Her gaze widens. But before she can say anything, I touch the princess’ elbow and steer her away from the counter. She doesn’t protest, much to my relief. Once again, with Cole leading the way, we head out of the restaurant and onto the sidewalk.

“I’ll pay you back for the ice cream,” she murmurs.

“Don’t worry about it.” I open the door to the car, and she slides in.

I shut it and, with Cole keeping a look out, I round the car and get in next to her.

She lowers her window and calls out, ‘Would you like an ice cream cone?’

Cole turns, a look of surprise on his face. He glances at me, and when I nod, he steps closer.noveldrama

‘Please give one to your friend’—she nods in Brian’s direction—“and two more for the others.”

‘Thank you, Princess,’ he murmurs.

She hands him one of the carriers, then raises her window, before pressing the intercom. ‘Please, can you lower the screen? I have ice cream for you.’

I sense Alfie, the driver’s surprise as the panel lowers. The princess leans forward and offers the tray. He, too, glances at me, and when I nod, he accepts a cone. ‘Thank you, Princess. These ice creams are the best.’

‘I know, right?’ She beams at him.

He flushes and looks starstruck. A tendril of jealousy squeezes my guts. One I don’t question too closely. I hit the button on my side and the panel rises, cutting off the view of his face. She turns to me, with shock on her features. ‘I was talking to him.’

‘Well, he was done talking.’


‘Is that for me?’ Without waiting for her response, I grab an ice cream cone and bite off a mouthful of ice cream.

‘You could at least say ‘thank you.”

‘Considering I’m the one who paid for it, maybe you should be saying ‘thank you,” I retort.

Her eyes widen. ‘That’s not fair; I said I’d pay you back.’

I soften my tone. ‘I know; you did. But I don’t want you to pay me back, and I’m not looking for you to thank me. However, you should know that it’s against protocol to offer food or drink to my men when they’re on duty, but I’ll allow it this time.’

‘That’s not how it was with my previous security team,” she tosses her head.

When I stay silent, she rolls her eyes. “Just because you’re serious and boring, doesn’t mean the rest of them need to be that way.’

‘If being serious and boring means it’ll help to save your life, then I’d prefer all of them be that way. Besides, I did stop when you asked for ice cream,’ I growl.

‘Exactly. It’s only ice cream. Lighten up, will ya.’ She licks up one side of the serving and, Jesus, the sight of her pink tongue slurping the frozen dessert sends the blood draining to my groin. I can’t take my gaze off her mouth as she swipes her tongue over the confection. A bead of sweat slides down my temple. This…fascination with her has to stop. Why is it that, in the years I was married to Jane, I never felt this way about her?

‘You’re melting,’ the princess murmurs.


She nods in the direction of my ice cream cone. I glance down, then curse when I find ice cream dripping down my knuckles. I lower my chin and lick it up, then look up to find her staring at my mouth. Without allowing myself to think, I slurp up some of the ice cream.

Her pupils dilate. The pulse at the base of her throat speeds up. Then, without breaking the connection, she proceeds to lick up the side of her own ice cream before circling the entire thing and ending with a swirl around the entire top of it. Heat shoots through my veins. I’m aware of leaning in closer to her and can’t stop myself. She mirrors my move. We’re so close, I feel her breath on my cheek. She closes her eyes, raising her mouth. My lips are so close to hers, I can taste her.

That’s when Alfie’s voice comes over the speaker, ‘Are we ready to leave?’

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