The Revenge of the Mute Wife by Melanie Paulson

Chapter 336

Extra 28: Pride Part 1

Unfortunately, the vacation coincided with another ong of Roger's crazy schemes.

During those days, he went back to harass the company, demanding his rights as a family member and asking for complimentary jewelry for his wife and daughter.

All because Cassandra had been boasting and showing off things she didn't have... and since she couldn't prove her claims were true, she became the laughingstock among her peers, who called her a mere bastard for bearing the Peterson surname and being poor. The argument and drama escalated from verbal to physical, resulting in George being hospitalized due to a head injury.

Fortunately, he had already been discharged, but he was at home resting.

"This idiot," Jayden said upon hearing the news from his parents.

"We tried to reach you to let you know, but..." Samantha said, grimacing.

"Don't worry, Samantha, it's our fault. We chose not to check our phones."

"Grandma, is Grandpa okay?" James asked, worried.

"Elliot told me he's fine. It wasn't anything serious."

"Tch... that bastard only gives Grandpa headaches." James, Deborah scolded him.

"My son's right to call him that," Jayden declared.

"Boys, don't fight," Eric requested.

"He's right. Let's not dwell on this. Let's get changed and go see Grandpa George," Elizabeth suggested. "Yes, let's go," said the twins, who suddenly forgot their fatigue and rushed off to change their clothes, followed by the rest of the family. Once they were ready, they headed to the Peterson mansion to check on George's health.

Upon arrival, they noticed the head butler seemed somewhat upset and a bit hostile, but his demeanor changed when he saw the family.

"Madam," he smiled when he saw them.

"Hello, we just found out what happened, and..."

"Debbie!" Elliot ran to hug her, letting out a few tears because he was still holding onto the anger he felt about what had happened.

It's okay. I'm here to support you," she said, patting his back.

Thanks... Honestly, I never thought that idiot would dare to hurt Dad."

"Uncle, how's Grandpa?" James asked, distressed.

"Don't worry, kids. Grandpa is strong, and he's fine now Erika said as she approached the family. "I've already sent out some snacks for everyone. Why don't you go see him? I'm sure it'll cheer him up to see you."

"Yes," said the twins as they ran off, quickly followed by their older siblings.

"Let me guess, it wasn't just the attack at the office," Jayden said, noticing how Erika had sent the kids


"That's right. If you noticed Alastor's hostility, it's because that girl has been coming to the house to bother us," Elliot said, excusing the butler's behavior.

"Have you thought about a restraining order?" Deborah asked.

"We're already working on it."

"And how did she manage to hurt George?" Jayden inquired.

"Sir," the butler said, signaling that he had placed some drinks and snacks on the table so they could talk.

"Thank you," Erika said.

With that, they sat down to discuss how things had unfolded that day.


"Look, Dad, here are the sales reports for the new jewelry line," Elliot said, showing him the documents. "Let me see," George said, taking the papers. "Wow, these numbers..." he said, amazed. "See? And you doubted my decision to use a large gemstone."

"I take back my words," the older man said with amusement. "It's just that in my day, people didn't like to use and buy large pieces for jewelry; they bought them to use as decorations." "Well, times have changed, Dad. Now, the lovely ladies of society prefer a big diamond to adorn their neck or finger."

"I see, haha, but I still love your design.noveldrama

"Want to know something?"


"James helped me with the design of this jewelry."

"Really?" George asked, surprised.

"Yep, he suggested a small change to my drawing. He swapped out some diamonds for gold clasps to better hold the large central sapphire in the jewelry."

"My grandson has it in his blood."

"He also has a good eye for models."


"Relax, Dad, I mean he notices their bone structure so they can show off the jewelry better."

"Oh, hehe, on that, I agree with you."

"Elizabeth also helped with the clothes for the girls in the fashion show," Elliot commented. "You know, I'm thinking of offering her a job as a designer because loved how she dressed the models at the last presentation." "That's true; she's a very talented girl," the older man said.

"Yes, I can't wait to see how the twins surprise us."

"And you, my son? When will you give me a little granddaughter to spoil with jewels?"

""We're working on it, Dad, and-"

Just then, Fabian burst in, slamming the door open.

"What's wrong, young man?"

"Sorry for the interruption, sirs, but-" he started to say but couldn't finish because he was pushed.

"Move." At the sound of that voice, both father and son frowned, seeing Roger standing in front of them.

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