The Tiger Prince's Witch

Chapter 12 - Angry Witch

Anna blushed profusely at the way the others were looking at her. She then noticed that Kamryn was in a black suit and her mouth went dry. You could still see his bulging muscles, and his black hair fell slightly over his forehead. She felt herself getting hot for another reason as she looked him up and down.

"We will leave you two alone. Have fun at dinner." Jeana said as she and Elene stepped out of the room.

"Why are you so red?" Kamryn asked as he walked the few steps to her.

"Seeing you dressed like that made me feel hot." She answered with a slight grin as he smiled at her.

"I swear if we had the time, I'd take you right here right now. We'll have plenty of time after dinner, though." He leaned forward, kissing her soft lips. Anna felt her body shudder in anticipation.

"I can't wait. Are we ready to go? I want to get this over with because the witch doesn't sound pleasant. I'm sure she's going to be unhappy to see me on your arm." Kamryn shrugged.

"My parents would never let an entitled bitch be the next queen. My mother giving you the piece that looks like a tiara is her way of saying we have her support. Now let's show this witch who the next queen will be." Kamryn held his arm out to her, and she took it with a smile. Anna had no problem walking in the heels, so she assumed she must have been used to wearing them at some point.

As they made their way down the massive staircase, Anna saw a young man waiting at the bottom of the steps. He looked like Kamryn, only slightly shorter, with dark brown hair and green eyes. He smiled as they made their way to him. "Hey, big brother. I heard you met your mate. I wanted to meet her before we went in for dinner." Anna liked him immediately as she smiled.

"Angel, this is my brother Micah," Kamryn said as they shook hands.

"Nice to meet you." Micah couldn't help but stare at the beautiful woman standing next to his brother. She seemed to be glowing as she smiled at him. He was at a loss for words at first. "Nice to meet you too. Angel? I thought you lost your memory." He asked, although looking at her, she certainly looked like an angel.

"She did lose her memory, but she's my angel. So until we know her real name, we will call her Angel." Micah watched as her face turned red, and he grinned at them. He had never seen his brother look so happy. He hoped his mate was like Angel.noveldrama

"You guys ready. I hear Elsie has been giving everyone a hard time with her demands. I think dad's ready to send her flying out on her broomstick," Anna couldn't help the giggle that came bubbling out. The thought of the king throwing the witch out was something she'd like to see.

"Yep, let's introduce her to the future queen," Kamryn said as they started walking to the dining hall. Anna could hear light classical music playing as they got closer. However, someone was speaking in a shrill voice that could be heard over the soft music.

"I want to know why I wasn't given a proper dress to wear and where is my queen's wardrobe." Anna looked in the direction of the voice and saw a young woman with short dark brown hair yelling at Jeana. She was wearing a dark brown dress that had no frills. It wasn't bad, but it looked like a hand-me-down. Anna covered her mouth so her chuckle wouldn't escape.

"I can't be expected to meet Kamryn wearing such attire. I am to be the queen. Now get me something better." Elsie looked up at the three people staring at her and gasped. She was looking at the woman standing between the two large men. How did Anna get there? She felt her hopes of being queen leave her. However, her cousin was looking at her as though she had no idea who she was. She looked at the two handsome men and smiled. One of them was Kamryn, so she needed to play nice.

"Which one of you is my future king?" She asked, unable to sound polite no matter how hard she tried.

Micah stared at the woman and felt something weird happening. His heart was racing, and he felt hot. He heard Rocky purring, and then he knew.

"Mate." He said as he continued staring at Elsie.

Elsie heard what he said. However, she thought he was saying that because it was Kamryn, so she walked over to him with a smile.

"Hello, Kamryn. I'm Elsie." She fluttered her eyelashes at him with a smile as she ignored the other two.

"I'm Micah, and you're my mate." Elsie backed up and looked at the man who had his arm around Anna.

"I'm supposed to mate with Kamryn, so I can be queen. Why are you holding onto my mate?" Elsie ignored Micah and glared at Anna, not letting anyone know she knew who she was. The two brothers glanced at each other. How had she known she was supposed to mate with Kamryn? The last Spirit Energy was told she was mating with Micah.

"This is Angel, and she's my fated mate. I will no longer be mating with you. It appears that my brother is your fated mate." Kamryn said, already feeling sorry for his brother. Elsie put her hands on her hips. She realized Anna must still not have her memory; otherwise, they would know she was the one that was supposed to be with Kamryn anyway. She had to do something because she wasn't ready to give up her rightful place.

"I don't need a stupid fated mate. I need to be queen. Now I demand you get rid of her and take me as your mate." She crossed her arms defiantly, and Kamryn felt his blood boiling. Elsie took a step back when she saw his amber eyes glaring at her.

"You will make no further demands. Angel is my future queen." Kamryn pulled Anna with him as they headed in the direction of the dining hall. Elsie looked at them in shock. Why did everyone want Anna over her? It had been that way her whole life.

"Elsie, you're my mate," Micha said. He was hurt that she wasn't acknowledging him at all. It was clear all she wanted was to be queen. She turned toward him and admitted that he was handsome, but she felt nothing for him. Most witches felt a connection with their fated mates no matter what species they were. However, Elsie was very cold and hateful. She wanted no connection; she just wanted what was rightfully hers.

"I don't need a mate, but I do need to be queen." She turned on her heel and began walking in the direction Anna and Kamryn had gone. Micah felt his chest hurting. He may not be happy about Elsie being his mate, but he wanted to convince her that they could be good together if she gave him a chance. Maybe he could change her mind once she saw Kamryn wasn't going to mate with her. He followed her into the dining hall, feeling melancholy.

Anna couldn't believe the audacity of Elsie to speak to Kamryn and Micah in the way she did. She couldn't stop thinking about her. It was as though there was something familiar about her, but she didn't know what. She saw the king and queen heading their way and couldn't help to feel nervous. The last time they saw them had tried to have her taken away by guards.

"Kamryn, we owe you and your mate an apology. We're sorry we tried to force you to mate with that horrible woman. We will be sending her away the first chance we get." Lynette looked at Anna and smiled.

"That may not be as easy as you think. We met her in the hallway, and it appears that she's Micah's mate." Lynette and Randal looked at each other with dread. "Are you sure?" Randal asked his son.

"Yes. Micah declared her his mate. However, she ignored him and demanded that I get rid of Angel, so I could mate with her. Maybe he can talk sense into her, but I don't think she's going to let this rest. I felt like sending her to the dungeons to give her some humility." They all turned toward the door when they heard a commotion.

Elsie stormed into the dining hall and looked around. She was not going to be made a fool and would demand the king and queen make Kamryn mate with her. When she spotted Anna and Kamryn speaking with who she assumed was the royal couple, she stomped over to them angrily.

"I take it you're the king and queen. I want you to tell your son he will mate with me and get rid of this imposter." She looked at Anna in disgust. How dare she come in here with no memory and think she has the right to a title. She saw her cousin studying her, and she had a moment of fear that she may be getting her memory back.

"Young lady, you will not speak to anyone in this palace like that. I don't care if they are the king and I or the lowest servant. We are equals in here and treat each other with respect." Lynette looked at Elsie with her eyes narrowed in warning. "You have no right to tell me what to do. You are not the king and queen of The Spirit Energy Coven, only a bunch of cats. I treat people how I want to because it's my right as the next queen." She glared at the four staring at her. "You will not be queen in this palace. In fact, if you weren't Micah's mate, I would have you sent to the dungeons as Kamryn suggested. However, I will send you to the holding cell. Guards take her away." Randal waved four guards over. Elsie looked at them with wide eyes. She was starting to say a spell to freeze them all in place when a metal collar was placed around her neck. She knew what it was. Those collars prevented witches from casting spells. Spirit Energy did not practice black magic, but Elsie had done it behind their backs because she had bigger plans. She tried desperately to take the collar off, but it wouldn't budge. As they dragged her away, she screamed. "This isn't over. I will not stop until I'm the queen."

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